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Posts posted by Mihangel

  1. 5 hours ago, hintonsboots said:

    Mel had good intentions and backed the club with a crazy amount of money. For me it was poor recruitment of both players and managers along with a very poor recruitment team that was his failing. If you look at how carefully David Clowes is going about the rebuild it shows up much of Mel’s poor decision making.

    Indeed, with a bit better decision making (and luck), what could have been....

  2. 6 hours ago, jono said:

    I think that’s the thing .. we talk about “investors” as if they are people advancing funds to a business hoping for a fiscal gain. I think that used to happen long ago and can still happen with lower league clubs but when you get to a certain level there’s a lot of spending for prestige and other factors that have nothing to do with monetary gain


    5 hours ago, Van der MoodHoover said:

    It's more like a turbocharged lottery. If you win and get to the promised land and then spawn your way to staying up for a couple of seasons you can make multiples back.

    Otherwise you lose the lot.

    A bit like an Omaze house draw.....

    Even then, I think it's rare thay any 'investor' makes a significant gain. I can't think of many!

  3. 9 minutes ago, ram59 said:

    Look at the 2009/10 squad and ask yourselves, how many of them you'd rather have than the current squad?

    Bywater, Connolly, McEverly,, Green, Addison, Leacock, Croft, Savage, Hulse, Commons, Teale, Porter, Deeny, Barker, Vidal, Pearson, Buxton, Pringle, Davies, Moxey, Mendy, O'Brien, Hunt, Martin, Andersson, Hanson, Mills, Cywka, Sunu, Dudley and Ball.

    Barker, Leacock and Buxton at the back would challenge our current pairing, possibly Commons, but other than that, I don't much to shout about.

    Bloody hell, the current midfield would be brushing off the remains of that midfield after 15 minutes!

  4. 9 hours ago, Foreveram said:

    No we’re not, my point is and has been from the start that Brighton football club are totally dependent on one man, without him and his £500 million input they are not a viable business.

    They have the fourth highest debt in the Premier League.

    That's the long and short of it. They came us kind of a role model (with Brentford) of how Derby could succeed but the reality is he and Mel Morris both gambled, Morris' Derby failed before he backed out, Bloom's Brighton didn't. Morris over did it, of course but Bloom's was just as big a gamble. He's done brilliantly but that's not the point, the question is do we want to go down that route?

  5. 1 hour ago, RoyMac5 said:

    How much are they worth?

    Search me! but for him to make a return they need to be sold for somewhere around £600m - As I said earlier, that isn't happening.

  6. 4 hours ago, CBRammette said:

    Surely risk not entirely dependent on him deciding to pull plug - lots of potential changes in circumstances to him could make life difficult for club. 

    Fair point, that he is unlikely to walk away voluntarily doesn't detract from the huge exposure they have.

  7. 15 hours ago, Raich Carter said:

    And the other fella:

    Blimey. Ok - why is everyone so wound up by this. BHA are doing well (fact - most successful they've ever been) and it's likely the owners will get a return on their investment. You have absolutely no more idea than I whether that's true or not because your crystal ball is as good as mine.

    What we do know is that you're questioning the wisdom of highly successful multimillionaires. I can't imagine you're not one and neither am I so what the eff do we know. It's a bit like all these people saying Elon Musk is an idiot - perhaps - but a very rich, very successful, game changing idiot. 

    I don't think anyone is getting wound up, we're having a discussion and some are challenging your argument, there's nothing wrong with that!

    There's no doubting that Brighton are doing historically well, there's also no doubting that Tony Bloom has spent 1/2 a billion pounds on getting them there. He's a lifelong Brighton fan, I don't believe that he expects a return on that investment - To do so would mean someone thinks that they can spend in excess of that 1/2 billion AND make a return on that. That's not happening.

    In the absence of any specified criteria, 'well run' is a subjective matter and is why I mentioned Brighton's humungous debt, it can't be ignored. Any suggestion that Brighton's success if somehow 'organic' and not based on spaffing 100s of millions is entirely incorrect and as others have mentioned they're entirely beholden to Bloom and reliant on him not pulling the plug. The good news for them is that he has extremely deep pockets and is very unlikely to do so.

