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Posts posted by Alph

  1. 1 minute ago, BondJovi said:

    Well. That sounds excellent.

    I know right! 

    My missus soooo doesn't get it. I think she's a secret Warden. I'm a Colonial you see. The look of disgust on her face I wouldn't be surprised if she'd spent all night building that factory base while I was at work. 

    The Colonials need YOU

  2. 6 minutes ago, David said:

    How do you know if you're not playing it?.....


    Today I build a network of foxholes around Hamlet and main base and lead a team of 6 to assault the factory at f15. We fought our way through them and found a weak spot in their defences. Got onto factory roof and looked over their whole camp. Called for mortars but nobody could reach me. So I started picking them off one by one until they dropped mortars on me. 

    That's my life mate. Standard day. 

    What did you do? Wash pots? 

  3. 6 hours ago, Anon said:

    I've been playing a lot of Prison Architect. It's a really neat, well done private prison simulator. You can construct anything from a Swedish style holiday camp/reform centre to a hellish death trap. I just executed my first death row inmate last night. Turns out he was innocent, but because I'd followed all the regulations I still got my 10k. That's justice!

    Always been tempted but never played. Probably will now then. 

    Have you ever played Project Zomboid? Or not your thing? 

  4. 7 hours ago, SaintRam said:

    That's that weird isometric defense building third person shooter, right? 

    Yeah, and I love it!! 

    No knobbers on it so far. People actually work together. Really good.

  5. 6 hours ago, Animal is a Ram said:

    Wasn't expecting it to be easy, but certainly wasn't expecting it to be this difficult.

    He's been in and out of Royal Derby, mostly due to post-chemo infections, but they finally seem to have the right blend of painkillers and anti-emetics for him.

    It just seems to be that it looks like he's turning a corner, then something else trips him up. 

    Him losing heart and fight is starting to take its toll, not helped by poor 'customer service' by RDH.

    don't know what to say Animal but keep grinding on, mate. 

    Easier said than done but you have to keep plugging away. 

    I thought we had a great health service. But there's no room for "poor customer service" in that game. It's not on mate. Hope you guys get a break from somewhere. There's still some saints working there I'm sure. You need some good luck ffs

  6. On 14/06/2016 at 15:08, Animal is a Ram said:

    Sorry if this upsets anyone, but I just felt I had to get it down somewhere and this felt the best place for it. I was also wondering if there was anyone else who had been through similar, who could share their experience of the big C.

    It's been a tough month.

    My girlfriend's dad was diagnosed with lung cancer about a month ago. Since then its been setbacks and balls ups all over.

    Monday, he was due to have his lung removed, after a bronchoscopy, at Nottingham City Hospital. They then had to refill a lengthy consent form out because the original one was for a child, anaesthetist needed him to have an echocardiogram at short notice, thus turning a 8.00am procedure start into a 12.30pm start.

    At about 6, we then had the news that they couldn't remove the lung, as the size and location made it more risky than they first thought. Quite why this didn't show on the bronchoscopy, or any of the numerous CT/PET is beyond my knowledge. He will now be referred back to the Derby oncologist for a chemo/radiotherapy to shrink the tumour, to then have a second attempt at removing the lung.

    To make matters worse, having already incised from shoulder to hip on his back, they then got his pain relieving epidural wrong.

    We are gutted, confused, angry, and losing heart. Fortunately, he isn't, bless him.


    How's everyone getting on Animal?

  7. On 30/06/2016 at 02:01, reveldevil said:

    My mother in law passed away yesterday evening, when it's less raw I'll maybe post more on the subject of end of life care, and the frankly shocking way some doctors treated her towards the end.

    One thing I will say, the care and support shown by the nursing staff at the hospital, not just to her, but the family has made a difficult time so much easier.

    I've heard them called angels many times in the past, but having witnessed the care they provide first hand, it's an appropriate tag.

    Truly a credit to the NHS, each and every one of them .

    Sorry to hear this revel

    All the best dude. 

  8. 8 hours ago, BondJovi said:

    I only got a pair of 3/4s last summer. I have long legs, shorts on me tend to end up looking like I played in the 80s. I find them comfy and practical and they certainly don't make me feel, or look like, a chav.

    Ewe Ram don't know us mate. 

    We can make shizzle look cool like what Beckham does. 

    3/4 lengths are kool. Fact! 

  9. 3 hours ago, AmericanRam said:

    I think Last of Us 2 will come out at some point; was a huge hit for both Sony and Naughty Dog, and was a very good game. Very much looking forward to new Mass Effect as well.


    Hope so AR. They knocked out 4 Uncharted games and TLOU was better in every way.

  10. Will there ever be The Last Of Us 2?!? 

    Wanting to play No Man's Sky, Mass Effect Andromeda, Kingdom Come Deliverance and Ghost Recon Wildlands. 

    I heard DayZ is headed for PS4? Jesus! They wanna try fixing the pc version first. 

