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That's a very, very sensible post.


The problem is that expanding places and making up more courses was a ploy by the government to ease youth unemployment statistics.


I wish I'd given more practical thought into a career rather than doing a degree for the sake of it. I have spent the best part of two years working in a call centre. Soul destroying work. I now work behind a bar but am looking for jobs in London suitable to my degree.

This would also help unemployment figures, those that just go along with the must get degree, any degree thought process when being forced into work before Uni may find that earning money is quite nice, would they give it up to go to Uni for a BS course and having no idea what career or if they would even pass? Big risk

More would stay in employment I guarantee it.

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I for one have always enjoyed academia.I am starting a Master's program in January.However,I will admit that I am leary that it will take me forever to find my dream job when I am done.Unfortunately from a lot of research that I have done,if you desire to make 40k+ a year usd then a degree or an advanced one is almost always required.

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I want to go into teaching so 'unfortunately' I needed a degree, however if I wanted to have done engineering or something like that, theres no way I would have gone to uni!

You don't necessarily need a degree to go into teaching but as I understand it you can't teach a grade you haven't got yourself?

But then even if you'd got a degree, you'd need to be a Professor to teach one at a uni?

It's confoosing me now.

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You don't necessarily need a degree to go into teaching but as I understand it you can't teach a grade you haven't got yourself?

But then even if you'd got a degree, you'd need to be a Professor to teach one at a uni?

It's confoosing me now.

Last I heard they keep upping them, you need a degree in a subject and then do teaching training or a degree in something like primary ed, not that I want to teach at all. Horrible things are children.

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Subject aint that important at Uni, as long as its not something completely ridiculous. 


What matters is where you went, Russell group if you're smart enough really as long as you are aiming top half of the leaderboards.


Get a 2:1. 2:2 and you will struggle.


Businesses want degrees and experience, easiest way to do that is to do a 4 year sandwich with a year out doing an internship.


You cant charge more for UNI or expect fees paid back immediately, we're supposed to live in a meritocracy, paying for UNI upfront you end up with a plutocracy.

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Hundreds of thousands of people will enter higher education for the first time this year, in the hope that the qualifications they gain will eventually land them their dream job.

In August, many will be waiting with baited breath to find out if they

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For the work I do, a degree is nowadays considered to be absolutely essential. When I started, not so much.


Although Computer Science as a discipline to be studied at university was available from the year I was born, it has always been considered that experience far outweighs the need for qualifications. The speed at which computing as a science developed in the early days rendered any need for a formal qualification largely irrelevant, because by definition what you learned one year was redundant the next.


Well, that was the theory. I still use exactly the same approach to programming logic, systems analysis and problem-solving that I used 35-40 years ago. Only the languages and buzz-words change. Perhaps it's just how my mind is wired, but I find developing applications to solve problems to be the easiest thing in the world. 


Defining what the problem is and quantifying it - that's a different matter altogether.

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Go on then, it's the time of year where we get a topic that Daveo gets to rant about school being crap and a waste of time.

Pretty chuffed with my AS results

A in Drama

B in History (3 marks off an A, being remarked)

B in English

E in Religion and Philosophy, but I'm dropping it so who really gives a ****?

Hopes of doing Ancient History at Manchester still alive.

A in drama. Congrats you can have a career as a soccer player in Serie A.

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I cant and I havr a maths degree - mind you I dont teach a-level and GCSE doesnt get any more complex than simple trig functions at the moment (but calculus and set theory is coming back)


I'll start you off...


Think about the expansion of ex


e = 1 + x + x2/2! + x3/3! + x4/4! + x5/5! +

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It frustrates me that so many young people are wasting 3 or 4 years of their lives, taking useless courses that provide no employment guarantees at the end of the period, but do invariably guarantee them a debt burden. I particularly get infuriated reading of youngsters going to university as a "lifestyle" choice, or because they simply "like" a subject. But most of all it really pi$$es me off when I am queuing at the bar and some acne ridden tw@t with his jeans halfway down his legs is ordering half a lager and paying for it by debit card.

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To be fair there won't be 500,000 graduate jobs in September 2017/2018, so I don't see this situation changing.

Only reason why there are more places is what Joe said, the Tories want to low the high youth unemployment and NEET figures. Nu Labour and Neoliberal Democrats do the same too.

Me I was too thick for uni and walked out during an A-Level exam because it was too hard for me, academic education does not work for me and I'd be screwed under Gove, thank god I wasn't born in the mid-late 90s!

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