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Posts posted by Barney1991

  1. 9 hours ago, JuanFloEvraTheCocu'sNesta said:

    Agreed, although better teams than Vale and Rovers (who were both rubbish tbh) won't let us have it so easy.

    Agreed but then again I don’t see any amazing sides Bolton drew with Exeter who were average when we played them same as Lincoln who beat Barnsley 5-1. It’s more down to us than anyone. Before the last 2 games I don’t tend to think we’ve played with the 3 at the back very well. We looked stagnated struggled to get out the wing back situation we struggled with and we were getting penned in and not moving it quick enough. Also the back 3 just didn’t look like they worked together cashin looked all over the place in a back 3 as it’s picking up different positions. 

    it looks to me like we have really started to work on the formation in training and people know what they are doing instead of chopping and changing formations to suit opponents. 

  2. So judging by this if we don’t include come out of admin etc with the revenue at 20 million if this carries on and the wage bill stays the same and staff etc with birds sale and we don’t go up we should start running at a profit by those figures in future years if not promoted? 

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