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Pants National Anthems

Angry Ram

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If we had an anthem that celebrated the good stuff about this country, I could but into it.

Too many anthems are too martial and too triumphalist. Flower of Scotland celebrates battles 600 years ago, relevant only because it was against the English (as if mediaeval disputes amongst warring families somehow speak for Scotland in the 21st century). Likewise god save the queen. So many people don't believe in God, many don't believe a monarch is right. It's outdated, anachronistic. I won't have it in the house.


I see what you mean but I think it would be a real struggle creating a new anthem for this country simply because most folk would disagree about exactly what is good about this country. For instance, people of a left wing persuasion would point to the NHS, multi-culturalism & social liberalism. By contrast, people of a conservative viewpoint (small "c") would be horrified by the mere notion & rightly or wrongly that section of the population is probably still the largest in England.


As for Flower of Scotland, well I would entirely agree & I wouldn't see it changing even if they did secure independence. For all Salmond's rhetoric about "little Englanders" and wanting a progressive society in Scotland, he's happy to be as nationalistic as anyone when it suits him.

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I see what you mean but I think it would be a real struggle creating a new anthem for this country simply because most folk would disagree about exactly what is good about this country. For instance, people of a left wing persuasion would point to the NHS, multi-culturalism & social liberalism. By contrast, people of a conservative viewpoint (small "c") would be horrified by the mere notion & rightly or wrongly that section of the population is probably still the largest in England.


As for Flower of Scotland, well I would entirely agree & I wouldn't see it changing even if they did secure independence. For all Salmond's rhetoric about "little Englanders" and wanting a progressive society in Scotland, he's happy to be as nationalistic as anyone when it suits him.

How about one without words? Spain do it.

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How about one without words? Spain do it.


Good idea - I'd not considered that. I particularly like the tune of Uruguay's anthem, no idea why they ruin it by singing through it (although the words are totally over-shadowed).


And considering I've not seen an England starting XI as a whole lustily sing the national anthem in about 20 odd years, it might be a win win.

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God Save The Queen is a terribly boring anthem. 

I concur. I think we should put words to the theme from The Archers, it's very jolly. Actually, we could do worse than adopt that as our "Delilah"



Needs a bit of editing mind but you get the idea.

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Best one is seeing Buffon belting out Fratelli d`Italia!!! That is Passion!


Wish we had Jerusalem but if we did, still 65% wouldn't know the words or sing it and I doubt the players will either.


Maybe if in schools in England you have to raise the Flag of St.George whilst singing the national anthem (GSTQ or Jerusalem) we can actually get some pride back into this country!!!


Take a leaf out of the yanks books!

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The Dutch one sounds like 'Little Town of Bethlehem'


I always thought that it sounded like "A Partridge in a Pear Tree" - but that's probably because I've just been reading the Chris Eagles thread.

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