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  1. Clap
    Alty_Ram got a reaction from Premier ram in The Administration Thread   
    This 100%, a great summary. Apart from the privileged few at the top table, football for most of us is not about glory seeking, it's about a connection with your team and community (the huge march showed us that) and as you say, a distraction from the daily grind, a chance to lose yourself in a game for a bit. It's fickle, it will let you down (god knows we've had some sickening moments in playoff finals!) but it'll have you in tears of joy, whether that's actually achieving/winning something or just bouncing around after a scratch team of kids and what looks like their dads grabs a 93rd minute equaliser at Accrington that flies in off someone's arse.
    After the last couple of years lets hope that we can all keep the current levels of perspective. League 1 can be a 'mare to get out of and there is are so many teams that get becalmed down here whose fans were no doubt all sure that they'd bounce straight back. We need a team before we can worry about how they will fare. We're still under restrictions so although there may be a few signings I reckon that initially we'll see a bunch of loans to try to tide us over and fill in the obvious gaping holes in the squad and maybe a few tweaks in the January but the team is going to be what it is and much more to do next summer. Even if we get a decent number of players in it will be a largely new team, much of which has not played together competitively. Patience and unswerving support is what's required. It was a genuine privilege to see our fans siege mentality last year after all the deduction but this year will need a different sort of vibe.
  2. COYR
    Alty_Ram got a reaction from jono in The Administration Thread   
    Perhaps they should quote this bit to the would-be contract dodgers.. ?

    That he which hath no stomach to this fight,
    Let him depart; his passport shall be made
    And crowns for convoy put into his purse:
    We would not die in that man’s company
    That fears his fellowship to die with us.
  3. COYR
    Alty_Ram got a reaction from RadioactiveWaste in The Administration Thread   
    Perhaps they should quote this bit to the would-be contract dodgers.. ?

    That he which hath no stomach to this fight,
    Let him depart; his passport shall be made
    And crowns for convoy put into his purse:
    We would not die in that man’s company
    That fears his fellowship to die with us.
  4. Clap
    Alty_Ram got a reaction from LeedsCityRam in The Administration Thread   
    This 100%, a great summary. Apart from the privileged few at the top table, football for most of us is not about glory seeking, it's about a connection with your team and community (the huge march showed us that) and as you say, a distraction from the daily grind, a chance to lose yourself in a game for a bit. It's fickle, it will let you down (god knows we've had some sickening moments in playoff finals!) but it'll have you in tears of joy, whether that's actually achieving/winning something or just bouncing around after a scratch team of kids and what looks like their dads grabs a 93rd minute equaliser at Accrington that flies in off someone's arse.
    After the last couple of years lets hope that we can all keep the current levels of perspective. League 1 can be a 'mare to get out of and there is are so many teams that get becalmed down here whose fans were no doubt all sure that they'd bounce straight back. We need a team before we can worry about how they will fare. We're still under restrictions so although there may be a few signings I reckon that initially we'll see a bunch of loans to try to tide us over and fill in the obvious gaping holes in the squad and maybe a few tweaks in the January but the team is going to be what it is and much more to do next summer. Even if we get a decent number of players in it will be a largely new team, much of which has not played together competitively. Patience and unswerving support is what's required. It was a genuine privilege to see our fans siege mentality last year after all the deduction but this year will need a different sort of vibe.
  5. Cheers
    Alty_Ram reacted to CaptainOx in The Administration Thread   
    Pleased for you as a fanbase - you've had to suffer enough!
    Also on a personal (selfish) note as it means the city I live in continues to have an EFL football club, and a big one at that. I've enjoyed some fantastic days at Pride Park since I've lived here.
    Not so pleased that it sounds like you might be in a position to sign on players much quicker than it was looking like!
    I suppose if you beat us on opening day, the banter from the in-laws and friends will be over nice and early!
  6. Haha
    Alty_Ram reacted to maxjam in The Administration Thread   
    Eh?  Actual good news...