    People bought it based on its potential. It's managed to get worse never mind stand still for years. 


    oh, Days Gone looks promising

  11. 1 hour ago, Ewe Ram said:

    I posed this to a gaggle of my friends. I also added 'I'll bet that extra 4" of exposed leg keeps you so much cooler'. This was met with derision. I am informed that on ladies they are not only smart but they allow one to show off ones expensive shoes. On men they're just chavvy 

    What about on holiday?

    I've got rubbish chicken legs but I don't want to wear trousers 

    I ain't no chav, blud

  12. 3 hours ago, BondJovi said:

    This one is for @Alpha

    Driving from Sheffield along Baslow road, I saw sprayed on the road.. "BMWs are ****". I can't help but feel they mean the drivers of such cars rather than the vehicles themselves.

    People who start to change lanes, pull in front of you and decide to signal after nearly completing the maneuver when you have no choice but stop or slow down for them. Indicators...to indicate your intentions not to confirm the crap I just saw!

    I'd shake the hand of the artist. Wonderfully put. 

    I pulled straight out on somebody the other day. Right in front of them. Not often I make mistakes on the road but I realised that all the gestures for saying sorry also mean "thank you"

    How do you say sorry.

    It was really close. I feel bad. But when a Pokémon is nearby it seems daft to let it get away

  13. Retirement in the end. What was up with Wilder's arm? 

    No chance he'll get a Brit fight this year. 

    It'll be spring 2017. Bet Joshua will give him a go next summer if he can get through Parker and then the bigger risk Stiverne comfortably

  14. Prediction Wilder v Arreola

    Wilder to be shy in the first two or three, then it be scrappy and ugly but all Wilder for the middle rounds and then a knockout in the 8th. 

  15. And Golovkin was ready to go with the Eubank fight anyway. If a guy like Golovkin was prepared to come to the UK and fight for x amount and put it all on the line then you'd think that the Eubanks might meet him a third of the way. 

    Eubank has said "there was never a contract put in front of me"

    Well no, not when your asking for Sky Sports to pay you, Eddie Hearn to pay you, double ticket prices of an Olympic and world champion heavy, your own sponsors and commentators...

    No, I'd imagine that sort of contract wasn't put in front of you. 

    Had no such demands beating up Tom Doran a couple of weeks ago.

  16. It has and will continue to make some people look a bit daft.

    Eubank Jnr for all his barking has had a big offer for this fight. Golovkin signed at the first ask. A week later and the Eubanks still won't. 

    Canelo who won't fight Golovkin yet but strangely chose to call him out on live TV. 

    Khan who has constantly slated Brook for hiding

    Yet it makes that bellend Billy Joe spot on when he said he doesn't care what the Eubanks say, Jnr will not fight Golovkin. Even if they set a date that the ring walk won't happen. And David Coldwell also said he'll believe it when he sees the first punch thrown. Until then...

    And then Kell Brook jumps up all that way to fight him. 

    If you believe Hearn then Brook has always wanted big fights but has never been treated fairly financially. Golovkin is by all accounts easy going. 

    Think Golovkin will blast through Brook though. The guy has power to shift bloody heavyweights and he's always going to land. Just like Khan v Canelo Sky etc will hype up Brooks speed and talk about him getting in and out quick. But he'll stick around at some point. Either through confidence or tiredness. 

    It's hard to see anyone beating Golovkin at his weight. He's built for it perfectly. 

    I don't like Eubanks or Billy Joe Saunders. I would rather see Golovkin dominate. 

  17. 13 hours ago, Bris Vegas said:

    I don't think so. Thurman looked the better fighter, but Porter obviously has higher work rate and pinned him against the ropes a few times which made it look like he was dominating.

    Porter threw marginally more jabs, but Thurman connected with a lot more power punches.

    They'll do it again for sure, but I think Thurman will want to beat Danny Garcia, and then have a unification with Kell Brook for all four belts (assuming Brook beats Vargas) and the ring magazine title.

    Thurman, Brook and Garcia are all undefeated belt holders. Somebody has to lose their 0 and their belt!

    Got to give massive credit to Thurman though. Porter had no belt and wasn't his mandatory. He just wanted to beat another top name for his CV. Puts Brook to shame really.

    I'm a big KT fan. Want him to clean up the division.

    Is it Brooks fault he doesn't get big fights though?

    Or is he like Luis Ortiz in the heavy division? Far too dangerous and not going to fetch enough money to risk your record? 


  18. 1 hour ago, Bris Vegas said:

    Thurman vs Porter lived up to its billing. Potential fight of the year, was brilliant.

    I was fast asleep! Saw the result and read about it.

    Fans booed the decision? Was it dubious?

  19. Pulev would be a good test. I'd like that! 

    Thought Whyte looked poor. Really impatient and expected the guy to be knocked out quick... then moaned that the guy didn't fight. Er, he boxed pretty well for a cruiserweight!!! Not going to trade with you is he? 

    Groves looked good

    Eubank Jnr clearly too good for British level fighters but thought Doran did ok. But I won't cry when Golovkin knocks the cnut out. Might like him if it wasn't for his Dad and his dad seems sound when away from the boxing world but as a pair... knobbers.

    Felix Cash fight was good. 

    Was a good night. Worthy PPV? Dunno about on paper but after watching it there's was some real good clashes

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