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Still banned from Blackpool! Derby fans be warned....


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It's a bit like this forum, no amount of phone calls, emails and solicitors letters will get you un banned, if your banned, and we want you to stay banned, that's it.

It's their party, and they'll cry if they want to.

If I got banned on here and i grew a beard and dyed my hair how would you know it was me?
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If I got banned on here and i grew a beard and dyed my hair how would you know it was me?

We have ways and means mate. One of our mods can sniff a previous banned member from 10 paces.

I myself don't care for sniffing members from any distance.


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Your complaint has led to them saying you cant prove you werent "intoxicated" and they have the right to refuse entry if you are due to bye law whatever. But on what grounds can they ban you for life? What bye law says they can do that? 

Mind you doesnt sound like you missed much today.

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The Blackpool club charter says:


14. Under the Sporting Events (Control of Alcohol etc) Act 1985, the following are
offences for which a person can be arrested by a police officer and conviction could
result in a Banning Order being made:
14.1. Attempting to enter the Ground or being inside the Ground whilst drunk;


So I guess that's what they are invoking - but the fact they have ONLY singled out the two people who lodged a complaint with the IFO seems discriminatory.


A further complaint to the IFO would see them having to justify why they have placed banning orders on those two individuals and not every fan they have ever refused entry for being drunk.

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Actually - no. Just re-read that and it is pretty clear (as per the Sporting Events control of alcohol Act 1985) that you have to be arrested and convicted in order for a banning order to be enforced.


The banning order in question is a formal one - brought by the courts



Banning orders are issued by the courts following a conviction for a football-related offence, or after a complaint by the Crown Prosecution Service or a local police force. For an order to be issued, it must be proved that the accused person has caused or contributed to football-related violence or disorder and that an order will prevent them from misbehaving further.


Orders are not imposed on people solely on the basis of minor convictions, like alcohol offences or similar misdemeanours. They can last between 3 and 10 years and can be customised to address individual behaviour patterns.


So I would warrant that Nick's "lifetime ban" is not enforceable by law.


I would seriously take it back to the IFO. Yeah you might not win but at least you'd prove a point, generate more publicity and waste a bit more of Blackpool FCs time

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Oh and by the way I should be allowed in next season.


Just Blackpool being stubborn, they know they are in the wrong on this one but didnt want to backtrack!


Fans were asked to remove fancy dress and stewards saying are you flagman? Were looking for him! Get the photo!


Unbelievable hey!

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Oh and by the way I should be allowed in next season.

Just Blackpool being stubborn, they know they are in the wrong on this one but didnt want to backtrack!

Fans were asked to remove fancy dress and stewards saying are you flagman? Were looking for him! Get the photo!

Unbelievable hey!

It could have been like a scene from Spartacus. Everyone claiming to be flagman.
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Oh and by the way I should be allowed in next season.


Just Blackpool being stubborn, they know they are in the wrong on this one but didnt want to backtrack!


Fans were asked to remove fancy dress and stewards saying are you flagman? Were looking for him! Get the photo!


Unbelievable hey!


Sorry you had such grief with that moron who owns Blackpool, Nick. A few mates are Blackpool fans and they think that the Oystons are just an embarrassment. 


Me and the missus have just got back tonight after a long weekend in Blackpool - we didn't get to the match either because the tickets went on sale the day we were travelling back from Belgium, and by the time we got back home they had sold out.


Still, we had the last laugh. The missus won £400 today in the casino before we left for Derby, so the whole weekend was free.

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:-) we're not falling for that one..........eeeeeey by golly....


Anyway, back on topic...


we were in the Pump and Truncheon for a couple of hours on Friday afternoon. That place used to be a really good pub. The place had a few Rams fans in - I recognised a few but not to put names to. 


Biggest crushing disappointment - NO BELGIAN BEER!!! It used to be a shining beacon of all that is great from a (refined) drinker's point of view, but no Chimay, no Westmalle, no Orval, no Rochefort, no Achel etc. Bloody Philistines. Never went in there again. Even the bloody Wetherspoons had Leffe.

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