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Everything posted by Srg

  1. Worth noting the 5 against kids teams and the 4 penalties (3 + a rebound from a miss) but it does has to be said that he keeps turning up. We would be up a creek without a paddle without his durability and availability, that is for sure.
  2. Who cares. Tried snap Barkhuizen in two. Thug of a player.
  3. Thompson, Bird, Fornah, NML, Collins, CBT. Works absolutely fine and would solve so many issues.
  4. If Warne can’t see the issue Hourihane causes after that then he never will. Now is the time to make the change. Drop him. We need energy and movement.
  5. Srg


    Legend is banded around a lot with a lot of dubious players, even if they were very good in their own right, but Curtis Davies was the right man at the right time for not just this club, but this city. He is very much a legend and his selflessness, resilience and compassion will never be forgotten. Ability wise, there were times he shouldn't have been first choice, particularly earlier in his career with us, but his intangibles mattered way more than anything he did on the pitch.
  6. He's been charged with 4 counts of wire fraud and 7 counts of money laundering. You can get 20 years in federal prison for each count of wire fraud and 10 years per count of engaging in monetary transactions in property derived from specified unlawful activity. Essentially, he's going away for quite a while. Sentencing is 11th July.
  7. It doesn't have enough teams. There's a knockout match with Egypt and Congo, who have a combined record of 5 draws and a defeat in the competition. That should not be getting you into a knockout stage.
  8. Srg


    Sonny Bradley is quite tall, have we considered him as a striker?
  9. He could be better, for sure, but he's out of position to allow for our beloved Hourihane to play.
  10. Not going to chance until Hourihane doesn't play. Out of possession, we are a man down in most possessions. Would say this gif is an accurate representation, but he often doesn't even get that close.
  11. Those changes should’ve been half time.
  12. Awful first half. No changes. Go 1 down. Sound.
  13. He’s been 23 at most clubs but Ward already has that one.
  14. Did Nto ever go out on loan to non-league?
  15. Luton got there with a far far "worse" brand than this.
  16. I'm going to be a bit of a Debbie Downer about tonight. They're a pretty young, athletic team. That, as we've seen with Peterborough, is the thing we struggle with the most. Definitely is a cause for concern for me.
  17. That’s not technically true. Traditionally, you can’t sign a pre-contract with another team from England in the January prior to the end of your contract in July. You could only do that with a team outside of England. Now, in this case, who knows how it’s been worked. Maybe because the loan has been agreed that that has too, somehow. Or, maybe it’s simply just been agreed that a permanent transfer happens just prior to the end of his contract and that value is £0.
  18. Definitely provides balance to us, and threat from multiple areas. We were definitely over-reliant on NML in many many games. Can’t keep them both bottled up all game.
  19. He joined them on a 6 month contract initially after a trial, so wouldn’t think so.
  20. Some of the posts from the weekend are hilarious. This one a particular highlight.
  21. I hope Clowes looked Pearce in the eye and asked him why the deal was structured in this way. 😅
  22. Definitely does seem like there’s some EFL chicanery going off.
  23. Presume the loan is purely because Charlton didn’t want us to have him playing against them twice next month?
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