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    BucksRam reacted to Kathcairns in Alan Nixon Breaks Silence on Scottish/Malaysian Billionaire Bid   
    Do not know if its true, but i for one am relieved they have decided not to buy us.
  2. Haha
    BucksRam got a reaction from Steve How Hard? in New joke thread (trigger alert, may offend if you want it to)   
    I accidentally gave my wife a glue stick instead of her lipstick.
    She still won't talk to me.
  3. Like
    BucksRam got a reaction from Kathcairns in Alan Nixon Breaks Silence on Scottish/Malaysian Billionaire Bid   
    Obviously my cynical perception is that the EFL has delayed this to negatively impact our chances of getting a buyer or at least push it nicely into the January transfer window and extend our embargo accordingly.  Is it a coincidence the Easdales have pulled out due to unacceptable timelines just as this is announced.   I can't see a reason for the adjournment provided anywhere, and the less than helpful EFL statement is, well, less than helpful.  
    Anyone know why it's adjourned?
  4. Cheers
    BucksRam got a reaction from I know nuffin in Alan Nixon Breaks Silence on Scottish/Malaysian Billionaire Bid   
    Just bought what I think is my last 2 Christmas pressies and then I'm done ?.  All I want for Christmas though is for this saga to be resolved.  For a new owner to be in place (or agreed at least) and for me to be able to look forward to just focusing on what we do on the pitch rather than everything off it.  C'mon Santa, it's in my letter to you - please read it. ?
  5. Cheers
    BucksRam got a reaction from I know nuffin in Alan Nixon Breaks Silence on Scottish/Malaysian Billionaire Bid   
    Sounds like it's The Slyncio Stadium all the way not least we don't seem to have heard anything from anyone else.  Wasn't sold on the Easdale bid anyway. 
  6. Haha
    BucksRam got a reaction from TimRam in New joke thread (trigger alert, may offend if you want it to)   
    I accidentally gave my wife a glue stick instead of her lipstick.
    She still won't talk to me.
  7. COYR
    BucksRam reacted to kevinhectoring in Alan Nixon Breaks Silence on Scottish/Malaysian Billionaire Bid   
    Because the EFl does not want it to be heard and because the admins want to use the threat of appeal as a lever to get a deal on everything not just the 12 points. Hence all the noise about 12 plus 3.  There’s a separate thread about it. Let’s hope they can reach agreement - the signs are good 
  8. Cheers
    BucksRam reacted to Yani P in Derby finally accept 21 point deduction.   
    On another note..my good lady wife has just had the phonecall from hospital telling her to come in to be induced for our baby number 3..(he was due 2nd Nov).
    New life..exciting times..im hoping my club is healthy and preparing for a new life as well, one that my boy can love and enjoy as much as I have throughout my life.
  9. Cheers
    BucksRam got a reaction from Comrade 86 in Alan Nixon Breaks Silence on Scottish/Malaysian Billionaire Bid   
    Just seen this pop up:
  10. Like
    BucksRam reacted to BramcoteRam84 in Alan Nixon Breaks Silence on Scottish/Malaysian Billionaire Bid   
    Listened to some of it live. Good listen. Basically Easdale saying not enough time to do enough due diligence that would satisfy their consortium to do a deal. Simon Jordan spot on - it’s positive news the administrators are driving to a positive outcome in the most expedient time possible , if you want to do a deal you’ve got to do it in these timescales. They’ve decided they can’t that’s up to them but it means they won’t entertain late comers who then potentially drag their feet. Easdale was also saying unknowns about points deductions etc.
    SJ also mentioned again what he’s been told about Kirchner’s liquid assets - making out he’s seriously rich. 
  11. Like
    BucksRam reacted to ilkleyram in Alan Nixon Breaks Silence on Scottish/Malaysian Billionaire Bid   
    I don't think a reason has been given, nor has there been any complaint or comment (positive or negative from either party) which would lead me to conclude that both parties have agreed to it (rather than the EFL adjourning it for their own reasons without Derby's agreement). In turn it might be reasonable to conclude from that that discussions with the EFL are reaching a point which make the hearing unnecessary.  Any agreement reached will be a compromise of course so both sides will win, and lose.
    God knows that the EFL haven't covered themselves in glory with their processes which have been amateurish at best, equally though I find it very hard to believe that they genuinely want us to go under.  They might want to use us as an example to bring others into line, they might want us punished enough that we go down (which they anticipated the earlier DC would achieve), they might be in thrall to certain of their members and 'run' an incompetent  organisation that really isn't fit for purpose any more, but I struggle to believe that they want us out of business completely. So I would take the adjournment of the hearing, which by definition can be restarted, as the EFL helping to remove some of the obstacles to a quicker deal.
