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  1. Haha
    kevinhectoring got a reaction from Stive Pesley in The Administration Thread   
    Q told us some months ago that the rent was not being paid (ie 202 was giving the club a break)
    Latest from Q on that is that rental arrears are one of the points tba with MM in the final settlement ( in their latest statement)
    The creditor numbers we have seen along the way show MSD outstandings rising suggesting interest is not being paid (in full?)
    as for stadium ownership, I refer you to the following pages of this thread : 17, 24-27, 54,59,67-71, 84,89,90-96,102,103,106 (et seq etc there are too many to mention) and to @iRam’s soon to be published dissertation on the matter. (PS MM doesn’t own it )
  2. Haha
    kevinhectoring reacted to Stive Pesley in The Administration Thread   
    As several people speculated - the speed at which local authorities move made this a wildly ambitious plan to be relying on
    The City Council having an intention, is usually several years away from the plan becoming a reality
  3. Like
    kevinhectoring reacted to duncanjwitham in The Administration Thread   
    I suspect we're pretty much okay for a couple of weeks.  The next major outlay is going to be May's wages, but I don't think they're paid until towards the end of the month (I've got the 25th in my head, but I could be wrong).  That gives us until then without need any major cash, so it probably makes sense to extend until then (assuming everything else is still moving forwards etc).  If we hit that date and still have no resolution on the stadium, then we have to make a decision.
  4. Like
    kevinhectoring got a reaction from Dordogne-Ram in The Administration Thread   
    I took his tweet to mean that other private individuals would be buying it (a LoG). It’s consistent w the Punjabi rams messages.  
    if there are several gents involved in the league, then we need to be patient. It will not all be agreed overnight 
  5. Like
    kevinhectoring got a reaction from GB SPORTS in The Administration Thread   
    I took his tweet to mean that other private individuals would be buying it (a LoG). It’s consistent w the Punjabi rams messages.  
    if there are several gents involved in the league, then we need to be patient. It will not all be agreed overnight 
  6. Sad
    kevinhectoring got a reaction from jimtastic56 in The Administration Thread   
    Probably not. I’d think he needs a deal signed before he can unleash his largesse. But we probably have enough to muddle through for a few more days. 
  7. Like
    kevinhectoring got a reaction from angieram in The Administration Thread   
    I took his tweet to mean that other private individuals would be buying it (a LoG). It’s consistent w the Punjabi rams messages.  
    if there are several gents involved in the league, then we need to be patient. It will not all be agreed overnight 
  8. Like
    kevinhectoring got a reaction from RadioactiveWaste in The Administration Thread   
    I took his tweet to mean that other private individuals would be buying it (a LoG). It’s consistent w the Punjabi rams messages.  
    if there are several gents involved in the league, then we need to be patient. It will not all be agreed overnight 
  9. Like
    kevinhectoring got a reaction from r_wilcockson in The Administration Thread   
    CK will be signing cheques in time to avoid this   
    (fingers crossed) 
  10. Clap
    kevinhectoring reacted to B4ev6is in The Administration Thread   
    The lights will not go out for crying out loud.
  11. Like
    kevinhectoring reacted to Woodley Ram in The Administration Thread   
    The way this takeover is dragging on we will soon have a bigger thread on our administration than the Bristol City one. I have heard that Mr Pop might be up for the pulizar prize? 
    I think the takeover will go through, I wish Ashley would go away as I just want this done. We can then rebuild within the constraints of the EFL business plan and operating expenditure. It would be good to give Wayne his budget ASAP so that he will know what wages he can afford because we will not be paying a fee for anyone, not sure about loans as they generally come at a cost as well.
    Plenty of free agents out there, I think we will have a decent team next year (less a few players such as Lawrence who I expect to be gone), better than this and I think we will have a decent go at promotion from what is a horrible and tough division (ask Sunderland and others).
    For the championship next year (and possibly the one after that) I think we (they) will have an extra category of those desperate not to cross the FFP line and possibly failing. I think a lot of people (as we where a few years ago) do not realise reality. If clubs think they can still sell their way out of FFP with the sale of a £20m player they are apart from the very odd player very wrong. For the moment those times have gone.  
    For the first time those coming up from L1 could do well as a lot of clubs take a sharp knife to their budget. Of course the PP will always be there so expect to see Norwich, Watford and possibly Leeds splash the cash to go back up.
    Looking forward to next year and to renewing my season ticket
  12. Cheers
    kevinhectoring reacted to curb in The Administration Thread   
    After already ‘gifting’ CK relegation to league 1, MM is being asked to give back the -15 that the debts he ran up have caused.
  13. Like
    kevinhectoring got a reaction from IslandExile in The Administration Thread   
    CK will be signing cheques in time to avoid this   
    (fingers crossed) 
  14. Clap
    kevinhectoring reacted to Red Ram in The Administration Thread   
    Reading were only in breach for one season. We were in breach for three seasons - hence our potential sanction could have easily been 18 points rather than 9 and would have been if the EFL really did have a vendetta against us.
    I've listened to the Rick Parry interview before. All he actually said was that Boro weren't happy that the EFL hadn't been properly enforcing their own rules. The EFL agreed and then rectified the situation. So if they were at fault, it was for not enforcing the rules properly in the first place.
    The idea that the EFL were somehow 'out to get' Derby County is just ludicrous.
