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Everything posted by Ram-Alf

  1. ...he should know, He signed some right cnuts ☺️
  2. Would that be the small bin a the X large bin😁
  3. The Long Memory 1953 on Talking pictures, John mills in the lead role as a man convicted of a crime he didn't commit so seeks revenge, Thora Hird also in it. An absolute pile of horse sh!t, Mills must have been pissed when he signed this films contract, The acting was so bad it hurt my eyes, I mean it's day light outside, A copper puts the light on and a woman closes the curtains WTF 😬 1/10 and I'm being nice
  4. You get all sorts of folk trying to rubbish a 3-0 away win...notice the initials at the top right 😁
  5. Just a little point of contention concerning JC continually being caught offside, Now I've not witnessed this as I neither go to PP or watch on RTV only read it on here, Has anyone ever thought that the reason he's offside is because the player with the ball holds on to it just that little to long...just a thought πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ
  6. Simple Juan...there's those that know and there's those that don't ☺️
  7. 33' missed 58' missed 66' missed 93' missed 6' 7' 56' 68' 93'again and 96' all missed...I think you're missing the point 😊
  8. It's only what I've heard 😁, As it looks like the person who was sent to STFC got lost, PW sets his team up with 5 at the back against a team that was 6th from bottom, He admitted his mistake and changed his tactics...or changed tac in mid streamπŸ™„ And as an aside...wasn't the Bolton game heavily influenced by a fcuking sh!t refπŸ‘
  9. I remember a time not to long ago when WE knocked it around and would have 70% possession but couldn't score away from home...now who was that manager 😁
  10. Then I guess if we played a more "streetwise team" the tactics would/could have been different, You have the opposition watched, You come back with a plan, You put that plan in place...except when you play STFC at home, It looks as the coaches are beginning to learn what football is all about.
  11. Listen to Barkers post match interview, We had a plan, Even talking in the hotel leading up to the game, What is this master plan...to let them have the ball and we press, Would we have let a more streetwise team "run us ragged"?...over to you coach.
  12. It either flew over your head or your name is Mat
  13. The Outfit...new to Netflix with Mary Rylance in the lead role, English Cutter/Tailor has a shop that's used by 1956 Chicago's Gangsters. Rylance in his usual brilliant acting...a 9/10 for me.
  14. A story that Roy McFarland once said about CT, He'd sooner play darts in his local boozer than play for England, A graceful player that I was pleased to see ☺️
  15. and what is that going to achieve...there are no collections on a Sunday
  16. Clowes will have a plan, Whether long or short πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ as I'd guess so would the other 23 EFL teams, Now we're into crystal ball territory, We know there's going to be another squad building to come in the summer, DC will stick with PW that's for sure the Β£8m will help to strengthen that squad, The 22k ST holders I'd guess would increase so it looks like a soundish financial footing, I like how the Coventry model has evolved altho they don't own their ground. Time is a precious thing in football and this is something some supporters refuse to accept, I'm hopeful and expecting us to go up in either 1st or 2nd there's nowt in this division we need to fear...only ourselves πŸ˜‰
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