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Everything posted by RoyMac5

  1. You are making personal comments in reply to my comments about Warne or the football - you are trying to stop me making those comments. That is bullying. I don't live in Derby how do you know whether I might want to go to an away match near where I live? You don't.
  2. Which was a reply to them aiming a snipe at me on this thread. If you don't like my anti-Warne posts block me because I don't want to get into any more of a 'personal argument' with you.
  3. I have no interest in personal infighting but I will not be bullied. Stick to commenting on the football then I can ignore you.
  4. Point out where I have sniped at posters. My comments except when replying to personal comments like the ones you make are about the football and the manager. But you believe you have the right to tell others what they can think and post when talking about Derby County.
  5. No. I answered a post that had a jibe aimed at some - you grow up with your constant personal comments.
  6. Apparently we're not 'All Derby aren't we'.
  7. Oh surely that's not why it was posted! 😄
  8. Oh right, another I'm a better fan than you poster. Nice.
  9. Only if it's due to fans returning their tickets! 😄😉
  10. I agree. It also makes it harder to 'enjoy' him being our manager, for some anyway. Whatever was thought of Roseniors football style I think you could be sure he wanted to be here and for the Club to achieve things with him.
  11. Are we trying to craft the perfect goal?
  12. Didn't last long for Sibs did it.
  13. What do you base that on, not last season. Plus they got to get at our centrebacks instead! 😄
  14. You've forgotten how decent he looked there last season, involved in our long unbeaten run? I would have had to say what a good choice it would have been, but I didn't need to! 😄
  15. Except he might blow it again like last season? Plus it would allow a new manager chance to assess the out of contract players and decide how best to 'go forward'. I think if more fans could see something being built they would be more inclined to accept not getting promoted. Atm we have neither, no building for the future and no guarantee of promotion, just a decent opportunity (slightly better than last season).
  16. The fact that he looked rather good as LFB last season, and when we needed one last night we got Cashin, has to be questioned. Obviously Sibley has done something wrong?
  17. We look an ordinary league 1 team. Most of the players are anything but. Chortle, chortle. 👍
  18. Yes but other than that we're still 2nd. 😄 I don't understand how with so many skilful wide players, and players that can play through the middle and a midfield that could pass the ball, how do we create so little. What happened to them?
  19. You have to laugh don't you. I don't think I've ever heard such 'amusing' statements as those our manager comes out with. Although it is predictable in content it is never predictable in form. Look people on here think I find it enjoyable watching a manager massacre any chance the squad have of playing football in a constructive manner. I said constructive, not even necessarily exciting or pretty. It's dreadful stuff we're being fed and the worry is we'll keep getting fed it all the while it looks like the possibility of being able to say 'we're doing well, look where we've come from' exists. Although that will change to 'we're doing well look how sustainable we are', I think. I feel sorry for the players trying to make Warne's tactics work. Even when it works apparently 'we've not played well all season'. 😉
  20. 👍 Well he didn't see that last season when he hadn't the opportunity to get them fit like he has this. Might finish fourth. Maybe higher, that depends on how badly other teams choke.
  21. Charlton are so poor they hadn't won in how many games? Oh come on Curtains last night was just another dreadful example of how Warne thinks we should play football - although I hear he threw his 'get out of jail' card into the ring, with a 'we haven't played well' all season remark! WTF. 😄 I can't remember the last game we played really well and still we manage to win games. But of course Warne tells us this League is much of a muchness so no wonder we struggle. How long have you been watching us, how many managers have you seen? This guy is managing at a different level to most of the previous managers I remember so it is difficult to see just how bad he is, but he's bad. 👍
  22. Of course it's still all to play for. Just like it was end of last season. Only the fact the league is poor will get us promoted imo.
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