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I have become overweight :rolleyes:

so last week I decided to start running, firstly I ran about 50yds and thought I heard the man upstairs calling, I had to stop because my heart was either going to pop or my lungs were ready to explode, on top of this I have the worst shin splints I have ever had, now my weight should be about 10-11 stone and I tipped the scales at 16 stone :angry:(don't worry I took the scales back)

does anybody have any advice to lower my weight and increase fitness levels, I have started also because I have had chest pains lately and thought a good fitness regime should help me.

any advice on what works for you would be great ?

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Skipping mate, swear by it.

Makes you smile once you get better at it, when you get fed up of the normal skip try to throw in a double or a cross over... you'll get addicted and the weight will drop off you. 

When I started I could only do a couple of minutes. Now a year and a half later I can skip full pelt in different styles for half an hour.

Smoke 20 a day but can out run most at work.

Get cracking fatty!

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I have become overweight :rolleyes:

so last week I decided to start running, firstly I ran about 50yds and thought I heard the man upstairs calling, I had to stop because my heart was either going to pop or my lungs were ready to explode, on top of this I have the worst shin splints I have ever had, now my weight should be about 10-11 stone and I tipped the scales at 16 stone :angry:(don't worry I took the scales back)

does anybody have any advice to lower my weight and increase fitness levels, I have started also because I have had chest pains lately and thought a good fitness regime should help me.

any advice on what works for you would be great ?

​How tall are you?

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Skipping mate, swear by it.

Makes you smile once you get better at it, when you get fed up of the normal skip try to throw in a double or a cross over... you'll get addicted and the weight will drop off you. 

When I started I could only do a couple of minutes. Now a year and a half later I can skip full pelt in different styles for half an hour.

Smoke 20 a day but can out run most at work.

Get cracking fatty!

​i'll try that, thank you sir

I will probably knock myself out with my moobs :D

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I have become overweight :rolleyes:

so last week I decided to start running, firstly I ran about 50yds and thought I heard the man upstairs calling, I had to stop because my heart was either going to pop or my lungs were ready to explode, on top of this I have the worst shin splints I have ever had, now my weight should be about 10-11 stone and I tipped the scales at 16 stone :angry:(don't worry I took the scales back)

does anybody have any advice to lower my weight and increase fitness levels, I have started also because I have had chest pains lately and thought a good fitness regime should help me.

any advice on what works for you would be great ?

​Firstly get yourself to the docs pronto if you've been having chest pains. Not a good idea to start exercising strenuously without getting checked out first.

Secondly, don't run before you can walk. Build up with brisk walking and occasional jogs.

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Losing weight is 70% diet, 30% fitness. It's simple - burn more calories than you eat - it doesn't matter if you get these calories by McDonalds or by eating salads.

Cardio is there to there to burn calories - after your 10 minute run or whatever you've burnt that many and it stops there. However, you should lift weights instead - you might burn less calories in the same time frame but you'll be constantly be repairing and growing your muscles after you've finished - which means burning more calories while doing **** all!

I can write you up a simple plan doing weights if you're interested - I used to be 5ft7, 14.5 stone with a 38 inch waist. I bought this down to 11 and a 30 inch waist (Although I've put some back on recently!) but I am by no means a PT.

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I used to be very active, I had trials for notts county and the rams and whilst I was with notts county I was slid into and my knee cap popped to the rear of my knee, I have now had my knee displaced 23 times on one knee and 18 on the other so in my head fitness equals pain (kneecaps), I prefer any exercise without lateral movement because my knee would just pop. I am recovering well with my knees so gentle running is helping, i don't eat poorly all honesty, i eat porridge for breaky and then soup for lunch, and three veg and protein but my worse time for eating is 7-30/8-00pm and the chocolate comes out :angry:

i have just ordered a multigym :D

thanks for the advice guys, relating to my heart i do get worked up, my job is highly stressful and is under continual intense scrutiny (FCA)


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Try the NHS Couch to 5K programme.


I know a lot who have taken that step and really improved their overall fitness, probably from worst positions than you. Find yourself your local parkrun (there are about 300 around the country). It is every Saturday at 9am and you can run it, run/walk it or walk it.

All the above is free and works.

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HIIT- google it, it works

Steady state cardio- cycling is great for this

Weights- you don't need to go mad but should definitely be incorporated into your routine

Diet- as stated above, this needs to be kept on top of or you'll be wasting your time

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I found that going straight into running put pressure on my joints and lower back, so I eased in with rowing and the exercise bike as there's no real impact on the body like there is running.

sadly, if your knees are a bit fooked, rowing and cycling might not be much of an option, but they work for me to get a little bit off then treadmill can kick in.

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Just be aware that as you convert fat to muscle and energy your weight will increase before the decrease.

As well as any potential exercise you will also need to address your diet, I suggest you start a food diary and write down everything that you eat or drink, including water.  Where possible try and record weight / volume.

Once you understand what you are putting into your body then you can address the food groups you need to decrease or increase.  Its all about balance.

More specifically, sedentary men ages 19 to 30 need 2,400 to 2,600 calories; 31- to 50-year-old men require 2,200 to 2,400 calories; and sedentary men over the age of 50 need 2,000 to 2,200 calories each day to maintain a healthy body weight.  What I would advise is that you reduce your calorie intake by 10-20% whilst slowly introduce a exercise plan.  Like Wolfie said, start with a walk to the point where you feel a little fatigued.

The reason for the decrease in calories and the slow intro to exercise is that your body will start burning fat from the inside first, so fat stored in the liver and around the heart will go firest and most will go to strengthen your now active muscles, hence weight increase.  Once your muscles are stronger you will be able to do more and start to burn your visable fat.

If you feel hungry, drink some water or graze on veggy's like celery, it will fill you up, but you will burn more cals that it gives you. 

Should see good results in 12-18 months



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I am stuck in front of computer screens for almost the entire day, i am in finance.

What job/proffession do you have? If you dont mind me asking.

A good start is to work out how active you are before including exercise. You can then work out what sort of calorific deficit you need.

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Yes good idea, i have got high blood pressure and in my next review i shall ask for an MOT

​Firstly get yourself to the docs pronto if you've been having chest pains. Not a good idea to start exercising strenuously without getting checked out first.

Secondly, don't run before you can walk. Build up with brisk walking and occasional jogs.

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