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Fernando Forestieri

DcFc Dyycheee

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2 minutes ago, Theowl said:

Official word from who ?

was rumoured by local press

then further rumours of it been dismissed by local press

why would Foresteri say anything ? 

The only true official word is fron our manager  

and our chairman as staited 

we buying not selling

but you keep believing it if you like lol  comes back down to what I said earlier 

You belive what you want to be the case


Your manager said he didn't know whether there had been a bid. That doesn't sound very convincing to me... How could he not know. Our local paper doesn't make stuff up . It's not the Sun or the Star. What " local press" has dismissed the "rumours". Forestieri could say something like .... I'm going nowhere , I am happy at Wednesday. I could believe that , Wednesday are going well. But this isn't going to go away unless he says something to deny it. 

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If FF comes it will be to play on the lm of the 3 behind the forward. Pearson wants a fluid 3 attacking midfielders behind the forward that can interchange. I trust Mackworth Ram but I can't help but feel something will go wrong in this deal but having said that even if FF goes to a premier league club, it will be a success as a promotion rival would be weakened 

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1 hour ago, Theowl said:

Owlstalk is full of poo

Dont belive everything you read

a bit like on here

people will belive what they want to hear 



58 minutes ago, Theowl said:

Hatred ?


na think you taking it a bit far there

we now just talking about FF and his bike 

we forgot about your lot ages ago ha ha 

Does that include yourself? :p

Not really sure what you expected to find in a thread about FF on here other than people discussing potential ways this could happen? Not like we are going to be talking about much else, and nobody was really expecting this to happen, until @MACKWORTHRAM posted his little tease. He does have inside information so I am just intrigued what 4:30 brings, if FF isn't in the squad who knows what will happen, but if he is you can relax a little.

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1 hour ago, Theowl said:

Powerful buyer 


trust me we could buy and pay wages equal if not greater than yourselfs

we are not the same club we was a couple of years ago 

How about in January and Nick Blackman?

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17 minutes ago, rynny said:


Does that include yourself? :p

Not really sure what you expected to find in a thread about FF on here other than people discussing potential ways this could happen? Not like we are going to be talking about much else, and nobody was really expecting this to happen, until @MACKWORTHRAM posted his little tease. He does have inside information so I am just intrigued what 4:30 brings, if FF isn't in the squad who knows what will happen, but if he is you can relax a little.

I noticed that little slip up from Theowl too. Quite telling.

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I sometimes go on other clubs boards to talk about a game, or get some local info on pubs to whatever. Never on signings. Seems pointless.

If the FF thing had never happened and it was Sheff Wed rumoured to be chasing Chris Martin, I'd sit back and trust that we don't have to sell for financial reasons, so if we did let him go it would be a footballing choice by the manager. Surely SW must be in the same position as us? The amount of time Theowl has spent on here discussing what he clearly firmly believes to be a non-sensical rumour is mad. School holidays?

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If we really want him we will get him. Simple as. Everyone has a price. Not being cocky it's the truth.

i rooted for SW as I liked the way they played and didn't want Hull to go up. Players like FF excite me, he's a good player. 

Happy days if we get him, if not we move on to the next target. There's several other good players to choose from

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10 minutes ago, needles said:

I sometimes go on other clubs boards to talk about a game, or get some local info on pubs to whatever. Never on signings. Seems pointless.

If the FF thing had never happened and it was Sheff Wed rumoured to be chasing Chris Martin, I'd sit back and trust that we don't have to sell for financial reasons, so if we did let him go it would be a footballing choice by the manager. Surely SW must be in the same position as us? The amount of time Theowl has spent on here discussing what he clearly firmly believes to be a non-sensical rumour is mad. School holidays?

He just comes on here for a hoot!

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There's an article on Sheff Wed's local paper's website and Tom Lees is asked about Forestieri and the transfer rumours. He gives the usual answers you'd expect, 'he's ignoring the speculation,' 'every club wants to keep their best players and he's one of ours,' blah blah .... but there is one slightly interesting line:

"If you are asking me, I think he really enjoys playing here but it is probably nothing to do with that. It is obviously down to him and the club."

That doesn't sound to me like there's absolutely no chance of it happening.


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2 hours ago, Theowl said:

Omg you guys still think he is coming ?

Itk *sigh 


There are people on here whose entire life revolves around the written words of people claiming to be 'in the know'.

It's entirely faith-based, and on the odd occasion when something occurs to suggest that they truly were 'in the know' (i.e. when one of a hundred lucky guesses hits the mark), then such an occurrence is greeted as if it were a miracle, and the messenger lauded as though they were a prophet.


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11 minutes ago, eddie said:

There are people on here whose entire life revolves around the written words of people claiming to be 'in the know'.

It's entirely faith-based, and on the odd occasion when something occurs to suggest that they truly were 'in the know' (i.e. when one of a hundred lucky guesses hits the mark), then such an occurrence is greeted as if it were a miracle, and the messenger lauded as though they were a prophet.


''The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the iniquities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. Blessed is he, who in the name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of darkness, for he is truly his brother’s keeper and the finder of lost children. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who would attempt to poison and destroy my brothers. And you will know my name is the Lord when I lay my vengeance upon thee''.  :lol:


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I'd be disappointed if Forestieri was in the Sheff Wed line up.

Not because it meant we weren't signing him, I'd never thought that was likely. 

But because @MACKWORTHRAM would have to take his source somewhere quiet and do unspeakable things to him. 

"Always so reliable... a shame."

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