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That poor a coaching team they managed to get a team of players to be 30th in the country without a household name in the squad.


I'll challenge you to name the household names in the Hull and Cardiff sides last year that got promoted. Maybe Craig Bellamy, but we had Robbie Savage.

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I'll challenge you to name the household names in the Hull and Cardiff sides last year that got promoted. Maybe Craig Bellamy, but we had Robbie Savage.

Not when we finished 10th last year we didn't. But there were more than few big names in teams above us last year.

My point is as a group they weren't and aren't completely clueless as some on here profess. Maybe not good enough to get us promoted, but not useless by any stretch.

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Not when we finished 10th last year we didn't. But there were more than few big names in teams above us last year.

My point is as a group they weren't and aren't completely clueless as some on here profess. Maybe not good enough to get us promoted, but not useless by any stretch.



AS harsh as it sounds, I genuinely believe that the Derby players could've got together, a bit like a Wednesday night five a side team, albeit with 11 on the pitch, and performed just as well without the coaching team.

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AS harsh as it sounds, I genuinely believe that the Derby players could've got together, a bit like a Wednesday night five a side team, albeit with 11 on the pitch, and performed just as well without the coaching team.

Now you've just reduced your opinion, in my eyes, to a level that has not been reached before. Complete and utter bolloxy ****** of the lowest degree.

Way to make yourself look foolish.

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Now you've just reduced your opinion, in my eyes, to a level that has not been reached before. Complete and utter bolloxy ****** of the lowest degree.

Way to make yourself look foolish.


In YOUR opinion.


When a team goes out on the field weekly and only 2 or 3 players perform to 7/10 or better, and the rest perform about 4/10 or 5/10, then in my opinion, the manager and coaches are ineffective.


You may choose to doubt this, but as expected, since Clough has gone, the players have been a bit more truthful in their judgement in the coaching methods employed. Speaking to a few players, the feeling is that they felt like they had to coach themselves anyway, and are glad they now have proper 'guidance'.


Whether you like it or not, whether it's harsh or not, it's the truth that the club just seemed 'amateur' in recent years. The level/standard of training was poor, as was the treatment of certain players.


It may seem like a ridiculous statement, but when the players feel no benefit of training, other than the feeling of comradery, then it's not extreme for me to say that had they got together, organised their own training, and selected their own tactics, they may have performed as well.


There was NO glaringly obvious style, skill, tactic or benefit to Clough's coaching style.

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I was at the Rams Pub Tour on Monday night at the New Inn, Little Eaton, and Archie Gemmill was quite critical of the coaching ability of Nigel and his team.  He said that Nigel was sort of mired in the old style of his dad (I'm paraphrasing but that was the essential gist of it) and that McClaren was a much better coach and manager.


Rush also mentioned that whereas Nigel's method of management was based on picking his 11 best players, SMC thought much more in terms of systems, which I think tallies quite well with Gemmill's point.


In short, I think we're much, much better off with the current set up.  My feeling is that it's going to hurt a lot of people to admit it in the long run, but Rush and the board have made the right call.

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I was at the Rams Pub Tour on Monday night at the New Inn, Little Eaton, and Archie Gemmill was quite critical of the coaching ability of Nigel and his team.  He said that Nigel was sort of mired in the old style of his dad (I'm paraphrasing but that was the essential gist of it) and that McClaren was a much better coach and manager.


Rush also mentioned that whereas Nigel's method of management was based on picking his 11 best players, SMC thought much more in terms of systems, which I think tallies quite well with Gemmill's point.


In short, I think we're much, much better off with the current set up.  My feeling is that it's going to hurt a lot of people to admit it in the long run, but Rush and the board have made the right call.


Pardon my ignorance but who the f*ck is Archie Gemmill to talk about management?


The day one of his ex players comes out and criticises him, or a fellow management professional feels his style is outdated I'll listen. Until then he's a bloke who did a good job, and we've employed someone else who hopefully will do a good job. No need to compare the two.

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In YOUR opinion.

When a team goes out on the field weekly and only 2 or 3 players perform to 7/10 or better, and the rest perform about 4/10 or 5/10, then in my opinion, the manager and coaches are ineffective.

