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Reggie Greenwood

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  1. COYR
    Reggie Greenwood reacted to superfit in Punching above our weight. What do you think would elevate us above mid table next season?   
    I have supported  Derby County for over 50 years and been a season ticket holder for most of those years. Derby County is the only club I am interested in and want the club to ‘complete’ at the highest level. I don’t make any apologies for that. Unfortunately these days that takes a lot of money.

  2. Haha
    Reggie Greenwood reacted to Crewton in Transfer rumours   
    The Mods could always make a bit of room on this forum by deleting the Summer Transfer Suggestions thread, which is 88 pages of McTosh?
  3. Cheers
    Reggie Greenwood reacted to superfit in Punching above our weight. What do you think would elevate us above mid table next season?   
    Fair point. I could have used a number of clubs to make my point such as Crystal Palace which has a market value of around 800m. 
  4. Haha
    Reggie Greenwood reacted to Ram-Alf in Derbys a s**t hole I want to go home   
    Turn your colour on on you computer  😁
  5. Haha
  6. Haha
    Reggie Greenwood reacted to Crewton in Derbys a s**t hole I want to go home   
    To be fair to Nottingham City Council, they are trying to persuade Forest to f*** off to the Derbyshire border in order to improve the atmosphere around West Bridgeford, so at least they're making an effort 😉
  7. Clap
    Reggie Greenwood got a reaction from Derby4Me in Derbys a s**t hole I want to go home   
    I was in the Blessington Carriage last BH weekend ( not my choice and yes it’s still there) and it was rammed full of students as it always . Chatting to a few they like Derby as it’s friendly and chilled , has plenty of small bars and places like the Flowerpot and Hairy dog for bands etc. For a “big night out they go to Sheffield as it’s a similar vibe just more places to go. When I said Nottingham they said unless a band was on at Rock City they don’t go as find it intimidating , full of nob heads looking for  a fight . I worked in and around Notts for 20 odd years selling building materials and it has some nice surrounding areas but places like the Meadow’s , Hyson Green etc are far more of a S hole than any part of Derby . I take it you haven’t been to Derby for a while , if you stay away from the Derbion there is plenty to see and do  lots of investment going on. The old Ranbys being redeveloped , The Guildhall and indoor market place up graded. Museum of making , Electric Daisy Garden that has a bar at the bottom of Sadler Gate . A lot of good buildings still stand you just have to look up to see them above the shop fronts . 
    Young peoples night life not my thing anymore but a lot of the old bars and clubs like the Blue note are still there  .
    Come across sometime and have a beer be happy to show you around.  , don’t stay in Notts too long or you might start growing that 6th finger 😉
  8. Clap
    Reggie Greenwood got a reaction from TomBustler1884 in Derbys a s**t hole I want to go home   
    I was in the Blessington Carriage last BH weekend ( not my choice and yes it’s still there) and it was rammed full of students as it always . Chatting to a few they like Derby as it’s friendly and chilled , has plenty of small bars and places like the Flowerpot and Hairy dog for bands etc. For a “big night out they go to Sheffield as it’s a similar vibe just more places to go. When I said Nottingham they said unless a band was on at Rock City they don’t go as find it intimidating , full of nob heads looking for  a fight . I worked in and around Notts for 20 odd years selling building materials and it has some nice surrounding areas but places like the Meadow’s , Hyson Green etc are far more of a S hole than any part of Derby . I take it you haven’t been to Derby for a while , if you stay away from the Derbion there is plenty to see and do  lots of investment going on. The old Ranbys being redeveloped , The Guildhall and indoor market place up graded. Museum of making , Electric Daisy Garden that has a bar at the bottom of Sadler Gate . A lot of good buildings still stand you just have to look up to see them above the shop fronts . 
    Young peoples night life not my thing anymore but a lot of the old bars and clubs like the Blue note are still there  .
    Come across sometime and have a beer be happy to show you around.  , don’t stay in Notts too long or you might start growing that 6th finger 😉
  9. Clap
    Reggie Greenwood got a reaction from Crewton in Derbys a s**t hole I want to go home   
    I was in the Blessington Carriage last BH weekend ( not my choice and yes it’s still there) and it was rammed full of students as it always . Chatting to a few they like Derby as it’s friendly and chilled , has plenty of small bars and places like the Flowerpot and Hairy dog for bands etc. For a “big night out they go to Sheffield as it’s a similar vibe just more places to go. When I said Nottingham they said unless a band was on at Rock City they don’t go as find it intimidating , full of nob heads looking for  a fight . I worked in and around Notts for 20 odd years selling building materials and it has some nice surrounding areas but places like the Meadow’s , Hyson Green etc are far more of a S hole than any part of Derby . I take it you haven’t been to Derby for a while , if you stay away from the Derbion there is plenty to see and do  lots of investment going on. The old Ranbys being redeveloped , The Guildhall and indoor market place up graded. Museum of making , Electric Daisy Garden that has a bar at the bottom of Sadler Gate . A lot of good buildings still stand you just have to look up to see them above the shop fronts . 
