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nogbad van 50

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  1. Haha
    nogbad van 50 reacted to Foreveram in Summer Rumour Mill   
    Cos no one has signed 4 days before the window opens.
  2. Haha
    nogbad van 50 reacted to MackworthRamIsGod in Summer Rumour Mill   
    Starting to look that way.
  3. Clap
    nogbad van 50 reacted to Kernow in Summer Rumour Mill   
    So what you’re essentially saying is, ignore McGoldrick, he’s lying. Believe me and my personal vendetta against Warne has no bearing on what I’m saying.
    Give over.
  4. Like
    nogbad van 50 reacted to Blondest Goat in David McGoldrick - joined Notts County   
    It definitely wouldn't.  Some of the responses to this news are laughable.  How do people get through the day FFS?
  5. Like
    nogbad van 50 reacted to Foreveram in David McGoldrick - joined Notts County   
    The world’s best player has gone to play in America, s**t happens.
  6. Like
    nogbad van 50 reacted to Ambitious in Summer Rumour Mill   
    Flint is absolutely fine at this level, he can dominate players due to his sheer size and power. A threat from set pieces too. 
    No doubt there’s better out there, but as we’re likely in the market for three centre backs then I wouldn’t be against it. 
    I’d like to think Michael Hector and/or Jordan Thorniley have been approached - I do believe those two in particular could be top players in this league and within our grasp. 
  7. Haha
    nogbad van 50 reacted to i-Ram in Summer Rumour Mill   
    We owe Chelsea £5m as well as Arsenal. Blimey. These rumours get wilder by the day. 
  8. COYR
    nogbad van 50 got a reaction from David Graham Brown in Summer Rumour Mill   
    We need to get someone like him on the recruitment team!

  9. Clap
    nogbad van 50 reacted to Caerphilly Ram in Summer Rumour Mill   
    There have been very few reliable links to players. Warne was quoted as wanting to add Roberts to the squad, he looks to be going to a championship club so fair play to him. I’ve done a quick check of the other names I can recall us being linked with via varying levels of social media accounts and the press;
    Clark Robertson is joining a team in Israel. So that’s one more. Sean Clare? He hasn’t signed anywhere yet. Wes Harding? He’s still a free agent. Alfie May? He’s still a Cheltenham player. Lee Bonis? He’s still playing in Ireland. Sonny Bradley? He’s still a free agent. Aden Flint? He’s still a free agent. Callum Elder? He’s still a free agent. Harvey Knibbs? He’s still a free agent. 
    So of the names linked so far, we look to have missed out on Haydon Roberts and Clark Robertson. Knight and Bielik might be sold, that was sort of to be expected, but they are currently still contracted. David McGoldrick is allegedly in negotiations with us and Notts County, currently he is still a Derby player until 30/06. The transfer window doesn’t open until 14/06 and all the noise regarding recruitment to come out of the club at the end of season suggested they had a clear list of targets and were working on securing those players. I am unwilling to lose faith in the club and its processes this early in the summer based on a couple of players moving elsewhere and unsubstantiated rumour. It’s really not as bad as some people seem to think. 

    EDIT - please don’t see this as “being jumped on or abused” I am looking to present some balance and logic to the argument, that’s all. If anyone can counter this point with evidence of us losing out on a load of targets and the prospects for next season being grim then I’ll happily consider that perspective. 
  10. Like
    nogbad van 50 reacted to FlyBritishMidland in David McGoldrick - joined Notts County   
    If he stays great, but he’ll probably play less, which is not necessarily a bad thing.  If he goes to Notts County, good luck to him.  The last season has probably surprised himself - an extra season when he was on the verge of retirement, top scorer, first hat-trick ever.  At the start of the season he probably thought it would be his last but it’s made him realise he has a bit more in him.
    This next deal is most likely his last so he needs to be comfortable with it.  If it’s a rational football decision he stays and finishes at the highest level possible.  If it’s an emotional decision he leaves and finishes at his newly promoted boyhood club.
    I don’t consider it poor, or lack of ambition or a sad state that we’re in or whatever phrase maybe used if he goes.  I see it as a normal football club supporter, finishing his career in the best way he wants with no regrets.
  11. Like
    nogbad van 50 reacted to Red_ram in Summer Rumour Mill   
    Derby fans when we play it extensively around the back:
    ”wish we’d stop d*cking around with it at the back and get it forward quicker.”
