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Posts posted by Ram-Alf

  1. I played in goal for a couple of seasons after having an arthroscopy(Cartilage)at Bretby hospital, The last position before the knackers yard, Played in Belgium(Easter tour)the goalkeeper in the Belgian Sunday team didn't show so I was asked to play for them against a team from Burton, We won 3-1 and I scored from a goal punt(with a good tail wind)

    Got to a final at the Municipal Bowl and lost 4-1.Made a good few saves in my time...made some howlers too, Some very comical in my time 🙄, Best game was when we played Alfreton Blue Bell in the Cup on Chadd Park, I got the headlines in the "Green Un" for that game, They were a Prem side we were division 3, So a pasting was on the cards, We were 1-0 down after 5mins, Then I took a goal kick...one of my boot laces got caught in my studs when running to take a goal kick...I fell over, The pitch erupted in 😂 even the Ref 😔, It seemed to spur us on as we won 3-1, In the changing room after they all complained that we had Ringers in our team, We had 1, A good 35 year CH...Pete Jackson we sent for him as he lived on Meadow Lane in Chadd a 5min walk away 👌

    And it's true...you have to be a little mad to be a keeper...but what great fun it was.

  2. Spencer Confidential...Netflix with Mark Wahlberg in the lead role, Honest Boston cop sent to prison for attacking his boss, Comes out to get revenge....shoot em up and beat em up.

    One sex scene in the gents toilet...20seconds...tops...and it's over...the only 2 t!ts on show were Wahlberg and the female.


  3. 33 minutes ago, Day said:

    You say that, yet what would they gain from doing it? Not like Just Eat where they can give you a 10% discount code and lure you into a kebab through them every Saturday.

    Midweek offer, 10% off a Trent 7000 engine for fans.

    Looks good on a kit mockup whilst we wait for signings but makes no financial sense, that money would be better off in their bank account, reward the city with it by not laying off staff when profits start to dip.

    It would be "chump change" for RR to sponsor DCFC, Covid almost killed them they lost Billions of £s, Now those billions are being re-cooped, The shares are slowly Ramping up, But the British Government still hold the Golden Share so maybe that would stop them putting money into their local football team, Toyota on the other hand 👌

    PS...it's the Trent 700 😉

  4. On 30/05/2024 at 14:48, Crewton said:

    Never saw Mick Coop play during his mercifully brief spell with us then? 

    I don't dispute that he didn't look fit and his general play wasn't up to scratch that season, but I don't buy the idea that he was deliberately undermining Cocu. It's not as if anyone played consistently well in Cocu's second season.

    I did, Hartlepool away in the FA Cup around Oct/Nov time, Their pitch was worse than the BBG, Coop came off the pitch cleaner than when he ran out of their tunnel at the start of the game...an absolute turd of a player for DCFC 🙄 

  5. 5 hours ago, Comrade 86 said:

    Feels like a forgotten war to me. The largest attack on a European state since WW2 and heading towards a 3rd year with seemingly no end in sight. I wonder how this and the reaction of those supporting it will be viewed in years to come?

    Media apathy...imo, Gaza has taken the headlines, Worldwide protests, Mass killings, USA president desperate for this to end, While there "was" the same in Ukraine only a few months back 🤷‍♂️

    Russia take Ukraine villages, Ukraine fight back, Putin has one of his homes burned down, Ukraine struggling for fighters, Russia fooling foreigners with good paying jobs only to find themselves fighting in a War, Western leaders giving Ukraine arms that will go deep into Russia, Ukraine bomb the Crimea ports and destroy Russian ships, Russia threatening NATO with WW3, North Korea/China backing Putin, Russia paying Western citizens to spy on their homeland are all in the media...but you have to look for it.

    It's "forgotten" in the main by those who are in the media...but not those who would like to live in a World that could just get along with each other...ie World Leaders 🙄  



  6. 29 minutes ago, Crewton said:

    "Marching On Together" is probably not a song that Red Bull's other teams in Leipzig and Saltzburg will feel like adopting, but some of their fans might be able to adapt, er, popular, er, German lyrics to the tune....

    tumblr_n6nugyTxH51s0mbfho1_400.gif&ehk=N 😉

  7. 7 minutes ago, Caerphilly Ram said:

    EDIT - taking your car auction analogy, we’re both looking at the same car, I bid £1000 as that’s what I believe it is worth but could go higher if I wanted to, you bid £1100 and I think “it’s not fair value so I’ll take my money elsewhere”, not that I couldn’t bid further but I chose not to.

