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What would you do?


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10M wouldn't cut it.


Should they go up, SM should be handed around the 25M for new players.


If we don't go up then expect a battle on our hands to keep hold of Bryson, Hendrick, Hughes, Martin, and possibly Keogh. Keep hold of that lot, buy a half decent right back and we'll be there or thereabouts once again next season.

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Try to sign Wizzy and George Thorne. Then look for a centre half and an improvement in wide areas. Have a sniff for Johnny Brayford back. Take Bamford back on loan if we can get him.


If we go up, feck knows - hit the foreign markets. 

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I'd be worried if we only got ten million in the Premiership with the amount of players leaving the squad in the Summer.

Thorne, Whitbread, Wisdom, Bamford and then you have the out of contract Ward, Davies, Eustace, Naylor...

Wafer thin squad, regardless of the league.

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Champ - Try get Brayford back for 1 mil ish, try and get Thorne for 2 mil (doubtful) or a cheaper alternative CDM and then sell Sammon and use the funds to sign a striker as cover for Martin. Hopefully we have Barker back for defensive cover, Coutts back for central midfield cover and Bennett can take Bamford's place as the 4th winger.


Prem - Doubt 10 mil would be enough to keep us up but if Steve only got 10 mil then I'd try loaning players like Piazon, Sinclair, Rodwell and Ilori and then use the remaining funds to sign a couple players from the teams who went down

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I'd have a beer or two and then go casino

Exactly. Put it on red 19, hey presto 108 million or 360 million to spend. Anyone know a bent croupier?

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£25m wasn't enough to keep Cardiff up.



Might have been if the chairman hadn't been a spanner.

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He didn't make the signings. Thats the reason why he sacked the manager because he felt the signings were ***** for the amount of money spent. 



He was wrong though. A point a game with Mackay, 5th from bottom but competitive. Flouncy pile of poo under Solskjaer.

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Can I ask one question..... Why get Brayford back?!


Because he's one of the best right backs around at championship level, he's likely to be available (and for less than what we sold him for), he's well liked within the squad and he suits the way we play, is that enough reasons yet?

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He was wrong though. A point a game with Mackay, 5th from bottom but competitive. Flouncy pile of poo under Solskjaer.

Mackay spent £13,000,000 on three players, who collectively made 18 league appearances this season. All three were shipped out in January, two on permanant deals, one on loan. There's no justification for this what so ever.

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