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a message to clemment


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Come on let the lads play stop holding back we are to slow moving the ball around we need to be quicker we are sitting to deep at the back at the back. Were has this hit and move football gone forcing everyone forward forcing all the oppersition on the back foot.

We need get back to the football that beat hull city dont show the oppersition any respect and keep attacking it alright playing ugly football if you cant get into there half. 

There is a reason why bradly johnson can not play holding role as he get swapied before he get chance to move forward with the ball he better when he can bomb forward with the ball and beat other players creating room for geouge thorn and butterfield to spray the ball into stead of passing the ball backwards side to side all that does is give oppersition to sit back and figure out our style of play.

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While it's clear that Clement has his own views on how we should play, and it's totally at his discretion on how he plays, it would be nicer to see a little more advancement. I know we play a solid possession based tactic, but some of our best wins (Hull and Ipswich away) have been when we have had less of the poss. Middlesbrough, for example, dominated Brighton in a 3-0 away win with only 38% possession, proving that not only can it be done, but when done right it is super effective. I bet they didn't string 14 consecutive passes between their CB's that game.

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2 minutes ago, Simsy said:

clement is going to look at this forum and think b4 is a genius! hunt him down then ask him to join his coaching staff for 2k pw    :ph34r:

Brilliant Lololololol. 

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2 hours ago, Simsy said:

clement is going to look at this forum and think b4 is a genius! hunt him down then ask him to have an afternoon nap  :ph34r:


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Even have an afternoon nap?

not sure i want my centre half to be the sort of bloke who has an afternoon nap?

i think i'd rather he demolished an outdoor toilet,

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22 minutes ago, B4ev6is said:

Hey guys if they came asking for my help i would do everything in my power to make sure we get the


That dramatic pause was phenomenal. 

As a half fan, personally, I am more interested in a style that wins than one that entertains (except when they're on TV) - but as the points have dried up over the last few games I don't think it's unreasonably to ask for a change that would, on the face of it, at least increase our chances of scoring goals and therefore winning games.

And whether you feel like the players are being held back or not, I don't think we can criticise Clement without asking the players to pull their fingers out. They are not blameless. 


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Clement needs to learn out to get the best out of his attacking options. If he can tap into that resource then I won't have to be such a miserable ******. 

Problem is, for 95% of this season we've looked an absolute shadow of what we should be or even what we've been in the past couple of years. 

He's a smart guy and he knows how to grind out results, ala Billy Davies, but I just feel like we're constantly stuck in second gear. I don't know the problem, but it's clear to see the attacking players are singing from a completely different hymn sheet. 

I guess my message to him would be to pick the phone up and ask McClaren just exactly what he did to get the best out of Ince, Martin...etc If he can do that, whilst keeping his defensive organisation, he will be able to win promotion at the first time of asking! 

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1 hour ago, Ambitious said:

Clement needs to learn out to get the best out of his attacking options. If he can tap into that resource then I won't have to be such a miserable ******. 

Problem is, for 95% of this season we've looked an absolute shadow of what we should be or even what we've been in the past couple of years. 

He's a smart guy and he knows how to grind out results, ala Billy Davies, but I just feel like we're constantly stuck in second gear. I don't know the problem, but it's clear to see the attacking players are singing from a completely different hymn sheet. 

I guess my message to him would be to pick the phone up and ask McClaren just exactly what he did to get the best out of Ince, Martin...etc If he can do that, whilst keeping his defensive organisation, he will be able to win promotion at the first time of asking! 

That's the key question though Ambitious can we do both? Perhaps they are mutually exclusive? To be a bit more creative going forward we have to sacrifice the defensive solidity or to be as solid as we had been defensively we couldn't be so gung ho in attack. I think his tinkering with 4-2-3-1 was an effort to do both, but the initial efforts did not work, so what now....

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Can I add something to your message please b4?


The fact that Birmingham scored from a corner shows that it does not always work.

Plus it only means more pressure if we clear the corner.

I remember when Mac first came he would leave 2 or 3 on the halfway line meaning the opposition would have to leave 3 or 4 defenders back.

Surely the less opponents we have in our box the less chance we have of conceding?

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1 hour ago, G STAR RAM said:

Can I add something to your message please b4?


The fact that Birmingham scored from a corner shows that it does not always work.

Plus it only means more pressure if we clear the corner.

I remember when Mac first came he would leave 2 or 3 on the halfway line meaning the opposition would have to leave 3 or 4 defenders back.

Surely the less opponents we have in our box the less chance we have of conceding?

didn't work because Lee Grant was one of those 11.

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58 minutes ago, Srg said:

didn't work because Lee Grant was one of those 11.

I thought it was Bradley Johnson's man that won the header unchallenged?

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