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Conspiracy Theories


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The biggest conspiracy of all time is that there is a god up above controlling everything that happens down here, and millions of people have fallen for it. They waste their lives going to big cold buildings praying for whatever and then being good and still dying whenever their body has had enough. 

There is no god, guys, it's a conspiracy. You will die and like every other piece of meat held up with bone you will either rot or burn, end of. No after life no reincarnation (don't even get me started on that) , nothing.


The Dianna one is also quite believable. And Hewitt is Harry's dad :D



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2 hours ago, rezner said:

The biggest conspiracy of all time is that there is a god up above controlling everything that happens down here, and millions of people have fallen for it. They waste their lives going to big cold buildings praying for whatever and then being good and still dying whenever their body has had enough. 

There is no god, guys, it's a conspiracy. You will die and like every other piece of meat held up with bone you will either rot or burn, end of. No after life no reincarnation (don't even get me started on that) , nothing.


The Dianna one is also quite believable. And Hewitt is Harry's dad :D



The biggest con that has ever convinced people is that you need religion to be good. To be blunt about it, people who state that you need religion to be "good" genuinely scare me. I mean, yes, they should keep believing what they believe if it keeps them being a functional part of society, but boy is a scary thought to think that people only treat other people and creatures well because they're frightened by the thought of their particular deity's punishment.

Personally though, I have no issues with people having their religions, they just shouldn't force them on other people. 


Also, that is a great picture. 

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The thing is, conspiracy theories are about mad blind faith rather than evidence.

Suppose someone believes a UFO has crashed somewhere in the Peak District and they go to find the site. They find nothing. Instead of thinking, "oh, I was wrong and there was no crash", they'll think that the government got there first, removed the evidence and covered the crash up. There's nothing that can be done to convince them to change their minds.

I was once in a cab where the driver didn't beileve 9/11 was a terrorist attack. He said all the evidence was simply planted and it was the Jews who were behind it. I tried to explain to him that, whatever evidence was found and revealed to the public, he could use the same argument, so no evidence would ever convince him that he was wrong.

Love the Harry picture. Hewitt did try it on with my girlfriend once. She said he was very charming. Obviously not in the same league as me...

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3 hours ago, Inglorius said:

Has someone been reading David Icke's Facebook page again 

One of our posters probably writes for it.

Silly paedophile rings seem to be all the rage these days. 

What was the one in some part of London last year? A mother claimed her ex was part of some paedophile ring and they had abused her kids among many others. She made a video where she interviewed the kids. It turns out she doped the kids up on cannabis stew and got them to lie. There's still people prattling on about it though.

3 minutes ago, StringerBell said:

One of our posters probably writes for it.

Silly paedophile rings seem to be all the rage these days. 

What was the one in some part of London last year? A mother claimed her ex was part of some paedophile ring and they had abused her kids among many others. She made a video where she interviewed the kids. It turns out she doped the kids up on cannabis stew and got them to lie. There's still people prattling on about it though.

Sometimes this merging is annoying. That's supposed to be two posts. The Jews probably did it.

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On 5 November 2015 18:47:28, uttoxram75 said:

If i really had to name one it would be David Kelly.

Summart well dodgy about that.


I remember years ago stories about the security forces supposingly plotting against an elected British Prime Minister, Harold Wilson.

It was all dismissed at the time but i think it came out some time ago that it was true.

According to 'Spycatcher' it was true.

and also that Edward Heath put a stop to it.

the big lump went up in my estimations immediately.

On 6 November 2015 09:28:43, rezner said:



The ears are different......cough.

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On 11/6/2015, 9:28:43, rezner said:

The biggest conspiracy of all time is that there is a god up above controlling everything that happens down here, and millions of people have fallen for it. They waste their lives going to big cold buildings praying for whatever and then being good and still dying whenever their body has had enough. 

There is no god, guys, it's a conspiracy. You will die and like every other piece of meat held up with bone you will either rot or burn, end of. No after life no reincarnation (don't even get me started on that) , nothing.


The Dianna one is also quite believable. And Hewitt is Harry's dad :D



Amen to that brother!!!  Cannot stand religious nuts, trying to reason with them drives me crackers.  "Why does God allow millions to die from starvation, or let his servants fiddle with kids?" - "He's testing your faith".  "What about natural disasters?" - "It's all part of his plan" AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!