  15. Clap
    kevinhectoring got a reaction from strawhillram in The Administration Thread   
    good post, thanks.   Reading between the lines, it seemed Parry did put some pressure on Gibbo to back off, and by the end Parry was signalling frustration at Boro's position. (We'll never know, but maybe in part it was pressure from EFL that Ied to the 'accord': Gibbo was not under great pressure to settle when he did, except from some quarters of the media (eg G Neville) and the odd MP who called him out.) But Gibbo's malicious intent was there for all to see and the EFL full timers needed to do more.  Q was apparently out to lunch the whole time
  16. Like
    kevinhectoring got a reaction from RAM1966 in The Administration Thread   
    Everyone in the media, Q and the EFL saying ‘it’s the stadium’. Why?  The problem is there is simply not enough money in the bid to avoid a points deduction. 
    If MM had sold the stadium to a subsidiary of the club, the club would ‘own’ it. But wouldn’t we be in exactly the same position, faced with CK’s bid : Not enough money to avoid a points deduction. I think so (but it’s quite a hard question ). 
    CK is a bit of an illusion artist in how he has presented his bid. And it will force MM to write one last cheque...
    (This wasn’t really a response to your comment about the EFL PdP, it was just a more, general vent. Hope you don’t mind me piggybacking  )
  17. Like
    kevinhectoring got a reaction from Ram Logan Josh in The Administration Thread   
    I’ve swallowed Q’s statement lock stock and barrel ?!
     I’m pretty sceptical when reading statements of this type and I’ve written enough of them to understand them pretty well. The idea MM would lie to Q about death threats however is bordering on the fanciful, despite how much some on here might want to believe it. Given the vitriol on this forum and Twitter, and having seen at too close a range what some of our fans are capable of, I’d expect there to have been multiple death threats. Surprised your background leads you to think otherwise.  
    You can twist my words all you want. And you can twist the facts. You’ll notice though that CK slated MM in public, accused him of blocking his bid, but that despite this, CK is ... err...  the PB. (Not MM’s chosen PB, that’s for sure !!!). 
    The evidence indicates that MM has one key objective, namely that he does not have to write further cheques to pay off MSD. There is not one shred of evidence I have seen that suggests MM has adopted a different position with different bidders. Have you seen any ?? And if MM were to dick Q around and interfere in the M&A process, he would face serious repercussions in court. No question 
    If there’s a change of direction - if MM does a preferential stadium deal with Ashley for example - I’ll change my view. But right now I don’t believe that MM has controlled the I/d of the buyer. And if you consider CK’s comments about MM, if you consider that Rooney and Stretford are all bound up in CK’s bid and that MM and Rooney detest each other, I think you’ll see how unlikely it is that MM has influenced the PB nomination.
    In fact the more likely scenario is that Rooney and Stretford have been the only external parties who have had influence and there is at the least circumstantial evidence to support this 
  18. Haha
    kevinhectoring reacted to Yani P in The Administration Thread   
    Criticise Rick Parry all you like but he knows his stuff..
    "We are realistic," Parry told BBC Sport. "We clearly know 2024 is coming."
    Nostradamus like..
  19. Clap
    kevinhectoring got a reaction from David Graham Brown in The Administration Thread   
    I’ve swallowed Q’s statement lock stock and barrel ?!
     I’m pretty sceptical when reading statements of this type and I’ve written enough of them to understand them pretty well. The idea MM would lie to Q about death threats however is bordering on the fanciful, despite how much some on here might want to believe it. Given the vitriol on this forum and Twitter, and having seen at too close a range what some of our fans are capable of, I’d expect there to have been multiple death threats. Surprised your background leads you to think otherwise.  
    You can twist my words all you want. And you can twist the facts. You’ll notice though that CK slated MM in public, accused him of blocking his bid, but that despite this, CK is ... err...  the PB. (Not MM’s chosen PB, that’s for sure !!!). 
    The evidence indicates that MM has one key objective, namely that he does not have to write further cheques to pay off MSD. There is not one shred of evidence I have seen that suggests MM has adopted a different position with different bidders. Have you seen any ?? And if MM were to dick Q around and interfere in the M&A process, he would face serious repercussions in court. No question 
    If there’s a change of direction - if MM does a preferential stadium deal with Ashley for example - I’ll change my view. But right now I don’t believe that MM has controlled the I/d of the buyer. And if you consider CK’s comments about MM, if you consider that Rooney and Stretford are all bound up in CK’s bid and that MM and Rooney detest each other, I think you’ll see how unlikely it is that MM has influenced the PB nomination.
    In fact the more likely scenario is that Rooney and Stretford have been the only external parties who have had influence and there is at the least circumstantial evidence to support this 
  20. Haha
    kevinhectoring reacted to strawhillram in The Administration Thread   
    That does  cheer me up
  21. Clap
    kevinhectoring got a reaction from jimtastic56 in Ground Sharing Agreement   
    Spot on. 80m was never right but all MM has asked for is enough to pay off MSD. Many choose to ignore that inconvenient truth and talk about him making money from the stadium 
  22. Cheers
    kevinhectoring got a reaction from strawhillram in The Administration Thread   
    In case it cheers you up:  it seems CK’s clever offer for the club without stadium forces MM to tip more dosh in.
  23. Like
    kevinhectoring reacted to Gaspode in The Administration Thread   
    Q have given CK more time because he offers the best deal for the creditors - that’s what they’re employed to ensure…..
  24. Like
    kevinhectoring reacted to PistoldPete in The Administration Thread   
    Morris will not get a penny for the stadium. The payment will go to paying off the MSD loan that we owe... so reducing our debts and making the takeover happen.  
  25. Clap
    kevinhectoring got a reaction from Gringo in The Administration Thread   
    But he’s not asking full price. Nothing like. He’s asking for enough to cover the outstandings to MSD 
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