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Everything posted by RoyMac5

  1. Is that suggesting a green and brown away kit? ๐Ÿ˜„
  2. It must be difficult for him with the level of players he's coached?
  3. Cracking win by Klopps Kids in the Carabao Cup. Really good game and some towering play from VVD.
  4. Yeah there's nothing like a loss to make you appreciate a good manager. #COYR
  5. How on earth can you talk about the match without mentioning the manager? Do you say that when we've won! ๐Ÿ˜„
  6. The manager picks the players - maybe he thought Hourihane wasn't brave enough and took him off.
  7. Well it doesn't seem like it does it? Three first halves in a row have been dreadful where some have said but 'oh yeah we needed to 'counteract'. What would have been wrong with going 4-3-3 and made the most of our players?
  8. How can he expect players to 'be brave' when how he sets the team up is to combat the other teams strengths, for us to think we're having to deal with them, not the other way around. We have lots of strengths in our squad and it seems to me that Warne doesn't chose to set up to get the best out of them and to make the opposition deal with us.
  9. I doubt 'Hourihane decided' as we know he does what Warne asks of him.
  10. I looked up in time to see Hourihane signalling 'switch around' but I'm not sure if that meant we won the toss or not.
  11. Oh get real, I couldn't win because as I said no-one would believe it. Like others you're just looking for an excuse to make comments about the poster not the post. You don't get to say what 'balance' is. The point is it's a forum to make comments about football and Warne is the manager of our football club, geddit.
  12. Nope, I've left that to others as no-one would believe me anyway. ๐Ÿ˜„
  13. We'd deserve it too. We were ordinary at best today, which as has been said plenty of times is fine when you win (or draw away) but when you don't then it's worthy of criticism. I'm cheering Warne on btw because I don't want another season in this awful division where's its seen as acceptable to play 'chaotic' football, as it's necessary to be more concerned with the opposition and that's what this league is like.
  14. I'm no longer convinced we won't repeat last seasons stutter.
  15. "Stephen Pearce, who has been part of Derby Countyโ€™s executive team since joining the club in 2013, was appointed as Chief Executive Officer in August 2018. Pearce is a Chartered Accountant and a Fellow of the ICAEW, [When you become an ICAEW member, you will be able to call yourself an ICAEW Chartered Accountant and use the globally respected ACA designatory letters after your name. ...This is no ordinary achievement, and your premium qualification sets you apart as a member of a highly influential and respected professional body which connects you to a wider global community of financial experts.] ...having trained with big four accountancy firm KPMG. He also has a Bachelor of Science with Honours degree from the University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology (UMIST). Pearce has 18 years of experience within the football industry starting life as an auditor with clients including Manchester City FC and Chelsea FC. Prior to joining Derby, Pearce held the position of Head of Statutory Reporting at Premier League side Chelsea for seven years between October 2006 and September 2013. Pearce also holds a position on the EFL Board as a Championship Club Director, following his appointment in June 2019.
  16. Or that the CEO Pearce - a highly qualified accountant - might have put the idea forward to those accountants.
  17. Unless of course it was the CEOs idea? As I suggested before it was unlikely that Mel had the knowledge required to come up with the ideas we used to squeeze FFP rules. The level playing field idea is an interesting point, we obviously weren't seen as being innovative. ๐Ÿ˜„
  18. And through all of this who do people think came up with the 'ideas' for dealing with the strictures of FFP? Whilst Mel might have spent the money I can't believe he came up with the accounting 'trickery'.
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