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Everything posted by RoyMac5

  1. I imagine choosing an NDA that's not able to be acknowledged is one of the few things he took full responsibility for doing! 😄
  2. Maybe so, but he's a qualified accountant and he didn't keep full records. Perhaps not guilty, but just not as competent as you might hope?
  3. Perhaps they will, after all that's why Clowes wants a fans Supporters Board he obviously values the input. 👍
  4. Need something a bit stronger than tea! 😄 #COYR
  5. A reaction to giving away late goals. 👍 We nearly did it against Shrewsbury, Nelson should have scored at least.
  6. For the record it's not the first time we've given the lead away like Shrews is it - you make your theory fit the facts, it's only because you're a fan of Warne isn't it? Week on week is about right, still not figured that we don't need to sit back on a lead! 😄
  7. Lol, more attacks on poster rather than the post! What isn't to understand from: "Makes you think, and if it was just about money how come we never managed to get another striker in?" Ie we have a large wage bill, so why no striker. If 'competing' was just about having a big wage bill how come we didn't 'compete' for a striker this January? So 'competing' in the Championship (should we get there) may well be about more than money, as I said.
  8. Oh right I hadn't realised there was only one striker.
  9. Makes you think, and if it was just about money how come we never managed to get another striker in?
  10. You think we're as good as we were last season, I don't. Just my opinion obvs 👍.
  11. Yes but we have to be thankful that the bus still has wheels!
  12. That's us right? Look how many chances we made after they scored. Why didn't we play like that earlier?
  13. Beaten to the obvious answer by B. Goaty. He's the manager, he manages the players, or does he!
  14. So the manager doesn't know how to get the best from his players, he thinks they won't make mistakes? I see. If only we'd tried to score more than one goal and not sat back.
  15. That is the only reason to be cheerful. Lets hope Warne doesn't screw up like last season. #COYR
  16. The level we are playing out would make that scenario difficult to execute? If the players were so good that they didn't make 'so many' individual mistakes then the likelihood is that they wouldn't be in league 1 if they could play football well.
  17. You missed the point in your need to 'attack' the poster. So like Warne or not, when chopping and changing 'system' signings etc. It's that Clowes budget unlike Mels is limited, so to waste it is tantamount to 'throwing good money after bad'.
  18. With Clowes funding letting Warne sign for one system and then another is 'boom and bust short-termism'.
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