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The Rooney Rule - Why?

Bris Vegas

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No, not Wayne Rooney.. The Rooney Rule is an NHL rule where whenever a managerial job is available they have to interview at least one black person for the job..


This is now going to be introduced in football.. Or something similar according to the PFA




Now, seriously, why are they doing this?


They want racism out of football but are singling out black people as a minority and are trying to 'force them in' to be given more opportunities.. Why are they even singleing them out?


I seriously don't get it.. Surely a job should be based soley on the ability of the person, regardless of what they look like or where they come from..


And if they're now going to introduce this rule for black people, what about others?


Are they going to make a special rule for Asian people? Latin people? Middle eastern people? Women? Polish people? Where does it end? It's ridiculous IMO





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My god, this is so f*cking ridiculous it's hard to comprehend.


Is there any common sense/logic left in the world?


I think there must be some deep, hidden reason for why racism is bought up so much in the modern day? It's as if they're trying to brainwash us into believing there's a major problem with racism in society?

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Black coaches in NHL. There have been only handful of black players ever so far. How in heck can they get even somebody black for a interview ? I doubt that there are many coaches that would want to be a Florida Panthers coach right now.

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My god, this is so f*cking ridiculous it's hard to comprehend.


Is there any common sense/logic left in the world?


I think there must be some deep, hidden reason for why racism is bought up so much in the modern day? It's as if they're trying to brainwash us into believing there's a major problem with racism in society?


I've had similar thoughts for a long long time now..


The best way to make racism go away is to just completely ignore the subject.. Just completely wash it out of people.. Don't even mention the wrongs and rights..


In football they're constantly setting up 'fight against racism' groups and now this PFA idea, the likes of Micheal Johnson coming out saying 'Why aren't there any black managers, it must be a lack of an even playing field' and having special kick racism out of football weekends with armbands and stuff..


The whole thing is just cringy and keeps reminding people about racism..


It's all the pitying I don't get.. Like black people need a helping hand from others or like black people are somehow disadvantaged when it comes to footballing intelligence and managerial skills that they have to set up rules like this.. They're (these agencies) the ones that keep digging up this crap and in a reverse kind of way putting black people down.. I'm sure the likes of Chris Powell doesn't need special attention or treatment to get him the job.. He's good at what he does, simple as that, nothing to do with his ethnic background..


One of my best mates from the US is black (and a doctor) and was saying that if the hospital had offered him the job or favoured him over others just because he's black (to give the hospital a more ethnic feel) rather than his ability to do the job then he would have turned it down in a second.. The guy is awesome and said he doesn't need a 'pity hand' from others..

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the problem with this is the next black manager, only going to of got the job because he is black! 


IF THEY HAVE TO INTERVIEW, then name me 10 current black managers that could manage chelsea in 2 months time! or anyother top 4 team


in fact ill make it easier name me 1 

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I've had similar thoughts for a long long time now..


The best way to make racism go away is to just completely ignore the subject.. Just completely wash it out of people.. Don't even mention the wrongs and rights..


In football they're constantly setting up 'fight against racism' groups and now this PFA idea, the likes of Micheal Johnson coming out saying 'Why aren't there any black managers, it must be a lack of an even playing field' and having special kick racism out of football weekends with armbands and stuff..


The whole thing is just cringy and keeps reminding people about racism..


It's all the pitying I don't get.. Like black people need a helping hand from others or like black people are somehow disadvantaged when it comes to footballing intelligence and managerial skills that they have to set up rules like this.. They're (these agencies) the ones that keep digging up this crap and in a reverse kind of way putting black people down.. I'm sure the likes of Chris Powell doesn't need special attention or treatment to get him the job.. He's good at what he does, simple as that, nothing to do with his ethnic background..


One of my best mates from the US is black (and a doctor) and was saying that if the hospital had offered him the job or favoured him over others just because he's black (to give the hospital a more ethnic feel) rather than his ability to do the job then he would have turned it down in a second.. The guy is awesome and said he doesn't need a 'pity hand' from others..


Spot on this.


Why draw attention to the issue? It annoys me. In this day and age why is it even happening. You get the job by being the best suited. I find it tragic that such a rule may come in.

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Do you think anybody with any common sense will ever get to make up rules?

Michael Johnson is a **** you know? I know a lot of Derby fans still like him but he has been going on about how skin colour has held him back ever since he got his coaching badges.

