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Pants National Anthems

Angry Ram

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French the best

USA very good (based on French)

German Rousing

Brazil Great fun.

i like the french one. You can give it some real passion. Also sing " the french man went to the lavatory, and he stayed there quite a while. Oh the french man went to the lavatory and he left there quite a pile."
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God Save The Queen is a terribly boring anthem.

Its dire.

Singing about some ode woman. Embarrassing.

Anyway england is about more than some bird with a crown.

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i like the french one. You can give it some real passion. Also sing " the french man went to the lavatory, and he stayed there quite a while. Oh the french man went to the lavatory and he left there quite a pile."

Bit like me after Pedigree and a Madras curry.

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Love Scotland, Wales, France and Italy's national anthems.


England's is absolutely awful. I'm not religious and I don't see the point in the monarchy. There is nothing to get excited about when I hear it.


I actually quite like America's too. Love the bit at the end, so passionate.

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It really is embarrassing watching the England players' pathetic attempt at singing the anthem. Show some passion you boring tossers!!



Maybe they would if it wasn't surge a turgid national anthem.


I would never sing it and am anything but proud to be English nowadays. What exactly do we have to be proud of and passionate about?

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Love Scotland, Wales, France and Italy's national anthems.

England's is absolutely awful. I'm not religious and I don't see the point in the monarchy. There is nothing to get excited about when I hear it.

I actually quite like America's too. Love the bit at the end, so passionate.

I was thinking about this today. Forgetting the words for the moment, the tune is famously boring. But listening to the Brazil and Chile anthems, they're just a cacophony of noise.

At least you can pick the tune out from the British anthem, and hum along to it.

Maybe it's just that I don't recognise and am unfamiliar with those anthems, but they sound like an awful mess, like they kind of missed the point, the difference between a good patriotic song and a good anthem.

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God Save The Queen is a terribly boring anthem.

And has the same tune as God Save the Kaiser (German WW1 national anthem) I learned recently.

On that note, what an opportunity lost yesterday. With more forethought, FIFA could have scheduled Bosnia - Herzegovina to play yesterday. In the absence of Austria, maybe against Germany.

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Love Scotland, Wales, France and Italy's national anthems.


England's is absolutely awful. I'm not religious and I don't see the point in the monarchy. There is nothing to get excited about when I hear it.


I actually quite like America's too. Love the bit at the end, so passionate.

Though if you hear New Zealand's ( last World Cup ok) God Save New Zealand...absolutely marvellous. Reason to invade right there...to get a decent national anthem.

As for others, I too love The Star-Spangled Banner . South Africa has a terrific national anthem as well. And seem to recall Canada's is pretty good too. But nothing beats La Marseillaise for majesty. Just don't listen to the words.

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I gather England sang "Land of Hope & Glory" during the mid 1970's at the insistence of Don Revie - leaving aside the negative connotations of bring associated with such a money grabbing cheat, would folk prefer that over GSTQ?


Anthems I like - Argentina's is incredible. To be fair, the Latin anthems are generally pretty good - Brazil, Uruguay & Italy in particular. And South Africa's is pretty good also (granted not at this World Cup)

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I gather England sang "Land of Hope & Glory" during the mid 1970's at the insistence of Don Revie - leaving aside the negative connotations of bring associated with such a money grabbing cheat, would folk prefer that over GSTQ?

Anthems I like - Argentina's is incredible. To be fair, the Latin anthems are generally pretty good - Brazil, Uruguay & Italy in particular. And South Africa's is pretty good also (granted not at this World Cup)

If we had an anthem that celebrated the good stuff about this country, I could but into it.

Too many anthems are too martial and too triumphalist. Flower of Scotland celebrates battles 600 years ago, relevant only because it was against the English (as if mediaeval disputes amongst warring families somehow speak for Scotland in the 21st century). Likewise god save the queen. So many people don't believe in God, many don't believe a monarch is right. It's outdated, anachronistic. I won't have it in the house.

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