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The Fawaz Circus 2015


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Well done Forest, deserved to win, but playing well about once every 10 games won't get you very far. The best news is that Pearce will now keep his job for a few more weeks, thus rendering it impossible for Forest to get into the play off mix this season!

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Haha, I don't want to ruin your day you Forest lot, but...


Wigan and Millwall (last season) also beat us at the Ipro and have remained sh!te since.


IMO, and again I don't want to ruin it for you, but I saw nothing from you to suggest that you will all of a sudden turn it around and go on a good run. It was the same aimless longballs to the channels all day long.


In the second half you fully deserved it, but playing like that every week doesn't have a positive future on the whole. You'll end up coming up against another longball outfit like Birmingham and they'll just be better at it than you.

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In the second half you fully deserved it, but playing like that every week doesn't have a positive future on the whole. You'll end up coming up against another longball outfit like Birmingham and they'll just be better at it than you.


Birmingham are changing man!

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Bet it was a plastic fan, the one game a year type who is stuck in the past and makes out he was a major player in the DLF, though he was only 9 at the time.

Arrest him, press charges, fine him and ban him. Also inform his employer, or cut his benefits. People like that are nobodies hiding in a crowd trying to be a somebody for all the wrong reasons.

If you have to resort to physical or verbal abuse to justify your existance, you are using up oxygen that could be better used elsewhere. Waste of biologial material.

Well I never

I've just agreed with something you ve said

Well said

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Let the Forest guys have their moment, as this is the highlight of their season.


The next four months they will just toddle along, winning some scrappy matches, losing others and basically hovering around midtable.


As for us, let's be honest, we have bigger fish to fry and I certainly don't mind losing to Forest if it has little impact on us getting promoted.


If that was the last game of the season ad we needed a point to go up automatically, I'd probably be a bit annoyed. But as it's just a January game, we still have everything to play for whereas they have little to play for.

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Massive difference in the two halves today. 1st half we were out-playing Forest in every aspect and looked at our best, second-half was just a shambles.

Forest took advantage and scored goals in their good spells. Can't say I noticed anyone spectacular for either team in the second-half, but your midfield 3 really took Bryson, Hendrick and Mascarell to pieces. It became a Forest type of game, not like the first half where we were playing the game on our terms.

Great result for Forest, but don't think this will spur them on to any more than a brief purple patch. It's unfortunate because it could be the last time we'll play them for a few years.

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