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Everything posted by RoyMac5

  1. Ward and Elder - 3 year deals? Where is Warne going with his signings? He's not building for the future, he's recruiting for promotion. That's his whole 'be all and end all'. Any green shoots seem to happen by accident. 😄
  2. Did we win the 1st Division Championship based on our current style?
  3. Simples indeed. Makes you wonder why we bother with a manager. 😉 #COYR
  4. Yes much more to do with the defensive mindset of 'holding on to the points'. The few minutes after they scored showed how we might play but we don't.
  5. Can't say, the bits of him that we've seen, that he looks particularly fit in a general sense tbh.
  6. Have they adapted their style of play to the Championship or is it only money that allows them to play as they do?
  7. Not much sign of us 'building over a few seasons'? Another of the reasons some fans aren't impressed with Warne.
  8. What? Arthur Cox and Paul Warne? Ha ha ha ha ha...
  9. Why rush to get the ball back when we take so long over the throw-ins?
  10. Again? 😄 We should have started the game how we came out second half. First half was fairly poor.
  11. Shame we didn't give the keepers spot on the bench to the U21 keeper Thompson
  12. Was a poor (bit panicked?) clearance to the Utd player alone on the edge of the box. Came back well after that even so. Bit annoying having to listen to Utd commo calling us a big physical side, implying we 'kicked them'. We closed them down and played as nicely as them. There were some good forward breaks by us in the second half. Osong through one on one with the keeper and earlier a similar chance on the rhs. Utd were lucky.
  13. We've spend 'serious' money too, but we don't have a squad to take forward into the Championship do we?
  14. Where's the fist-shaking emoji? 😄
  15. Again. From a different angle 😄
  16. Worth £2.50 of anybody's money.
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