    Derby fans when we stop d*cking around with it at the back and get it forward quicker:
    ”Urghhh this is the hoofball I was worried about.”
  12. Like
    nogbad van 50 reacted to Caerphilly Ram in David McGoldrick - joined Notts County   
    I agree replacing his goals and more is important. The bit I don’t agree with are the members of our fan base who are adamant he is leaving when there’s been no credible source to support that notion and the idea that we’re completely screwed if he does go. 
    No one knows if he’s staying or going as yet. No one knows the calibre of players we’ll sign to replace him or to play alongside him. We do have time, have allegedly been planning our recruitment and proactively pursuing players for a while, and there is a budget of sorts from what information is out there in the public domain. So whilst it could be a blow if he leaves, and it could be great if he stays, it seems sensible in my view to wait and see how it unfolds before proclaiming the end of days as some are on social media and others are leaning towards on here. 
  13. Like
    nogbad van 50 reacted to Comrade 86 in Haydon Roberts - signed for Bristol City   
    How many teams have been relegated to L1 under admin, started a season with 6 contracted senior players, no pre-season to speak of and under embargo for the 3rd year running AND STILL achieved promotion in a single season with a cobbled together squad of kids and ageing old pros? Come back and whine about it if we fail this year for crissakes. Starting to moan before we've lost a single player and over a week before the window opens is as childish as it is premature, especially when it's an annual event.
  14. Clap
    nogbad van 50 reacted to Caerphilly Ram in David McGoldrick - joined Notts County   
    Sorry if it seems I’m dismissive of your concerns. I have avoided those same concerns by looking at the bigger picture surrounding the club, taking in the information and facts that are available via the club, interviews, the media and the fans forums, listening to the intent of the owner and the manager and therefore feel there is plenty to be optimistic about.
    Its long been expected we would need to sign a high number of players again this year, in my opinion we had a good season last year and fell short of the play offs due to a number of factors of which a lack of depth, an imbalanced squad and an over reliance on one player’s goals were quite prominent. The manager and the club are aware of that and have spoken of their intent to put it right this summer, we should start the season with a more balanced squad, with more players in their peak years, and hopefully carrying more of a goal threat across the pitch. I choose to see those things as reason for optimism rather than the fact we’re going to lose some players.
    Remember there hasn’t yet been a credible link for the McGoldrick story to Notts, just a lot of twitter noise.
  15. Haha
    nogbad van 50 reacted to Foreveram in David McGoldrick - joined Notts County   
    You’re concerned that we haven’t bought anyone in the transfer window that isn’t open yet🤷‍♂️
  16. Clap
    nogbad van 50 reacted to Caerphilly Ram in David McGoldrick - joined Notts County   
    1) As yet we are rumoured to be losing our top goalscorer from last season upon the expiry of his contract. Nothing definite has happened yet. You make out like we’ve lost all of the players in the squad, Davies, Stearman, Chester have all been released and are replaceable. Dobbin, Roberts, Springett and White returned to their parent clubs….and are replaceable. 
    2) We do have the budget to replace him, we signed him last year and paid his wages, if he leaves we will sign other strikers and pay their wages. We’ve heard from the club over the last season that we were well within the agreed terms of the business plan and have performed better than expected against budget. We’ve also heard we are able to pay fees again….There’s only one person here ignoring things and it’s not me. 
    3) What evidence can you offer that there isn’t a “fight” to keep McGoldrick? The club will offer what works best for the club in terms of wages, contract length, playing guarantees etc. If he, a grown man with his own wants and needs, makes a decision to leave then that is up to him.
    So yes, at a point when the club is on a sound financial footing, we have a head of recruitment in place who has spotted gems in the past, a manager with the backing of the chairman with what resources we do have, and essentially a clean(ish) slate for recruitment this summer BEFORE the transfer window has even opened, I do wonder why some people are so pessimistic. If we get to 2:59pm on the first day of the season and the squad hasn’t been strengthened maybe I’ll have some concerns. Until then I think people need to find some perspective, losing a 35 year old striker on the back of 1 very good season is very unlikely to be the scenario to ruin this club. We’ve survived worse as a fan base. 
