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Raul Albentosa


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Did others notice that when the Eibar manager referred to Albentosa, he made the offhanded comment that Raul was always the first at training ... the more we learn about this cat, seems as if we are getting a bona fide die hard professional player here with a dedication that none on his own team can match. Igor part deux? We shall see.

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Mendieta was on the Revista La Liga show. Another example of McClaren convincing players to join his side when I expect there were more offers for him at the time too.


Yep... Looking forward to them announcing the signing of Isco next... or maybe de Gea will be fed up of the Valdes competition... or maybe Iniesta will decide he wants to finish his career somewhere with a bit of class...









Or maybe I'm getting a bit ahead of myself again...

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I've spoken to him today in Wickes. He said that he couldn't find a patio set in B&Q so he had gone there to look for materials so that he could make himself a small table and bench instead.

He actually spoke quite good English.

Now that is a blatant lie

Anybody with an ounce of sense,knows winter is clay chimney territory

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RE - How many is there in a golf bag?

Fourteen and we already have two Spaniards, Raul will be the third. A five iron, a six iron and a seven iron. You can sort of drive the club more loftily with those three.

News flash - Spanish Armada spotted heading for Derby. We could be regarded as a good Club for Spaniards if we play their style of football. Why are Spaniards better at arm wrestling? Because they have an arm harder.

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