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Everything posted by Srg

  1. This + by the time he is fit, the other old journeymen will be back anyway
  2. Yes, he started the AFCON (albeit got sent off in the first half then didn't play the next two games!). But, yeah, essentially, he's fit.
  3. I liked Max, but having watched Knight go there and captain them, it’s hard to see how he won’t have thought the grass is greener. Even if we went up, he’s probably better served elsewhere with a fresh start after everything we’ve been through. There’s little doubt he struggled to have a big impact in a lot of games and he doesn’t carry huge stats either, so let’s hope however we replace in the summer can do that. Kinda funny though watching Bristol cobble together a midfield which wasn’t that great for us all over again.
  4. So you want to play the back up under 21 strikers, as the first choice is the one we loaned out? That seems like a solid strategy.
  5. Warne been banging on about a striker for literal months, pissing around with grandads from Sheffield. Then we end up with absolutely nothing, other than shipping out the only backup striker we had. Something doesn’t add up whatsoever. The rest of the business has been fine and understandable. This just doesn’t add up at all. Why fixate on two old blokes from one club? Why has it taken til the last day? Why be so brazen about what you wanted just to be left with egg on your face? I struggle to believe the party line we will be fed about getting in players who will improve us. It’s just not true. If Collins gets injured Saturday we are up the creek with no paddle.
  6. Get what you mean. Reverse psychology.
  7. Sorry, for clarification. £500k more than the £2m they’d need to spend in summer (plus would have to convince him over potentially more clubs and up the wages to compete etc etc)
  8. No? That’s literally when the tribunal would happen. What Bristol have done, hypothetically, is avoided fighting with other clubs over an available player which would cost £2m in tribunal. To avoid that, they’ve spent £500k to sign him permanently now.
  9. Wouldn’t want JCH. Slow, and another one heading out of his prime rapidly.
  10. Be more than that. A tribunal would be more than that, so no reason to sell for less.
  11. If he made it clear he was going in the summer regardless of what happens, selling now and getting back on loan is the best outcome. Now, what remains to be seen, is what, if anything, we do with that money at this late point? If it’s giving it to Sheffield Wednesday for one of their grandads I swear to god…
  12. With all due respect, this isn't the 90s anymore. Football is different. Being further up the pitch is fine, but he can't manipulate the ball, he doesn't have half a yard to get round anyone, playing with his back to goal to receive the ball in an attacking area isn't in his wheelhouse.. the only thing he can do is arrive on the edge of the box with that sweet left foot. Again, just not sure that's worth it when we could get so much more from the entire team with a different player in there.
  13. It would be, but how far down the list are we if that's the option we are looking at for our striking issues. May as well just have Lennon Wheeldon on the bench or something if that's what it would be for.
  14. Because he can't move. He could have 35 yards of open grass and he would treat it like a free kick. He slows the play down massively and turns it into walking football. He is a turnstile out of possession who lets anyone and everyone past him with minimal effort. His idea of closing down is a slow jog to five yards away and then pointing for a team mate. His stats are massively inflated by taking every single set piece we have when he's on the pitch. Clearly he can still strike a ball, but not sure the deficiencies he has that we have been unable to cover up, are worth it at this point. Maybe if he can play less minutes he can play at a higher tempo for shorter periods... but I'm not sure it's a fitness thing. He seems like a end of career Bryson in that regard, where he could probably run all day, but he's not athletic enough to twist and turn with any short-area quickness anymore.
  15. You could look at it that way, but you could equally just wonder why we were so reluctant to give Brown minutes even when the opportunity arose, to then just do this... who's also a kid in the same situation. Would Warne even use him? He didn't Brown. All hypothetical of course, don't expect this is the guy we are even after.
  16. With a huge asterisk with the fact that a lot of his minutes and when these lapses occur is when Hourihane is on the pitch, who is completely unable to cover any ground whatsoever and is the common denominator in our porous midfield. He needs to improve, of course he does, but he's also of an age where he can. Stick him with Bird there and it would help.
  17. Aboh. Scored a lot of goals in kids football... but so has Dajaune Brown. So what's the point?
  18. To me, he's shown enough to be worthy of game time here. Take minutes from Hourihane, he doesn't need them and maybe he can actually be more useful with more energy in the tank.
  19. Am I crazy for being genuinely annoyed if we get rid of Fornah? Hopefully, it's all nonsense and he's going nowhere, but if he does go, I'd be so frustrated.
  20. Love his interview. Infectious energy and genuinely thrilled to be here. Hopefully he’s half as good on the pitch.
  21. I doubt it, but he would be the best one for us to let leave, that is for sure.
  22. Shame he got sent off before half time in his first AFCON game, means he didn't play in either of their other 2 games. That would've helped sharpness!
  23. They haven't though have they. Thompson and Fornah have been right there, as well as the likes of Robinson and Fapetu. He'd bombed Fornah out entirely for a game or two.
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