Anybody catch that KKK doc on the BBC the other week???  Now those guys are insane, one of their grand masters was convinced that black people only came into being when the Europeans explored the African continent and, through home-sickness, started shagging apes!!!  

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Those who believe the moon landings are a hoax are like shining intellectuals compared to those that believe that the moon is in fact fake.  A hologram or something.  For what reason, i don't know.  At least some of the lunar landing hoax nutcases presumably believe there was a least a moon there for them not to land on. 

Are there any conspiracy theories that have in fact turned out to be true ?

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29 minutes ago, Highgate said:

Those who believe the moon landings are a hoax are like shining intellectuals compared to those that believe that the moon is in fact fake.  A hologram or something.  For what reason, i don't know.  At least some of the lunar landing hoax nutcases presumably believe there was a least a moon there for them not to land on. 

Are there any conspiracy theories that have in fact turned out to be true ?

Apart from Harry Hewitt & the fake moon, you mean?.

Nah, doubt it, though of course it's surely impossible for something to be defined as really true for everyone. How much evidence do some people need of the holocaust before they will accept it as fact?.

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5 hours ago, StringerBell said:

Indestructible Syrian passports is now apparently one.

I'm not sure of the exact context here, but generally in an explosion some objects, particularly light ones, just get flung off with minimal damage. It's one of the most horrifying things about aviation accidents, there will be personal artefacts scattered about  with little to no damage, even great distances from the incident. 

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3 hours ago, Albert said:

I'm not sure of the exact context here, but generally in an explosion some objects, particularly light ones, just get flung off with minimal damage. It's one of the most horrifying things about aviation accidents, there will be personal artefacts scattered about  with little to no damage, even great distances from the incident. 

I think he's referring to the Paris atrocity. One of the perpetrators accidentally left a passport behind. Just like 9/11. They are careless, aren't they? 

Didn't the SAS guy who was paid off to burn down Belle Vue do the same thing? Some geniuses out there...

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Thing is it's probably quite likely that they were Syrians but things like this which could be so easily planted/made up just seem unnecessary from the Government.

I mean there's probably quite a lot of support for bombing the **** out of Syria as it is, without needing to 'prove' the attackers came from there.

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19 minutes ago, GboroRam said:

I think he's referring to the Paris atrocity. One of the perpetrators accidentally left a passport behind. Just like 9/11. They are careless, aren't they? 

Didn't the SAS guy who was paid off to burn down Belle Vue do the same thing? Some geniuses out there...

The Paris attacks is what I meant. According to reports it was found near the body of one of the bombers, which would suggest that it was flung off of them during the attack, which again is not unexpected. 

It's not carelessness, if you have a small object on you in an explosion, it's very possible for it to survive due to the way that explosions work. It doesn't just vaporise things or burn them. 

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2 hours ago, Albert said:

The Paris attacks is what I meant. According to reports it was found near the body of one of the bombers, which would suggest that it was flung off of them during the attack, which again is not unexpected. 

It's not carelessness, if you have a small object on you in an explosion, it's very possible for it to survive due to the way that explosions work. It doesn't just vaporise things or burn them. 

Yep. Suicide bombers often have several body parts that have been torn off but themselves remain intact. These body parts (heads, arms, feet) must have been robotic. Android suicide bombers!

Its all over Twitter though, including from our very own TroyDyer (surprise surprise) inferring that this passport was planted.

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3 minutes ago, StringerBell said:

Yep. Suicide bombers often have several body parts that have been torn off but themselves remain intact. These body parts (heads, arms, feet) must have been robotic. Android suicide bombers!

Its all over Twitter though, including from our very own TroyDyer (surprise surprise) inferring that this passport was planted.

Troy spreading conspiracy theories, who'd have guessed? 

It's the usual story though. The Moon Landing Conspiracy theories is the perfect study in it to be honest. People take a topic they don't understand, find something they don't understand, and from that infer that something fishy is going on. 

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7 minutes ago, Albert said:

Troy spreading conspiracy theories, who'd have guessed? 

It's the usual story though. The Moon Landing Conspiracy theories is the perfect study in it to be honest. People take a topic they don't understand, find something they don't understand, and from that infer that something fishy is going on. 

It's almost as if some people have an agenda.

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