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Leicester Ram

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Daveo is mad because he doesn't have a job and just sits at home all day.

p.s. I don't work in a call centre, Daveo.

I'm not mad and I create and maintain websites having self taught myself, no degree behind me.

Wasn't thinking of you out on a call centre either, he works at Sky call centre the person I'm not calling out.

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You're still young and brainwashed by the must get degree, any degree mentality.

Give it 10 years and you will be Daveo was right you know, this degree is not opening as many doors as I thought it would.

I'm not against Uni far from it, study law to be a lawyer great, good luck you're doing something to get on your chosen career path.

Ancient history? Give me a break

I think you are overestimating the importance of the degree you study. As long as it's seen as challenging, that's all that really matters. Getting a degree opens some many doors, that while aren't impossible to open without one, makes it so much easier. I only paid
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Daveo you're picking the wrong fight, the Russell Group unis are the ones producing the people who run the country. It's not a fair or balance system, but that's just the way it is.


Ancient History even at a fairly good Uni and you have a point, but at Manchester? Nah, massive thing to have on your CV.


You're massively overestimating the subject people chose - the grade and the university are the most important things.

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Go on then, it's the time of year where we get a topic that Daveo gets to rant about school being crap and a waste of time.

Pretty chuffed with my AS results

A in Drama

B in History (3 marks off an A, being remarked)

B in English

E in Religion and Philosophy, but I'm dropping it so who really gives a ****?

Hopes of doing Ancient History at Manchester still alive.

I would have thought that Religion and Philosophy play a massive part in Ancient History.

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Almost half of all recent university leavers are now working in non-graduate jobs, as those with media studies degrees fare the worst, a new report shows.

The study by the Office for National Statistics found that 47 per cent of employed workers who left university within the last five years are performing roles which do not require higher education qualifications.

The figure is up from 37 per cent in 2001, with most of the rise occurring since the recession of 2008 / 2009.

The findings will heighten concerns that the UK

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Almost half of all recent university leavers are now working in non-graduate jobs, as those with media studies degrees fare the worst, a new report shows.

The study by the Office for National Statistics found that 47 per cent of employed workers who left university within the last five years are performing roles which do not require higher education qualifications.

The figure is up from 37 per cent in 2001, with most of the rise occurring since the recession of 2008 / 2009.

The findings will heighten concerns that the UK

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Fair enough, just goes to show a degree doesn't give you any garauntees, like I said.


Still, that's anecdotal evidence, and I know a story like that. My mum didn't even do O-levels and she manages someone who just graduated from Oxford who's temping.

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I did English at the University of Lincoln. I did it without knowing what I wanted to do so my degree was a massive waste of time considering the jobs I've done since graduating even with a 2:1.


Make sure you have some idea of a career before investing

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Hundreds of thousands of people will enter higher education for the first time this year, in the hope that the qualifications they gain will eventually land them their dream job.

In August, many will be waiting with baited breath to find out if they

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Daveo has a point, but you're failing to understand that a History degree opens a lot of doors.


I've done a **** degree and am now trying to make it backing horses and playing poker. The academic side of uni was a complete waste of time for me. My advice would be to make sure you do something you're going to enjoy doing, finding the motivation for doing something you hate is very difficult.


Had a great time at uni though and wouldnt change it for anything.


It's even more expensive now though, what I'd do is get the funding, get on the p*ss for a year and have the time of my life, drop out and pursue something else. 

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My idea would be for all Uni students to have 9 months full time employment before being able to take up a Uni place, can be anything at all flipping burgers, stacking shelves.

When applying for Uni you must attend an interview where you are to talk about the career path you wish to take, how this degree would help you achieve that, job prospects for the area you live in and if you was looking to move to a new city after completing the course.

Student loans should be paid back immediately after gaining employment regardless of how much you earn.

Limit Uni places and cut out the BS courses.

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My idea would be for all Uni students to have 9 months full time employment before being able to take up a Uni place, can be anything at all flipping burgers, stacking shelves.

When applying for Uni you must attend an interview where you are to talk about the career path you wish to take, how this degree would help you achieve that, job prospects for the area you live in and if you was looking to move to a new city after completing the course.

Student loans should be paid back immediately after gaining employment regardless of how much you earn.

Limit Uni places and cut out the BS courses.


That's a very, very sensible post.


The problem is that expanding places and making up more courses was a ploy by the government to ease youth unemployment statistics.


I wish I'd given more practical thought into a career rather than doing a degree for the sake of it. I have spent the best part of two years working in a call centre. Soul destroying work. I now work behind a bar but am looking for jobs in London suitable to my degree.

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I went to Uni to learn about a topic (History) that I was passionate about. It wasn't because I thought I'd be able to walk in to a job guaranteeing a great salary etc. Too many people have this wrong idea that going to Uni is just about ticking another box to ensure a career. 

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