    Then the highest bidder wins...me...as I out bid you, I don't know you have more loot in your back pocket...the auctioneer says it's me as "I out bid you" 😉

  8. 1 minute ago, Caerphilly Ram said:

    Apologies Alf, I took the wording and tone of your initial post as implying we were somehow being financially outmuscled by Rotherham, I was just looking to suggest it may be down to choice on our part rather than spending power. 

    No apologies needed.

    We all have a figure in mind of what a player is worth...even in our world 👍, If Rotherham pay what Sibley believes he's worth then fare play, Money in football is the biggest driver.


  9. 1 minute ago, Caerphilly Ram said:

    There’s a difference between “being outbid” and choosing to pay up to a certain amount that the club believes the player is worth. Not saying I agree with it, but there’s every chance the club has made what it believes is a fair offer and Sibley feels he’s worth more so is looking elsewhere, rather than that Rotherham are able to pay more than we can.
    IF he is leaving it’s a massive shame either way.

    I'm aware of all the above, Some posters last season were intimating Sibley was one of our higher wage earners some claiming £20k a week 🤷‍♂️, I doubt very much that DCFC were considering getting that close.

    But if Rotherham are in the frame according to BT and Rotherham are prepared to pay what could be close to what Sibley wants then my post still stands.



  10. 54 minutes ago, Foreveram said:

    Yes I’m aware that you are probably aware, but I also was aware that other people were not aware, so now hopefully everyone is aware, even the ones that have never been to the ground 🙂

    I wasn't aware of that 😁

  11. 4 hours ago, Crewton said:

    Big difference between Lionel and Mel is that Lionel didn't bale out - the Co-op Bank stitched him up with a pre-pack deal with a bunch of crooks. Mel walked away despite there being no evidence he was actually skint. Lionel didn't walk away, despite being far less wealthy than Mel.

    Wasn't it that the Co-op who made him personally liable for the debt, They called it in and he couldn't pay so they took DCFC off him and sold it for "£3" to a bunch of thieves.

    I remember Jeremy Kieth going on radio Derby one Monday night, Colin Gibson made it very uncomfortable for him and asked why was he paying himself "£60k" a year, Kieth wanted to get out of the interview as he had his Daughter in the car waiting for him 🙄he said

    Lionel did his best, Some good some not so good, Employing Jim Smith...wtf we thought...but my did he bring the good times back, Then Lionel went of radio Derby and asked those who complained... "If you can do better, where's your money - and if you don't like it, go and watch Forest.” 😡

    The rest is history  


  12. 1 hour ago, GboroRam said:

    Hyundai Kona 64Kw.

    200bhp, not that I drive fast but far better pick up than my Clio GT.

    Top speed 102, which sounds puny but even in Germany I won't go over a ton on the autobahn. 

    Bargain. I was looking at a hateful, evil tesla but with all the extras and dealer sleight of hand, a 290 monthly payment turned out to be over 400 on PCP. I ended up with a HP of 345 per month. Happy motorist here. 

    Serious question, Does the faster you go in an EV reduce the battery life on one charge...ie reduces your 300miles per charge?

  13. 5 hours ago, alram said:

    joey barton is vile but has anyone seen jeremy vines twitter feed? he is embarrassing. he cycles around all day trying to find incidents to post onto twitter, he gives cyclists a bad name. ive been cycling for about 40 years and have never had an incident that he seems to run into every day which probably says more about the way he rides bikes

    https://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/entry/jeremy-vine-metropolitan-police-make-arrest-after-presenters-terrifying-road-rage-video_uk_57cd6e76e4b01e35922bd22f#:~:text=A 22-year-old woman has been arrested after Radio,to “knock him out” and kicking at him.

  14. 16 hours ago, Bris Vegas said:

    I wouldn’t go overboard on United. They parked the bus, were gifted a first goal and then hung on for dear life in the 2nd half. They played like a team scrapping relegation. But in a final, winning is all that matters.

    Spot on Bris, Even in the 1st half united had 2 banks of 5 defending what they had, A miserable Cup final...imo, City are/were so used to having the game and game plan go their way that teams were beaten before they turned up, 1st goal a c*** up, 2nd goal well worked, That Mainoo kid if he progresses is going to be some player.

    Pep has admitted he got the 1st half wrong, But giving a team a 2 goal lead at which they can defend with ease, Pack the 18 yard area, Have a wall in front and it becomes very difficult, City's goal was courtesy of Nana.

    The great Alan Shearer 🙄 in the media this morning...where has this united been all season...I'll tell ya...floundering in the middle on the EPL.

    Nope City were bang average and united took advantage of this 👍

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