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Time for a new club anthem?

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This would sound great with 4500 in the south stand belting it out. Maybe changing...come on baby to ...come on Derby.

I enjoyed that the other day watching the game.... Maybe make a song like that our anthem. Have to admit I like Lost that loving feeling from the red dogs.....

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Not sure about a new club anthem but I have felt for sometimes some boisterous singing of the Ballard of the Derby Ram during the game would be great and unique to us!

Loads of examples of the song on YouTube- here's one-


​Anyone got a banjo (and a big ass amp?!)

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Its part of the club, stadium etc.

If you don't like it then support someone else or keep your mouth shtum.

People need to sing it! Far too many people cant be bothered, bet this attitude gets relayed to the team.

I say turn the volume down so we can hear us singing to make it better.

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Its part of the club, stadium etc.

If you don't like it then support someone else or keep your mouth shtum.

People need to sing it! Far too many people cant be bothered, bet this attitude gets relayed to the team.

I say turn the volume down so we can hear us singing to make it better.

​A better idea get Niall and his pals to record an acoustic version for night games, will fit well with all the phone lights we keep seeing, will be just like a 1D concert then. You in?

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Football anthems like Liverpool or West Ham have are deeply entrenched in the last 30 or 40 years of their history. We...sadly...just are not good at this stuff.... I love listening to West Ham fans singing Bubbles or Man City doing Blue Moon. 

For whatever reason we just have not identified ourselves with music or songs in the same way as other clubs. 

I work in music branding, licensing and content and worked with Tom Glick and the club for a long time with music in all areas of the stadium. I may as well have just pi$$ed a year away. The understanding of how music works, tempo, volume, vibe etc was totally over the heads of certain people at the club. They thought they knew better. Shame. 

I work with Liverpool, Arsenal, Wembley, Bayern Munich and Real Madrid along with over 300 global businesses from Harrods to Madisson Square Garden. 

Derby County knew better.... Or some did. 

In a context to understand better... It was akin to being the groundsman at Wimbledon or Lords brought in to fix the stadium surface and being told by some marketing/ events bod " but we don't mow our lawn at home like that"!! 


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Does anyone remember the build up to kick off v Brighton in the playoffs?

I remember the fans chose the music, but did they shut the music off for 10 mins and tell everyone to wave their scarves?

I can't remember but the stadium was crackling when the players emerged.

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Football anthems like Liverpool or West Ham have are deeply entrenched in the last 30 or 40 years of their history. We...sadly...just are not good at this stuff.... I love listening to West Ham fans singing Bubbles or Man City doing Blue Moon. 

For whatever reason we just have not identified ourselves with music or songs in the same way as other clubs. 

I work in music branding, licensing and content and worked with Tom Glick and the club for a long time with music in all areas of the stadium. I may as well have just pi$$ed a year away. The understanding of how music works, tempo, volume, vibe etc was totally over the heads of certain people at the club. They thought they knew better. Shame. 

I work with Liverpool, Arsenal, Wembley, Bayern Munich and Real Madrid along with over 300 global businesses from Harrods to Madisson Square Garden. 

Derby County knew better.... Or some did. 

In a context to understand better... It was akin to being the groundsman at Wimbledon or Lords brought in to fix the stadium surface and being told by some marketing/ events bod " but we don't mow our lawn at home like that"!! 


​You should try again.

Candy Crush Gulag may be more receptive than Appleby Towers.

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The same people still work in media and marketing Ramesses... I actually wanted to help my club but it wasn't helpable... 

Big fish in little pond syndrome. I was beyond annoyed and my business backers and partners were too. Better to just be a fan than involved in business with them. 

Tom Glick, Andy Appelby and Sam Rush are fine people to converse and tackle issues with. No problem there. It's the hand down to senior management in relative departments... 

" if it's not in MY iTunes then it can't be any good"... 


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This topic has probably been done to death but i haven't been on here long, so i wouldn't know! :D

Is anyone else bored to tears of Steve Bloomers Watching song? Its bloody dreadful,  Lame lyrics, lame tune, and to top it off this years version has increased in speed half way through, throwing the timing of the clap and singing completely off.

Simply no one bothers even singing anymore. Its blasted out every game pre kick off and the only time this song generates any noise is against Forest. it doesn't get me fired up before a match, in fact it has the opposite effect, it deflates me!

Anyone else agree its time for a change?!

...this sounds more dramatic that i intended it to lol. If you could change the club anthem, what would you change it too?

U wot m8??

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The same people still work in media and marketing Ramesses... I actually wanted to help my club but it wasn't helpable... 

Big fish in little pond syndrome. I was beyond annoyed and my business backers and partners were too. Better to just be a fan than involved in business with them. 

Tom Glick, Andy Appelby and Sam Rush are fine people to converse and tackle issues with. No problem there. It's the hand down to senior management in relative departments... 

" if it's not in MY iTunes then it can't be any good"... 


​Well I have to agree with that. 

If we can't find an ABBA song that works for us, I'm not interested :D

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