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The S*n saying we face FA charges over the fan incident


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Key point of game...stewards were nowhere near him. First steward in scene......decide d's to grab a florist player who is holding the fan.

Not stewards fault per se, but they certainly never covered themselves in glory ..at all

23 games to watch footy, one game to be on the ball. And that game needed their attention most at final whistles incredible really.

Will have told people to sit down all game long, on a power trip. Chance to shine.....left wanting

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I was very surprised to see Nottingham Forest Football Club players assaulting the errant fan.


Has anyone made a complaint to  the Chief Constable of Derbyshire Constabulary?


They will have to investigate and either charge or give reasons why not.

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Surely it will just be a financial fine though.

I know it's extremely unlikely (and I mean extremely) and we were deducted points for it, I think all hell would break lose.

The idiot who did it should just be banned for life. Pathetic how our whole fan base are being ridiculed for the actions of a few idiots! Just think, people today will be viewing us as in the same bracket as Leeds and Millwall fans!

The amount of fans embarrassing themselves on Twitter last night was pathetic also!

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We'll get a fine. The stewards were busy dealing with forest fans trying to get on the pitch but its the clubs responsibility to ensure there are enough stewards to deal with all potential incidents. Yes its harsh when it's one sausagehead's actions but the club are responsible for player safety as TroyDyer says and the FA will make that clear when handing us a fine. 

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I was very surprised to see Nottingham Forest Football Club players assaulting the errant fan.

Has anyone made a complaint to the Chief Constable of Derbyshire Constabulary?

They will have to investigate and either charge or give reasons why not.

Mate,do not think of trying to defend the muppet of a fan

He deserved what he got,end of!!!

If he wasn't on the pitch,he wouldn't need to worry about it

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I'd like to see charges pressed against the red dog players who then proceeded to give the man numerous kicks over his body when he was restrained by stewards. Not called for, that Osborn gave him a nasty one in the back. They should get down for assault aswell.

Fully deserved too!

Should have kicked the **** harder

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The club will get a big fine for failing to ensure the safety of the players. Fortunately, because it is the first time that it's happened for a while I doubt we'll get anything worse. If it is repeated in the next couple of seasons we'll end up playing behind closed doors and having a points deduction.


Absolutely no blame can be attached to the Forest players - they were left to do the job of the stewards and had no way of knowing if the idiot had a knife. They would have been perfectly justified in knocking the prat unconscious.


Yesterday was a bad day - not only did the team produce their worst 45 minutes of football under the present management and lost, deservedly, to our main rivals, but some ********* who call themselves Derby County fans have tarnished our reputation and left the club walking a disciplinary tightrope - ******!


If any of the aforementioned ****** are reading this - just grow up. It's football; it's meant to be entertaining. The rubbish days like yesterday make the brilliant all the better. It's fun to tease Forest fans when they struggle, but the flipside is that you have to take the banter back when it's us that mess-up.

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The club will get a big fine for failing to ensure the safety of the players. Fortunately, because it is the first time that it's happened for a while I doubt we'll get anything worse. If it is repeated in the next couple of seasons we'll end up playing behind closed doors and having a points deduction.


Say worse case they do play behind closed doors. What happens to season tickets, do we get a refund. ??

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He should face charges of assault aswell as being banned for life.


A ban isnt easy to uphold i guess, but 100 hours community service might make him realise what an idiot he was.


If he got kicked by forest players then good on them.

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Let's not try and make Forest out to be the bad guys here. If someone came and assaulted me at work I would like to think that I would be able to retaliate. Just wish they had kicked the tw4t a bit harder!

To play Devils advocate if a "customer" was abusive & or violent and you retaliated then you'd probably be sacked!

Not saying that's what should happen, but it's the relality of it! But whatever people's opinions we all know football isn't like any other workplace!

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