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Match Commentary!


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I rarely listen to the game on the radio if i'm not there I see little point, i've got my own opinion of what I see with my eyes.

From not seeing the match I fail to see how anyone can have a strong opinion on the match based on 2 blokes commenting on what they see before them, I don't agree with the people around me one of which says Hughes played crap against Blackburn, put him on the radio and all of a sudden people believe him because he is the eyes through the radio.

It's traditional but flawed.

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Must admit to loving the old man Graham Richards he could paint pictures with his words

The young guns need time learn their craft, Ross became competent by the time he left, so did Colin. Ed will be fine, he is just an excited puppy at the moment

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I still miss Richards - he may have been a little flawed but he was unique and part of the experience, especially on the days where live football wasn't so commonplace.  To this day I still ponder the meaning of "Wanchope giving it some custard on the back post"


Listened to my first Rams commentary of the season on Saturday - the commentary itself was a bit flat but after listening to the other guy that commentates on Albion for Radio Derby's MW service (dodgy shower radio about 12 miles out of Derby and FM is impossible) it still seemed an improvement.  I think he actually managed to say that Ramage had the ball in midfield at one point, and also confused Chris Martin with another player of yesteryear but I forget who.


Ramage I thought made sense, but didn't articulate well - I'm sure after the calls asking for an explanation of the system it will prompt them to cover things a bit better.  I liked the camaraderie between the 2 though so I hope it progresses.  It's still better than twitter or text updates at least.

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"Leeds have forgotten how to play"

Is it me or do Derby players not score goals like sturidges first anymore? Bananas, we used to be really good.

One of my most vivid football memories was Graham Richards reaction when Michael Forsyth equalised against Liverpool for a 1-1 draw at the BBG in the 87/88 season. Amazing.

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Is it me or do Derby players not score goals like sturidges first anymore? Bananas, we used to be really good.

One of my most vivid football memories was Graham Richards reaction when Michael Forsyth equalised against Liverpool for a 1-1 draw at the BBG in the 87/88 season. Amazing.

I was in the Popside that day - the one and only time my dad took us in there because we took friends to the game.

It was a great night and we should have won

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Is it me or do Derby players not score goals like sturidges first anymore? Bananas, we used to be really good.

One of my most vivid football memories was Graham Richards reaction when Michael Forsyth equalised against Liverpool for a 1-1 draw at the BBG in the 87/88 season. Amazing.

Bananas... I had left the stadium early!! Never ever did that again.

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Dear fellow forum members,


I started this thought on a post on another thread, but it needs to be here because I've got a spleen to vent.


I've got STs but don't get to too many games away because of a variety of reasons, so rely on RD. I've always loved it. 


I've listened twice now to the new set up of Ed Dawes and Craig Ramage and it is quite possibly the worst commentary I have ever heard. I know local radio doesn't set the highest standard but this is ridiculous.


Dawes struggles to relay what's going on on the pitch and wildly overreacts to everything, which is no good to the listener. What's the point in getting all excited thinking you've got a penalty when the reality is it's a throw in 40 yards from goal? I understand he's newish and can struggle with the opposition players, but he barely seems to know who's on the ball for Derby half the time.


And where the hell did they did Ramage up from? Has the BBC dumbed down to such an extent that it is content to allow someone with such a poor command of English on the radio? He can barely string a sentence together. I don't care if he knows about football; if he can't articulate it properly it's pointless having him there. It's painful to listen to and I really don't want to, but I love listening to Derby games so there's no other option. Roger wasn't great but he was at least knew the difference between 'we were' and 'we was'.


Am I alone here? If so, no problem, I will shut up. If not I suggest we bombard Radio Derby and get them to do something about it. The idea of settling down in front of the radio on a Saturday afternoon for an away game has always been a pleasure, and compared to many local radio stations, RD has always held a high standard with Graham Richards, Ross Fletcher and (imo) Colin Bloomfield. It's starting to become something very different.




Angry in Littleover.

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Well, I haven't listened to a commentary yet, but may do on Saturday.

I have listened to Ed before though, and did like his passion compared to the previous guy.

Regarding Ramage, does he talk sense though? Can you excuse his use of language and appreciate his knowledge?

Some people do have problems with speech and language, it doesn't necessarily mean he is to be regarded as inferior.

I guess it's like saying someone shouldn't post on here because of their poor use of grammar?

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Well, I haven't listened to a commentary yet, but may do on Saturday.

I have listened to Ed before though, and did like his passion compared to the previous guy.

Regarding Ramage, does he talk sense though? Can you excuse his use of language and appreciate his knowledge?

Some people do have problems with speech and language, it doesn't necessarily mean he is to be regarded as inferior.

I guess it's like saying someone shouldn't post on here because of their poor use of grammar?

