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Oh, you mean why isn't he that relatively plain character who's only real characteristics come when he's wearing a suit and it doesn't even matter who the actor is? Who cares who plays Bruce Wayne, the real attraction of Batman is him in the suit and the stuff he pulls off, not his alter-ego.


Also, the real attraction of Batman films has always been the villains, always has been, always will be. Heath Ledger's Joker is one of the greatest show stealers in cinematic history, and Tom Hardy's Bane didn't exactly do a bad job either. Even dating back to earlier Batman's, the stars of the show were always the villains hence the big names they got in to play them (Schwarzenegger, Jim Carrey, Tommy-Lee, Danny Devito and Uma Therman). The next film Batman will feature in is an extremely important DC film in which Batman isn't even the main attraction; there's Superman, Wonder Woman and Jesse Eisenberg as Lex Luthor. The film he'll feature in after that will be Justice League (assuming BvS doesn't flop extraordinarily) where he yet again won't be the main attraction with plenty of other characters to introduce (and save in Green Lantern's case). Then even after that, there isn't a solo Batman movie in DC's plans until 2019 and that's really assuming they do well, AND the Comic Book movies are still the trend.


And is Bale even that good in the Dark Knight trilogy? It's not like he brings anything particularly outstanding to the role that's never been seen before. The main thing people are mourning is the end of the Christopher Nolan Batman's that were truly excellent films, but for their plots, styles and action sequences. They were good because of Nolan and the villains, not because of Bale's performances. Ben Affleck's a totally passable actor, in fact he's done a lot of good stuff recently. He's not a great actor but he's good enough to take on one of the most basic and uncomplicated roles in cinema. All you've really got to do is be buff and nail down your gravelly voice.


Another major point Bale can't take the role on is that he's in the Dark Knight trilogy universe, a universe with a very different tone and style to it than the one DC are trying to create. DC are setting up a universe where there'll be a Justice League with characters like Shazam (probably played by Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson) and Wonder Woman in, a complete detachment to the universe Nolan created which was gritty and moderately realistic compared to the new DC vision.


There's a multitude of reasons Bale didn't take the role, even though he was offered it, but ultimately it was the right choice to not take it. 

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Who care about batman. Wasting time dressing like a ***** when you've got a city to save sounds like a stupid idea to me. Almost as bad as that bloke who got bit by a spider so wears pyjamas whenever he's doing super hero nonsense (his costume looks nothing like a spider btw).


The worst part is, not only does he dress up like a bat, he wastes time having other stuff designed to look like a bat. Don't get me started on the bloody batmobile. When you're in that line of business, form should follow function.


The whole idea behind it is silly, and the only way to stop it being so ludicrous is to have a major studio throw billions of dollars at special effects and acting talent. At the end of the day, these people are dressing up in costumes.


I used to love super hero films, but then again, I used to be 12.

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Personally don't mind a film having an abstract or silly idea in it, I accept that some films are simply escapist trash and enjoy it for what it is, there's something about a fun romp where your brain doesn't have to work for an hour and a half that's really great. More so I'm a big movie fan and some of the best popcorn movies being made these days are super-hero stuff, I go at least once every two weeks and often the superhero movie is a considerably better option than whatever action ***** Michael Bay's bringing out.

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I am a huge Batman fan.I have the whole tv series on dvd,as well as the whole animated series.I also have over 100 comics,all the arkham video games,etc.I thought Bale was fantastic.

I hate Ben Affleck as he is a terrible actor imo.I of course will watch the new film but am nervous about it;muchmore looking forward to the show Gotham even though Batman isnt really a part of it.

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Ben Affleck as Batman, hahahaha, still can't quite believe that this isn't some elaborate belated April Fool's joke. 


I'll chalk up these new Batman films alongside the latest Spider-man ones - overkill. Why reboot a series of films like a couple of years after the latest ones have finished?! Is this it now, are we just constantly going to have Batman and Spider-man films being released year-in, year-out? How many novel ways can they think of showing Bruce's parent's being murdered or Peter getting bitten by a radioactive spider....? FFS.  :rolleyes:

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