  7. Clap
    Alty_Ram got a reaction from Will Hughes Hair in The Administration Thread   
    But having a football club that cannot field a viable side is surely just a money sink ? I agree that we will likely lose players and therefore have a lower bill but at what cost in terms of people's willingness to pay good money to see it ? We are struggling at all levels for viability. Our U23s got relegated because the have been heavily plundered to patch up the first team and have been just to give us a bench. As far as I can see our value continues to nosedive the longer this goes on because it is becoming a bigger and bigger task to rebuild with less and less playing asset.
  8. Cheers
    Alty_Ram reacted to downsouth in The Administration Thread   
    Portsmouth fan here in peace. 
    I'm guessing that some of you will have seen that we have previous with Andronikou involved as an administrator with us; and fair to say that those of our support who remember him hold him in utter contempt. 
    I sincerely hope you manage to rid yourself of Morris' tenure and are able to move on properly from all this without him having any control over any of the assets your club needs to move forward.
    Look after yourselves - and hopefully when we meet next season things will be on a bit more of an even keel for you.
  9. Clap
    Alty_Ram got a reaction from jimtastic56 in The Administration Thread   
    But having a football club that cannot field a viable side is surely just a money sink ? I agree that we will likely lose players and therefore have a lower bill but at what cost in terms of people's willingness to pay good money to see it ? We are struggling at all levels for viability. Our U23s got relegated because the have been heavily plundered to patch up the first team and have been just to give us a bench. As far as I can see our value continues to nosedive the longer this goes on because it is becoming a bigger and bigger task to rebuild with less and less playing asset.
  10. Haha
    Alty_Ram got a reaction from LeedsCityRam in The Administration Thread   
  11. Haha
    Alty_Ram got a reaction from Mucker1884 in The Administration Thread   
  12. Haha
    Alty_Ram got a reaction from GenBr in The Administration Thread   
  13. Haha
    Alty_Ram got a reaction from Crewton in The Administration Thread   
  14. Haha
    Alty_Ram got a reaction from RoyMac5 in The Administration Thread   
  15. Haha
    Alty_Ram reacted to SaffyRam in The Administration Thread   
    Just. One. Normal. Day. ?? ?
  16. Sad
    Alty_Ram got a reaction from jimtastic56 in The Administration Thread   
    If it isn't an identikit deal to CK's then I don't see how we can possibly tie up all the loose ends by then. Even after proof of funds and fit and proper person nonsense, if any of the debt repayment amounts change then surely that will need negotiating with all the different parties and even then EFL signoff required followed by actually getting the money across. I just can't see how this can be done if the rate of progress of previous deals was even remotely realistic.
  17. Sad
    Alty_Ram reacted to Mick Brolly in The Administration Thread   
    At the rate of previous deals we'd be lucky to get it done by 2023 fixtures 
  18. Haha
    Alty_Ram got a reaction from Mick Brolly in The Administration Thread   
    Right, how can this one fall apart ? Morgan is just about to buy us but then has a complete breakdown and burns all his wealth on a massive herd of Alpaca, throws his phone and laptop in the sea and retires to a remote Scottish island to live in a hut with nothing but a million new woolly friends for company.
  19. Haha
    Alty_Ram got a reaction from SaffyRam in The Administration Thread   
    Right, how can this one fall apart ? Morgan is just about to buy us but then has a complete breakdown and burns all his wealth on a massive herd of Alpaca, throws his phone and laptop in the sea and retires to a remote Scottish island to live in a hut with nothing but a million new woolly friends for company.
  20. Haha
    Alty_Ram got a reaction from Andrew3000 in The Administration Thread   
    Right, how can this one fall apart ? Morgan is just about to buy us but then has a complete breakdown and burns all his wealth on a massive herd of Alpaca, throws his phone and laptop in the sea and retires to a remote Scottish island to live in a hut with nothing but a million new woolly friends for company.
  21. Like
    Alty_Ram got a reaction from atherstoneram in The Administration Thread   
    -15 points kills the season for me. We desperately need a rebuild at all playing levels and even if saved would be subject to significant restrictions based on business plan and P&L. A points deduction makes another relegation a very real threat.
    I'm utterly sick of this club getting a kicking. Another points deduction would IMHO be a hammer blow for morale for players and fans alike.
  22. Haha
    Alty_Ram reacted to CornwallRam in The Administration Thread   
    Sheep sh@g army! ?
  23. Clap
    Alty_Ram got a reaction from Dordogne-Ram in The Administration Thread   
    -15 points kills the season for me. We desperately need a rebuild at all playing levels and even if saved would be subject to significant restrictions based on business plan and P&L. A points deduction makes another relegation a very real threat.
    I'm utterly sick of this club getting a kicking. Another points deduction would IMHO be a hammer blow for morale for players and fans alike.
  24. Clap
    Alty_Ram got a reaction from Kathcairns in The Administration Thread   
    -15 points kills the season for me. We desperately need a rebuild at all playing levels and even if saved would be subject to significant restrictions based on business plan and P&L. A points deduction makes another relegation a very real threat.
    I'm utterly sick of this club getting a kicking. Another points deduction would IMHO be a hammer blow for morale for players and fans alike.
  25. Sad
    Alty_Ram got a reaction from jimtastic56 in The Administration Thread   
    Yeah, I get that. 5 doesn't seem like that much but even if we started reasonably well with a hurriedly assembled team and get say 4 wins, 3 draws and just 2 defeats in 10 we'd be 10 games in and still on zero points. We cannot reasonably expect this paper-thin squad of old pros and young lads to tear it up. I get that it is a division down but we will be weaker too. Sure relegation is not a certainty with -15 points but it's a hell of a handicap. For all our teams heroics last year, if you add 21 points back on it was still only 17th.
    I just think that players and fans alike have had a belly full of points deductions and handicaps. We survived on anger and indignation last year due to dubiously justified punishments. I just don't think we can expect the same when the punishment is laid out for all to see in advance but our would-be owners seemed to be headed in that direction anyway. Maybe someone will surprise me and find a load of extra cash but I'm not holding my breath. ☹️
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