You may choose to doubt this, but as expected, since Clough has gone, the players have been a bit more truthful in their judgement in the coaching methods employed. Speaking to a few players, the feeling is that they felt like they had to coach themselves anyway, and are glad they now have proper 'guidance'.

Whether you like it or not, whether it's harsh or not, it's the truth that the club just seemed 'amateur' in recent years. The level/standard of training was poor, as was the treatment of certain players.

It may seem like a ridiculous statement, but when the players feel no benefit of training, other than the feeling of comradery, then it's not extreme for me to say that had they got together, organised their own training, and selected their own tactics, they may have performed as well.

There was NO glaringly obvious style, skill, tactic or benefit to Clough's coaching style.

So the players that improved and went up in value did it all themselves?

I think you are talking rubbish, blinder by your Clough hatred.

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In YOUR opinion.


When a team goes out on the field weekly and only 2 or 3 players perform to 7/10 or better, and the rest perform about 4/10 or 5/10, then in my opinion, the manager and coaches are ineffective.


You may choose to doubt this, but as expected, since Clough has gone, the players have been a bit more truthful in their judgement in the coaching methods employed. Speaking to a few players, the feeling is that they felt like they had to coach themselves anyway, and are glad they now have proper 'guidance'.


Whether you like it or not, whether it's harsh or not, it's the truth that the club just seemed 'amateur' in recent years. The level/standard of training was poor, as was the treatment of certain players.


It may seem like a ridiculous statement, but when the players feel no benefit of training, other than the feeling of comradery, then it's not extreme for me to say that had they got together, organised their own training, and selected their own tactics, they may have performed as well.


There was NO glaringly obvious style, skill, tactic or benefit to Clough's coaching style.

Mr. Mostyn being Delusional again - Hilarious.


In your defence, it only seems like a ridiculous statement because it is a ridiculous statement.


To quote one of your previous comments "I see things that nobody else sees". :) I guess that you hear things that no one else hears as well.

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I was at the Rams Pub Tour on Monday night at the New Inn, Little Eaton, and Archie Gemmill was quite critical of the coaching ability of Nigel and his team.  He said that Nigel was sort of mired in the old style of his dad (I'm paraphrasing but that was the essential gist of it) and that McClaren was a much better coach and manager.


Rush also mentioned that whereas Nigel's method of management was based on picking his 11 best players, SMC thought much more in terms of systems, which I think tallies quite well with Gemmill's point.


In short, I think we're much, much better off with the current set up.  My feeling is that it's going to hurt a lot of people to admit it in the long run, but Rush and the board have made the right call.

My first reaction Mostyn is that you're incredibly full of **** and you'll say and write anything to get a reaction.


But just in case


If Archie Gemmil or anyone connected to Archie read this. I love Scot Gemill to bits, alwasy did and always will, but Archie???


Archie how popular were you with the players at Forest when you were coach?  How well did you do at Rotherham when Brian got you the job? You were hated sunshine, hated.


That's what really pisses me off, even people who should show a bit of respect and loyalty are having cheap digs.


Mostyn you must really be a a special person that so many players and coaches talk so openly to you. I'd love to meet you to find out who you are and what you've done to deserve such respect from those inside football.


Fecking Archie Gemill, let me buy you a pint and we'll have a chat about it if you want Archie. Now I'm grown up you wouldn't be able to scare the **** out of me which was basically your only tactic.


As phil collins sang and it's quite apt as it about cowardice and betrayal.....


I was there and I saw what you did, saw it with my own two eyes....

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No point arguing about what Nige did for Derby folks. We need to move on.

He's picked a bad job imo because the team doesn't reflect the ambition. They are pretty garbage. They have Frankenstein's monster playing CB and Marlon King upfront who looks like he's had a lovely summer. He's about as pacey and Shaun Barker was 12 months ago.

Premier League in 5 years? Big ask. It'll take 1 and a half to get out of L1 at the first attempt.

I don't know if they've noticed but they have been a top team in L1 for sometime and not finished the job.

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to be fair, they managed to wing it for nearly five years.


I won't say which one, but at the forum last week, in a private chat, one of them told me that Pearson was told/advised when discussing appointing Nigel, by someone on the Burton board "appoint Nigel, but whatever you do, don't let him bring his backroom staff with him!"


Yes, I have heard similar mate, you can probably guarantee though they will pop up with him wherever he lands next though

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