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Chartlon stewards are a disgrace


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There were derby fans up there so I saw no reason why they could not sit like some disabled fans offered too but they were threatening to throw them out. I tryed looking to see if there a email to make a offcail complaint.

i don't think you'll get far. The club will back the stewards unless they have done something wrong such as a health and safety breach which they didn't. You'll probably find all supported should be seated during the game.
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Ok B4 was not clear, I was down the front where the pitch stewards were getting mardy. Made it sound like the disabled supporter was screaming at everyone and nobody listened.

The top tier was closed to supporters, only flanges allowed.

we were told to sit down by the marsellus wallace look a like. I thought he was just on a power trip. Now b4 has explained why. I didn't notice any at the front. I had a funny feeling b4 was behind me.
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I was sat on the front row so didn't spot any of this.

The stewards were a bit arsey though ... especially when i kept shouting at Charlton 'keeper Pope in the second half ...



... eventually he cracked, and chucked one in for us... 

I feel like i did my bit last night.

Good work. You should have called him"Joey Essex" instead of as Pope though  ;)

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Good work. You should have called him"Joey Essex" instead of as Pope though  ;)

The bloke next to me was calling him and his family some of the bleakest names under the sun ... very graphic. ;-(

I did what I did for football reasons ... not just to merely abuse! ;-)

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There were derby fans up there so I saw no reason why they could not sit like some disabled fans offered too but they were threatening to throw them out. I tryed looking to see if there a email to make a offcail complaint.

I know Charlton pretty well and there is nowhere up there for wheelchairs etc. Perhaps you just wanted them balanced in the aisle?

It's not just as simple as moving them somewhere else youngun.

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I also understand that he had some mentle health probleams but he was able to stand and walk but they could sat in upperstand and like the ones with walking sticks or opened upperstand for the singers let the ones who want to sit down stay on the lower. Instead they let him stop people from having a good time.

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I remember going Barnsley away. We was stood up (Around 6 of us) at the front row. These people who were around 60-70 (Can't remember how many) Shouted us to sit down as they can't see.


We just sat down for the rest of the game didn't effect us that much as we respected the fact they wanted to see the game.


(Not saying you don't respect them just saying :)).

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The steward was a total, in your face, jobsworth. Over a season he probably causes a lot more trouble than he prevents.


If he'd had a more reasonable manner and told people why he wanted them to sit down rather than saying, "I NEED you to sit down", I'm sure there wouldn't have been any bother.


They need to rethink the siting of the disabled area, it's always going to be a problem where it is, but they probably can't be arsed, it's only the away supporters.

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The steward was a total, in your face, jobsworth. Over a season he probably causes a lot more trouble than he prevents.


If he'd had a more reasonable manner and told people why he wanted them to sit down rather than saying, "I NEED you to sit down", I'm sure there wouldn't have been any bother.


They need to rethink the siting of the disabled area, it's always going to be a problem where it is, but they probably can't be arsed, it's only the away supporters.

The mardy steward down the front was removed by his supervisor.. That was the right thing to do, took all the hassle out of the situation and we all got on with the game.. Simple.

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I'm guessing what B4 maybe saying is that a disabled supporter was behind some of the fans? (A bit odd you'd think they'd be situated at the bottom near the pitch). Then the disabled supporter was shouting at everyone to sit down (Guessing due to not being able to see).

I could be well off the mark!

There isca category of disabled called "ambulant disabled" they can walk and in many cases (heart disease) show no signs of disability. These gat seats sold to them from the normal allocation but discounted.
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