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Everything posted by Ram-Alf

  1. That's all well and good CB, But when do we get our fcuking coat back 😁
  2. Shame on you FR...3 points and same games...29☺️
  3. If we're being out bid by the likes of Bolton and Portsmouth(embargo still here)then who are we after?, An aging CF or CM, Maybe a shelf filler...yes shelf filler...someone to come in who's struggling in their parent squad...you know like those aisles that Aldi and Lidl have cheap and cheerful but not much use cop after you've had them a week πŸ˜‰
  4. As we all get older I find this place a more sedate place to read and post, It's moderated pretty good, Shed loads of different threads and a mountain of different views, I enjoy this place, I'm glad I popped over and had a read before joining...well done all πŸ‘
  5. I sat between a Fanny and a Richard πŸ˜‰, Infront of me were a pair of twins...their surname was Balls, So a Fanny to the left of me, A Dick to the right of me and a pair of Balls in front of me, Tea bagging was a different term in those days 😁
  6. A great player...imo and I don't chuck "great" around freely, Way back mid to late 90s I'm walking down St Peters Street with the then wife and a group of men stop us, They ask where was a good place for a few beers...somewhere quiet one man asked, I looked at the man and holy fcuk it was Dave Mackay, I sent them to O'Neil's in St Peters Churchyard ☺️
  7. A wonderful place, It was hot outside as mid July, But Christ inside when walking up the slope you needed an oxygen mask 😁
  8. All time ☺️in my timeπŸ‘ 1. Brian Clough 2. Dave Mackay 3. Arthur Cox 4. Jim Smith 5. Steve Mac 1 As the song went... Those were the days, my friend We thought they'd never end We'd sing and dance forever and a day We'd live the life we choose We'd fight and never lose For we were young and sure to have our way...But times have changed πŸ‘Ž
  9. Brearley was going to give him a rest as he said this in later years, Bob gave him a stare so Brearley kept him on πŸ‘
  10. I never knew what a Tw*t or a πŸ””end was even tho I was sitting next to a
  11. Nice one Jim, It was a good holiday...even Saint Austell πŸ‘the Eden Project was worth a visit(bloody humid in there)I went on a walkabout on my lonesome, I found a path down to the bottom of some cliffs, Absolutely deserted...except for what was an old Discotheque on the beach which was half burnt down, Eerily spooky it was...huge seagulls hovering about, I was out of there toot suite, Got back to the cliff top and was stopped by this fella, Where the fcuk have you been, Down by the cliffs mate, It's off bounds you shouldn't be there, How did you get there?, This way I said...as there was a rundown hut there, He went for a piss at the time of me walking passed 😁
  12. You can have this for what My great great Gran paid for it ...😁
  13. He left the "graph" with the girl in the wheelchair on the staircase when there was a fire drill 😁
  14. Maybe at Charlton he was given a free reign πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈvery very early days for CBT here, A winning goal at Charlton on Saturday and he'll be the hero πŸ‘
  15. PWs comment on CBT in the post match interview he said he's only trained a day, So next week he'll know what we want him to do. Now...what does PW want him to do, Score goals is one priority, Cross the ball is another, But imo we coach natural ability OUT of players, A player moves to a club who's manager has a different logic to the player but the player has to do what he's been told to do. Most of the posters on here are saying "we're winning games not because we're the better team, But because we have better individual players" and it's the latter that is keeping us in the top 6. Football is a simple game believe me, It's only made complicated when you over coach a player who's either not got the where with all or just doesn't see what the manager wants...or heaven forbid...can't be arsed 😬 I'll take you all the way back to Hourihane's comment/argument to some fans after an away game last year when we either lost or drew..."we're being told to play this way" Down to you now Mr Warne and coaching team...3 in the middle please ☺️
  16. We did Saint Blazey Gate for a week, Got blitzed in Fowey(all the boozers)and visited to Saint Austell brewery...a boozer round the corner was a must...I can see why you left...wow the locals ...πŸ˜‰
  17. There might be a time when Collins gets injured this season(I bloody hope not)and those who are primed to have a pop at him will see how much he contributes to this team, It's not just the goals it's his all-round effort to either get the ball back or harass the opposition, The honourable "workhorse" ☺️
  18. It looked like the ball hit the back of his head then he clatters the post...one weird passage of play...thank fcuk
  19. Nyambe back for the Charlton game...injured or not, Elder out for at least 10 days...as for Fozzy
  20. What does PW need to change to change our fortunes on the pitch, Is it 3 in midfield? as I read it it looked more comfortable in there with a 3. Posters saying that the opposition have now sussed us out by doubling up on the wide players, But NML got the ball in for Collins to score from wide πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ It's 3 welcome points but yet again we fail in the good football department, Our better ability seems to just get us through games instead of being dominant.
  21. Highlights here...good goal from Collins πŸ‘ https://www.skysports.com/watch/video/13057911/derby-2-1-cheltenham-league-one-highlights
  22. See you all in 45mins...this reading is bad...catch ya later πŸ–οΈ
  23. Following the game on here, How is CBT playing in this pitiful game?
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