Not at all as people on here are not being paid by the BBC to represent the Corporation in what for many supporters is an important role. I'm not saying for a moment that he isn't knowledgeable or does not talk sense, and I'm certainly not saying he is inferior - he's played the game after all, which is more than most of us, and I've got a lot of respect for him for doing so - I just find his poor grammar really off putting.

And when you're in a communications job, which he is when he is on the radio, he needs to be able to communicate effectively, which I don't think is the case if you don't have a grasp of even some of the most basic elements of the English language.

As I said, it might just be me that has a problem with it.

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Dear fellow forum members,


I started this thought on a post on another thread, but it needs to be here because I've got a spleen to vent.


I've got STs but don't get to too many games away because of a variety of reasons, so rely on RD. I've always loved it. 


I've listened twice now to the new set up of Ed Dawes and Craig Ramage and it is quite possibly the worst commentary I have ever heard. I know local radio doesn't set the highest standard but this is ridiculous.


Dawes struggles to relay what's going on on the pitch and wildly overreacts to everything, which is no good to the listener. What's the point in getting all excited thinking you've got a penalty when the reality is it's a throw in 40 yards from goal? I understand he's newish and can struggle with the opposition players, but he barely seems to know who's on the ball for Derby half the time.


And where the hell did they did Ramage up from? Has the BBC dumbed down to such an extent that it is content to allow someone with such a poor command of English on the radio? He can barely string a sentence together. I don't care if he knows about football; if he can't articulate it properly it's pointless having him there. It's painful to listen to and I really don't want to, but I love listening to Derby games so there's no other option. Roger wasn't great but he was at least knew the difference between 'we were' and 'we was'.


Am I alone here? If so, no problem, I will shut up. If not I suggest we bombard Radio Derby and get them to do something about it. The idea of settling down in front of the radio on a Saturday afternoon for an away game has always been a pleasure, and compared to many local radio stations, RD has always held a high standard with Graham Richards, Ross Fletcher and (imo) Colin Bloomfield. It's starting to become something very different.




Angry in Littleover.


The over reaction and getting excited at the wrong times is a major problem in football radio commentary. Most of the 5 live commentators operate this way, John Murray is probably the worst. Ross Fletcher used to do it as well.


Dawes isn't great, I don't know whether he has ever played football but it comes across that he hasn't. Roger used to be very good at correcting both Bloomfield and Dawes when they didn't represent the action accurately.


Ramage seems to have been thrust into the job at the deep end. He has a strong local dialect which isn't ideal on Radio, he knows what he is talking about but like you say at the moment he struggles to get that across. I think the station really misses Colin Gibson, he would have helped both Dawes and Ramage a lot.

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Thanks god for that VulcanRam, I thought I was being my typical narky self.


I've been doing more radio listening than I wanted to so this season.


I like Ed Dawes's passion, sometimes he says something funny which makes me want to like him, it's never related to football but...


The lad is very poor indeed and it's not just the over excitement.


I listened to the Leicester game and watched it later, he isn't relaying what's going in a game at all, he can't judge the flow of it, he uses crazy emotional terms, Freeman did ok v's Leicester and yet Dawes painted him like a weak little boy getting brushed off the ball.


screaming stupidly like an excited little girl.


You can forgive him for his habits, combining instead of colliding, "buxton combines with nugent" "russell combines with advertising hording, then confusingly Bryson, Coutts and Hendrick combine beautifully (feck me have they all just ran into each oter and fell into a sexy heap??)


You could probably forgive for getting players names wrong but Simon Cox broke through so many times in the first half on Saturday you'd wonder who we were playing.


What you can't forgive him for is creating hysteria and portraying the game in a totally different manner than the one that is actually going on.


On top of that, he knows he's got a show to do, he knows he's going have to use some statistics, who scored, what was the result, who played etc..... he gets it wrong so many times that it's infuriating. For god sakes young man, you're getting paid to do a job, the least you could do is spend three hours the night before doing a bit of homework.


It's a real shame because his passion for Derby as a fan is clearly there. I expect the lead commentator to be someone who can relay a game with a football fan in mind. Ed you've got to get better.


I wonder sometimes if hes on here. Ed if you are, it's nothing personal because I do think you're a decent lad but you've really got to put more effort into getting things right. Too many schoolboy errors, not enough conviction in your own views, if you think we've played awfully and you've spent 90 minutes telling the listeners we've played awfully, don't then start your lead questions with "unlucky NIgel"


Get some balls, do some research, and concentrate on the flow of the game.


This might help for tomorrow.





On there you'll find a list of the players currently playing for Yeovil, they might be kind enough to have squad numbers as well. Study them so you know who the feck has the ball.


Please of course, it's getting very painful to listen to.


Craig Ramage is an ex player, yeah without a doubt ;-) 

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