  8. 1 hour ago, Raich Carter said:

    1. They're a small club in the Prem - that's success
    2. Posted profits of £123m after tax last year
    3. This does not include £125m sale of Moises Caicedo and Roberto Sanchez to Chelsea

    That's £250m off their £390m debt in one year. Source : BBC.

    I'm aware they still have quite considerable debt but at those levels of profit, it seems they'll soon balance things out. Or blow up. Don't care. 

    The £250m "off their debt" simply isn't true. They reduced their net debt by £33m in the time period specifies but as it stands and as Bloom remains invested to the tune of approximately £500m. Those levels of 'profit' are only sustainable so long as they buy low, sell high which won't always happen. Day to day they operate at a loss.

  9. 5 hours ago, Raich Carter said:

    I would usually have agreed with that but I'm not sure it's entirely true any more. If the Mel Morris experiment had worked, he'd have probably sold the club in the following 2 years assuming we stayed up for a handsome profit. I think at some levels, you can make money from football clubs.

    Also, the likes of the Glaziers are managing to do ok out of it from what he hear. I think there's a few out there that turn a profit or will have a positive return once the owners cash in - Brighton and Bournemouth seem well ran despite being very small clubs in reality. 

    Problem is, as Mel demonstrated, if not done well, as you say, 'investing' in a football club is a very a good way of losing your money - I won't bother quoting the Alan Sugar line but you know what I mean! 🙂

    Re: Wrexham - Reynolds is a seriously wealthy guy (Google it - has lots of business interests outside of acting) but again, I suspect he'll sell once it's increased in value. 

    Don't get me wrong - the spending is crazy and there's massive debt overall but remembering that fundamentally, the owners are just leveraging the clubs assets, it'll always be the fans that pay one way or another. Football clubs are very, very attractive brands in that they have an almost pathological following from fans (loyalty) that isn't really present in other markets (e.g. if Ferrari produced crap cars for years, their brand would be damaged and value reduced whereas we'll follow Derby regardless). No matter what they do, we'll still turn up (to one degree or another). Highly exploitable, hence lots of... dodgy people trying to get 'in'. 

    Brighton's owner is in for £500+ - Define 'well run'?

  10. Just now, SK47 said:

    And that my friends, is Welcome Back To The Championship. You wanna survive in this league? You better find the funds to buy an out and out Striker. Also an AM. 

    Annoyingly, we were all over them and don't deserve to be behind, but the switching off has cost us, which is you can't do in this league. 

    I'm not convinced that to front is our problem! Personally, much as he's one of ours and all, I'd have cashed in on Cash, premier league my arse.

  11. 26 minutes ago, RamLad1884 said:

    Blackpool and Wrexham main two teams pushing for Brown on loan now. Not sure which is the worst location geographically for him! 

    You'd only ask that question if you you've never been to Wrexham - I'm not a fan of saying any old town is a ****hole but Wrexham pushes that, it really has no redeeming features.

  12. 43 minutes ago, Caerphilly Ram said:

    I’m normally one for patience and calm, and still think that’s the case in the short term with this deal, however there has to be a line drawn somewhere in the not too distant future. 
    Eventually they need to sh*t or get off the pot. 

    It doesn't make any sense, 'the medical side looks to be done'?? It can't be done, it can only be done when he's finished playing for them!! No club or insurer is going to say yes to a medical that is completed and then goes off and carries on training and playing for the selling club...

  13. 6 hours ago, StarterForTen said:

    I really like it, but I have seen it ‘in the flesh’. I think when others see it for real they will appreciate it more. 

    Fair do, I like it much more on the club images just releases

  14. 6 minutes ago, Simon Bradley said:

    Wat is that its horrible

    Yeah, I very very rarely think our kits are too bad but that?!? Maybe it'll be better in the flesh but right now it looks like it's been run over by a small vehicle.

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