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Adam Johnson arrested


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I did a bit of internet detective work when this happened. I found out who the girl is, where she lived etc. Even found her ******* exam results! From what I seen - I think AJ is guilty.

Before anyone asks I will not give anyone clues or information as it's against the law to.

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I did a bit of internet detective work when this happened. I found out who the girl is, where she lived etc. Even found her ******* exam results! From what I seen - I think AJ is guilty.

Before anyone asks I will not give anyone clues or information as it's against the law to.

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​did you find out the circumstance of their 'encounter'?

Was she in her school uniform, on the park playing with her dollies when she was approached by Johnson offering her sweeties? Was she in a nightclub, pretending to be 18+, dollied up and drunk? Or was it somewhere in between?

To me, he can genuinely only be guilty if there was knowledge of her age, or even suspicion.

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​I never expected this from him to be honest, I know we don't know what goes on behind closed doors or what players are really like as a person but he seemed like a decent guy,  obviously not. Deserves all the punishment he gets and I'm sure he will never play football again and he shouldn't be allowed to anyway.

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The only defence people could have had for him is that perhaps he met her out, she looked 18+ and it was only afterwards he found out she wasn't.

But for three cases of sexual activity AND grooming is disgusting and deserves all he gets. And the sad thing is he's played for Sunderland since being on bail. They'll probably go down and he'll never play football again.

I don't know the sort of sentences for this sort of crime but he's a few months off 28, so he'll surely be older than 30 when he's released. Is anyone going to take a punt on a 30+ year old child abuser?

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Why is the Grooming bit so shocking?. All it means is that he built up an emotional connection with a child. How is that worse than the under-age sex?. Is it better to have under-age sex with no emotional connection?

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Why is the Grooming bit so shocking?. All it means is that he built up an emotional connection with a child. How is that worse than the under-age sex?. Is it better to have under-age sex with no emotional connection?

​I think what is shocking is initially it was probably thought as a one off case where he may or may not have been in full knowledge. Whereas now it's several offences including grooming which shows he knew exactly what he was doing and his full intention was to sleep with a girl he knew was underage.

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Just playing devils advocate here, but everyone's ready to hang him as the devil incarnate, so someone has to. 

Its probably a case similar to a teacher sleeping with an under age girl. They'll have formed a relationship, that then turned into a sexual one. And if she'd not been underage it probably would have been a lovely love story. I feel for these teachers sometimes.

which is not to say it's right. Johnson is the responsible adult in the situation and should absolutely be able to put a stop to it when it gets a bit far. But even 14-15 year olds can know exactly what they're doing. Unfortunately in the eyes of the law, they do not know what they're doing, and it's therefore the responsibility of te adult to make the right decisions.

he needs to be punished. He's done very wrong. But the fact he's accused of 'grooming' doesn't mean he's just bop her on the head, ha his wicked way, and then moved onto the next one. It means he's probably formed a relationship with the one girl, and then done something remarkably stupid. He's a very silly boy, and he will be severely punished, but he is not a creature of pure malevolence and evil, he's just an idiot (if indeed it happened anything like I described).

so rests the case for the defense, m'lud.


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Having said that, before I'm crucified, I'm talking like she's an older 15 year old or 16 year old. I do think 14 is way too young in anyone's books (apart from Jerry Lee lewis'), and he's crossed a pretty serious line there. That's just a bit weird. 

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Depends on the circumstances.

But I have a friend who dated a minor. had sex with her while she was a minor... And now they're happily married.

Who is to say Adam Johnson and this minor weren't in love? Chances are they were not, but I don't like how the media and whatnot have already painted him to be monstor without the relative detail.

He was 'grooming' her? Could it not be he was falling in love with her? 

Fair trial is needed here folks.

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Why is the Grooming bit so shocking?. All it means is that he built up an emotional connection with a child. How is that worse than the under-age sex?. Is it better to have under-age sex with no emotional connection?

grooming does not mean building an emotional connection, well not always a mutual one anyway.

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