There's over £60m in finishing bottom of the PL. Does any daft cnut seriously think a club wouldn't have a man in charge because he was black if they thought he might take them anywhere near that club saving pot of gold? Seriously?

Clubs will sign Rapists, burglars and violent criminals if they think it'll give them the edge. They'll all try to justify it. Look at the baggage around Di Canio? Marlon King? Jermaine Pennant? Joey Barton? Swindon keeper??? Do you think Ched Evans will have to sweep floors in Morrisons? Lee Hughes? Nathan Dyer? John Terry? Luis Suarez? Rio Ferdinand?

They aren't fookin bothered about skin colour!! They will do owt to get the edge.

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weirdly foreign black managers have had chances in the prem, I think Gullit and Tigana, I think other than that, Hughton, Ince and er.....thats it.


It's a shame, and a delusion that they think this will increase the number of black managers, it wont. Chairman are still going to employ who they want to employ, they'll just have a token black person attending interviews and what you'll end up with is someone who's attended dozens of interviews and still unemployed, which is worse cos it's providing false hope and wasting time.

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I believe there's a similar rule for recruiting firemen in Devon.


You very rarely see black men/women in Devon. I understand that there was only one black student at Exeter university last year.


It's like these questionaires you have to fill in giving your precise ethnic origin to prove that there is no racial bias. ******.

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Oh dear – it's difficult to have a balanced debate on this issue but let's try and be objective and keep the rhetoric to a minimum


If you read the article it doesn't actually say that they intend to force clubs to interview black candidates, so people shouldn't draw that conclusion.


What it's actually saying is that they accept the need to take steps to try and identify why there is such an anomaly in the game when it comes to black managers.


30% of players are non-white  but only 5% of managers are. There has to be a reason for that.


We have an Equality Act in UK Law that states it is unlawful to discriminate against people of protected characteristics (race, disability, sexuality etc etc) when hiring an employee so it can't be a proveable thing, otherwise there would be a slew of black candidates taking clubs to court.


So when the problem is culturally ingrained and almost sub-conscious it becomes incredibly difficult to address. The US Rooney Rule seems plain daft, as positive discrimination is a dangerous thing. However fair play to the PFA for acknowledging they need to do something. It's more about chellenging the status quo and moving things towards an era when this isn't even considered an issue


How many of us remember Laurie Cunningham, Luther Blisset, Viv Anderson – the first black professional footballers in the late 70's/early 80's when it was NEWS. Now 30 years later none of us bat an eyelid when a club signs a black player. I think the PFA just want to get to the same stage with managers, but maybe not have it take 30 years. Maybe we should applaud them for that?

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Oh dear – it's difficult to have a balanced debate on this issue but let's try and be objective and keep the rhetoric to a minimum


If you read the article it doesn't actually say that they intend to force clubs to interview black candidates, so people shouldn't draw that conclusion.


What it's actually saying is that they accept the need to take steps to try and identify why there is such an anomaly in the game when it comes to black managers.


30% of players are non-white  but only 5% of managers are. There has to be a reason for that.


We have an Equality Act in UK Law that states it is unlawful to discriminate against people of protected characteristics (race, disability, sexuality etc etc) when hiring an employee so it can't be a proveable thing, otherwise there would be a slew of black candidates taking clubs to court.


So when the problem is culturally ingrained and almost sub-conscious it becomes incredibly difficult to address. The US Rooney Rule seems plain daft, as positive discrimination is a dangerous thing. However fair play to the PFA for acknowledging they need to do something. It's more about chellenging the status quo and moving things towards an era when this isn't even considered an issue


How many of us remember Laurie Cunningham, Luther Blisset, Viv Anderson – the first black professional footballers in the late 70's/early 80's when it was NEWS. Now 30 years later none of us bat an eyelid when a club signs a black player. I think the PFA just want to get to the same stage with managers, but maybe not have it take 30 years. Maybe we should applaud them for that?


The law of inverses. By trending ethnic statistics (in seemingly everything these days) and legislating on that basis, does that help or hinder?


Certainly creates a them-and-us mentality in society in my opinion as difference is highlighted, we're grouped.

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There's not enough black rugby players IMO


I think each team should be forced to hire at least one black rugby player.


And snooker players too.. There should be at least one black snooker player at the crucible.. Even if they aren't ranked, there should be one!

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