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2000 likes challenge


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In the vein of my recent attention seeking/light trolling posts, I've decided this morning to set myself a fun dcfcfans challenge of reaching 2000 likes with 1000 posts by the end of the year. 

As of right now, I have 706 posts (707 including this one) with only 724 likes, which means over the next 293 posts, I need to accumulate 1276 likes, or approximately  4.4 likes per post. This will probably require lots of research on my part as to what sort of posts pick up the most likes (b4 style battle cries? photoshops? paul jewell polls?). To raise the stakes a tiny bit, if I succeed I'll donate $100 to a suggested charity - whereas if I fail, I'll donate $100 to something awful like a neo-nazi organization or Adam Johnson's defense fund as punishment to myself (I definitely won't actually do that).

To get the ball rolling, and hopefully shamelessly reach my 4.4 likes for this post, here's an old photoshop I did of Phil Brown over a Meet the Browns poster.


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18 minutes ago, Mostyn6 said:

I made a challenge to myself to get better ratio than 1:2 for likes, as I was behind, now I'm pretty far ahead in the last few months.

I found that well-written rants got lots of likes.

You should be able to nail it on your one-liners to be honest.

wondered why you'd stopped posting rubbish. ?

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2 minutes ago, Srg said:

Who has the lowest likes to posts ratio with people above 1,000 posts? I.e. who's really unfunny and a bit of a nob?

That's a good question.

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