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Match Commentary!


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Anyone else listen in to BBC Radio Derby for todays match? It was comedy central... The main commentator got players names wrong and mixed up ( Lee Martin appeared on the pitch today)on a fairly consistant level, even Derby players. He told us Keogh had been sent off, and then retracted. My favourite bits though were being told that " Martin has been interfered with from behind" and Craig Ramage told us that he was impressed with the way Derbys midfield " pulled Watfords players off"!!

Please have a word someone. It was dire to be fair. And Ramage... Why him? Is he honestly the best ex Rams player we can find to do match summarising? He is even a self confessed lover of Watford, not Derby in previous interviews! " I always look for Watford 1st"! He isnt a very good summariser at all.

Great result Derby..got a good gut feeling about this season. Not easy winning away at Brighton.

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Shuff..Ramage doesnt explain to the radio listener very well. He is not in the slightest bit articulate.


" Craig, can you explain to us the use of a midfield diamond formation and what difference we can expect to see from Derby by using it?"

" ah well..its abhat energy int it...and we got good energy int we"!!!!!

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Ed Dawes is a little obsessed with talk of interfering from behind, says it all the time.

No worse than the constant references to players 'coming inside' though.


When in Brighton....

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