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If anyone has not heard Colins interview it is also available on the BBC Radio Derby Facebook page. Ian Skye really struggles to keep it together. Coilin also comments how he feels about the clap4Bloomfield at Wembley.


I would suggest that everyone listens to the interview and they will realise what a brave young man he is

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I've just listened to the interview, what an incredible young man.  Not ashamed to say that listening to this moved me to tears…hope we can put our hands in our pockets and raise some funds as well as showing our appreciation to Colin. 

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Just listened to the interview on I Player. Puts it all into perspective doesn't it really. I really hope he manages to get to Wembley, celebrates a Rams win like the rest of us and manages to beat the odds and recovers. I'm sure he'd a appreciate a minutes applause or a minute of "There's only one Colin Bloomfield" but just imagine how he'd feel if somehow we could all just donate a couple of pounds to the charity he supports. That would be nearly £80,000 from the Rams fans to CB. Maybe a drop in the ocean for what the charity needs but, it all helps.

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Incredibly moving interview, what an inspirational man.


Not sure if anyone's posted it on here yet but here's the link to the charity which Colin was talking about.
There's a link for donating but even just sharing the link on any social media would help raise their profile.


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Incredibly moving interview, what an inspirational man.


Not sure if anyone's posted it on here yet but here's the link to the charity which Colin was talking about.

There's a link for donating but even just sharing the link on any social media would help raise their profile.


Best £xx I've spent all week.

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You know what.


People are going on about Zamora's goal like it counted for something. Me included, I'll hold my hands up there.


It doesn't matter. The news Colin was hit with was genuinely earth-shattering and I'm glad we took the time to give him support and give ourselves a little bit of perspective.


Keep strong Colin.

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Burton are carrying it on tomorrow at Wembley too. I think that's great for Colin, aswell as raising awareness.

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