    Young peoples night life not my thing anymore but a lot of the old bars and clubs like the Blue note are still there  .
    Come across sometime and have a beer be happy to show you around.  , don’t stay in Notts too long or you might start growing that 6th finger 😉
  10. Like
    Reggie Greenwood got a reaction from Ram-Alf in Derbys a s**t hole I want to go home   
  11. Like
    Reggie Greenwood reacted to De22Ram in Punching above our weight. What do you think would elevate us above mid table next season?   
    Its just madness the money and the way the prem clubs are run! I hate the bussiness side of football! I dont see how clubs can really compete unless they go into big debts! 
    The prem just want to turn it all into a franchise and open shops all around the world and sell merchandise for the so called "big" clubs to get even more money!
    They moan theres too many games but f off for tours during the winter beak! They get rid of the fa cup replays but newcastle and tottenham do a 24 hour flight to oz a week after the season finishes to do a tour! Drives me mad 😡🤬😤
    I hated the idea of a european super league when it was floated a few years ago but the more i think about it the more its growing on me! Take the franchise clubs and f off on your european greed train and let the proper clubs sort out a proper league where footballs run sustainably! 
  12. Clap
    Reggie Greenwood reacted to Ambitious in Serial Whingers Notts Forest playtime, which we simply cannot accept.   
    Perhaps - but he's still a manager with four promotions in seven years as a manager. You could look at the relegations, of course, but context to those are that he had the smallest budget in the league by a significant margin and when handed a relatively competitive budget then he's shown he can get over the line. 
    I think there's a good number of chairmen who would take his record & his character and would like to work with him. 
  13. Like
    Reggie Greenwood reacted to sheeponacid in Ten Year Wedding Anniversary   
    If you have the space….Buy a nice tree, and plant it together…pick one that you  feel connected to.
    Then over the years the tree will grow, hopefully mirroring your love for each other.
    We plant trees for special occasions, each one holding memories of that period in our relationship.
    My partner often talks about how these trees are doing, and we reminisce about what we were doing around the time that a particular tree was planted …if it’s a fruit trees she also takes great delight in using the fruit in recipes for family and friends….seeing this fruit as being born from love…kind of sympathetic magic if your into that sort of thing
    The trees are symbolic of our love for each other, for Mother Earth and of the spiral dance.
  14. Like
    Reggie Greenwood got a reaction from Crewton in Derbys a s**t hole I want to go home   
  15. Clap
    Reggie Greenwood reacted to Crewton in Derbys a s**t hole I want to go home   
    "Things change".
    Wno knew?
  16. Clap
    Reggie Greenwood reacted to Eddie in Derbys a s**t hole I want to go home   
    They all sell Coke, don't they?
    /may be missing the point a little
  17. Clap
    Reggie Greenwood got a reaction from Eddie in Derbys a s**t hole I want to go home   
    Some great places to eat and drink in Derby , Exeter , Silk Mill , Brunny , Smithfield. I could go on. I wouldn’t drink in Notts apart from about 2 pubs if you paid me. 
  18. Haha
    Reggie Greenwood got a reaction from goodgollymickbrolly in Louie Sibley   
    Slightly more than Oldben 
  19. Like
    Reggie Greenwood got a reaction from Norman in Derbys a s**t hole I want to go home   
    Some not all are casualties of the (couldnt) care in the community and years ago would have been looked after in this area at places like Pastures and Kingsway but are now left to fend for themselves and at the mercy of the dealers and the like . Meanwhile some folk got rich on the sale of Pastures for housing. 
    Same for many other areas of the country. 
  20. Haha
    Reggie Greenwood got a reaction from DarkFruitsRam7 in Louie Sibley   
    Slightly more than Oldben 
  21. Like
    Reggie Greenwood reacted to Chellaston Ram in Cruzcampo   
    Pedigree/Bass/Doombar for me
  22. Haha
    Reggie Greenwood got a reaction from Ramarena in Louie Sibley   
    Slightly more than Oldben 
  23. Like
    Reggie Greenwood reacted to Mucker1884 in Derbys a s**t hole I want to go home   
    Older folk than me have oft reference this.  They do say had we done what York did back then (and since), we'd actually be York now!
    Well... I think we'd still be called Derby, but you know what I mean.  🤓
  24. Like
    Reggie Greenwood reacted to BaaLocks in Derbys a s**t hole I want to go home   
    Logic like that doesn't work for some @Reggie Greenwood - easier to set up a fictional story that you can then tar everyone with as some sort of criminal for having fallen on harder times. Why bother to think about how society or infrastructure might have failed / could be improved when you can just blame them all for selling their free kettle or getting spiced out of their heads rather than go find a job?
  25. Clap
    Reggie Greenwood got a reaction from Ram-Alf in Derbys a s**t hole I want to go home   
    Some great places to eat and drink in Derby , Exeter , Silk Mill , Brunny , Smithfield. I could go on. I wouldn’t drink in Notts apart from about 2 pubs if you paid me. 
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