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The 1884 Group

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11 hours ago, ilkleyram said:

I'm sure that there must be a comment somewhere by someone else but it sounded like Steve Bloomer's watching had been re-recorded at a faster speed on Saturday and is much better for that. Almost everyone clapping in time until the last few notes. Much better.

Unless they had the record on 78 by mistake 

Me and my mate thought this! We're always moaning how we can never sing in time after the first line but I actually thought it was the best i'd heard on Saturday!

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15 hours ago, The 1884 Group said:

Going to have a quick count prematch tomorrow, I'm sure some got taken though.

If you can explain to those who don't know any better, that would be great.

Love that Mel said double the flags! Only £2000 needed!!

After his 458million he got today i say 5 flags per person would be good enough.





Some one else can do the riveting though.....

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On 2 November 2015 at 22:30:26, The 1884 Group said:

I'm sure he would too but I don't think he should.

I think there's enough of us to raise it ourselves. Only 154 people have donated so far which is very low numbers.

We have 23000 STH. Let's say half of them don't like what we're doing and another quarter can't afford to donate. That still leaves 6000 people. 34p each would take us over £2000!!

We hope to do a matchday collection soon but charities collect around the ground and it wouldn't be right to detract from them.

Having said all that, we don't want to pressure anyone into donating, it should be something people want to do so please don't take this as money grubbing!!

If anyone does want to help,

www.gofundme.com. com/1884group 

I can even set up a direct debit if you'd like to give a little each month, just email 1884group@Gmail.com and I can sort that.

Before anyone asks, all 4 of us have donated continually too!

Last thing, we usually head to the fan park before the match, always happy to have a chat!

If it's 34p you are looking for, I will put my hand down the back of my armchair.

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9 hours ago, Ewe Ram said:

People stealing the flags :(

i despair of some people 

Not many went, but still a little disappointing.

Having said that, the stewards were incredible, stopping people taking them, AND collecting them in, plus all the people collecting them in after the match, absolutely brilliant!!

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