    The unacceptable timelines comment is an easy excuse/reason to give.  Maybe they weren't in a real position to proceed.  We would have all been moaning loudly if this had dragged on 6 months to allow the Easdales the time they wanted.
    Who knows though?! 
  12. Sad
    BucksRam got a reaction from angieram in Alan Nixon Breaks Silence on Scottish/Malaysian Billionaire Bid   
    Just bought what I think is my last 2 Christmas pressies and then I'm done ?.  All I want for Christmas though is for this saga to be resolved.  For a new owner to be in place (or agreed at least) and for me to be able to look forward to just focusing on what we do on the pitch rather than everything off it.  C'mon Santa, it's in my letter to you - please read it. ?
  13. Cheers
    BucksRam got a reaction from IslandExile in Alan Nixon Breaks Silence on Scottish/Malaysian Billionaire Bid   
    Just seen this pop up:
  14. Cheers
    BucksRam got a reaction from Indy in Alan Nixon Breaks Silence on Scottish/Malaysian Billionaire Bid   
    Just seen this pop up:
  15. Haha
    BucksRam reacted to Anag Ram in Alan Nixon Breaks Silence on Scottish/Malaysian Billionaire Bid   
    Santa is one of the interested bidders. More credible than most. 
  16. Like
    BucksRam got a reaction from Carnero in Alan Nixon Breaks Silence on Scottish/Malaysian Billionaire Bid   
    Just seen this pop up:
  17. Like
    BucksRam reacted to Carl Sagan in Alan Nixon Breaks Silence on Scottish/Malaysian Billionaire Bid   
    My thoughts exactly. It looks as if the EFL is trying to extend the process to prevent a resolution and make it impossible for the administrators to sell the club. If they had the slightest intention of trying to support a member club, they would expedite the process so another obstacle is removed, thereby helping the club survive as a going concern.
  18. Like
    BucksRam reacted to Crewton in Alan Nixon Breaks Silence on Scottish/Malaysian Billionaire Bid   
    I'm guessing the timeline is being set by the Adminstrators - the Bros Easdeale seem to have appeared late-ish and would possibly struggle to get the finance in place if they're intending to borrow (which was inferred in other Twitter posts etc).
    I don't see this as a bad thing, given other reports.
  19. Like
    BucksRam got a reaction from Wolfie in Alan Nixon Breaks Silence on Scottish/Malaysian Billionaire Bid   
    Obviously my cynical perception is that the EFL has delayed this to negatively impact our chances of getting a buyer or at least push it nicely into the January transfer window and extend our embargo accordingly.  Is it a coincidence the Easdales have pulled out due to unacceptable timelines just as this is announced.   I can't see a reason for the adjournment provided anywhere, and the less than helpful EFL statement is, well, less than helpful.  
    Anyone know why it's adjourned?
  20. Like
    BucksRam got a reaction from Wolfie in Alan Nixon Breaks Silence on Scottish/Malaysian Billionaire Bid   
    Just seen this pop up:
  21. Cheers
    BucksRam got a reaction from Carl Sagan in Alan Nixon Breaks Silence on Scottish/Malaysian Billionaire Bid   
    Just seen this pop up:
  22. Clap
    BucksRam got a reaction from Carl Sagan in Alan Nixon Breaks Silence on Scottish/Malaysian Billionaire Bid   
    Obviously my cynical perception is that the EFL has delayed this to negatively impact our chances of getting a buyer or at least push it nicely into the January transfer window and extend our embargo accordingly.  Is it a coincidence the Easdales have pulled out due to unacceptable timelines just as this is announced.   I can't see a reason for the adjournment provided anywhere, and the less than helpful EFL statement is, well, less than helpful.  
    Anyone know why it's adjourned?
  23. COYR
    BucksRam got a reaction from Carl Sagan in Alan Nixon Breaks Silence on Scottish/Malaysian Billionaire Bid   
    Someone on Twitter (Peterborough Utd fan I think) was opining that the Easdale's should come look at them, to which a Rangers fan replied:
    "......got involved after our financial demise in 2012, ripped millions out of us. They are fairly well known gangsters in Glasgow tbh, everyone knows what they are. Horrible people. You wouldn't want them anywhere near your club!"
    Obviously their opinion not mine just to caveat. 
  24. Cheers
    BucksRam got a reaction from RoyMac5 in Alan Nixon Breaks Silence on Scottish/Malaysian Billionaire Bid   
    Just seen this pop up:
  25. Like
    BucksRam reacted to angieram in Alan Nixon Breaks Silence on Scottish/Malaysian Billionaire Bid   
    The positive thing about this is that the administrators are obviously pushing any prospective buyers to get on with it.
    They mean business, and want to ensure we are sold as a going concern, which pleases me.
    That also still leaves Kirchner as our "millionaire in the hand" rather than "two billionaires in the bush"!
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