  17. Like
    nogbad van 50 reacted to Foreveram in Haydon Roberts - signed for Bristol City   
    Would this be the one that’s not even open yet.
  18. Clap
    nogbad van 50 reacted to Caerphilly Ram in David McGoldrick - joined Notts County   
    We’re not giving up our best players, his contract is expiring and we are in negotiations with him. If he chooses to go elsewhere that’s up to him, the club will offer the terms it feels appropriate to offer and if he moves on so be it. None of us are privy to the discussions between player and club, nor do we know his motivations. If and when David McGoldrick makes a decision on his future I’m sure we’ll get a bit more of a picture, the rest is just speculation and boredom. If he goes and we haven’t replaced him by the time the season starts then maybe I’ll worry, until then I’ll be patient and wait to see what unfolds. 
    As to your other point, what worrying signs are there to have come from a summer in which the transfer window is yet to open and we’ve been linked with a bunch of players? We’ve also been told the club can spend fees again. I really don’t get how pessimistic some people can be when in reality nothing has happened yet. Other than our position in the football leagues the club is allegedly the healthiest it has been in a long time, there’s some good people in charge making sensible decisions with a clear idea of keeping the club sustainable in the long term, try looking at the positives as well as the prospect of losing a 35 year old striker for reasons you can’t control. 
  19. Like
    nogbad van 50 reacted to JuanFloEvraTheCocu'sNesta in David McGoldrick - joined Notts County   
    On point B, what lack of freedom is that this year? We are cleared to spend money on transfer fees and our wage cap is much higher than most other clubs in League One. I don't think we have much of an excuse on that front this season.
  20. Like
    nogbad van 50 reacted to Chellaston Ram in David McGoldrick - joined Notts County   
    If he doesn’t want to play for us then fair enough let’s move on. We’ve lost bigger and better players in the past. As others have said I don’t think he would have reached the same heights as last season 
  21. Clap
    nogbad van 50 reacted to Caerphilly Ram in David McGoldrick - joined Notts County   
    You seem very keen to paint this in a wholly negative light, ignoring all the facts out there that back up McGoldrick may want to play for Notts. He started his career there, perhaps he sees it as poetic to end his career there. We can’t hold him to ransom. 
    IF it happens I don’t find it embarrassing, he had a one year contract, we’re allegedly in discussions over a new deal, if he chooses not to sign it and move on THAT IS HIS CHOICE. How would you feel if the club was to pay over the odds to convince a 35 year old to stay here? 
    The only thing that’s genuinely embarrassing in all of this is the inability of adults to control their emotions about the whole thing. 
  22. Like
    nogbad van 50 reacted to Jimbo Ram in Summer Transfer Suggestion Thread 2023   
    Scottish Championship….about the equivalent to the league my local team, AFC Telford play in, National League North….no thanks….
  23. Like
    nogbad van 50 reacted to Caerphilly Ram in Haydon Roberts - signed for Bristol City   
    Didn’t Roberts finish the season as the lwb/left sided midfielder with Cashin, Davies and Forsyth as the back 3? 
    Cashin and two new blokes for the back 3 with Forsyth and another as options. Roberts can play there if called upon but we make him first choice lwb and spend the preseason training him to play that role exactly how Warne wants him to, building on the promise he showed in that position at times last season and the understanding that was already evident, extra work improving the crossing, encouraging him to take on more shots like the absolute beauty he scored last year….problem sorted. 🤷🏻‍♂️ 
    Roberts was one of the better players in the final run of the season, was consistent, covered defensively down the left and strode forward into midfield. 
  24. Like
    nogbad van 50 reacted to Caerphilly Ram in Haydon Roberts - signed for Bristol City   
    The posts of some people on this board don’t automatically equate to “the majority”. I for one would like to sign Roberts on a free and retain Sibley, Knight and Bird if feasible. I also accept that players will inevitably move on and if one, two or all of those 3 do leave we’ll have new players to support in their stead.
    Roberts as a player has attributes we need in the squad, can cover a couple of positions, is young and has potential, signing him on a free would represent sensible business. I also think as it looks to be another summer of high numbers joining the squad, signing Roberts negates some of the settling in period other recruits may need as he’s just spent a year here.
  25. Haha
    nogbad van 50 reacted to jimtastic56 in Summer Rumour Mill   
    Don’t worry B4 is doing the bargaining for our side.
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