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  1. Clap
    maxjam reacted to Caerphilly Ram in Can anyone actually name a single improvement Warne has done since arriving?   
    I’m not saying there shouldn’t be any discussion of those frustrations. But those who count themselves as being actively opposed to the manager, if they actually want to affect a change they’ll need to do more than ranting about it online.
    What I’m opposed to is almost a housekeeping aspect of reading this forum. A new thread pops up which is seemingly just a variation on the same theme after losses and the same has happened today on the back of a draw. There are multiple threads full of discussion around Warne, his tactics, in or out etc, I don’t see what’s stopping people posting their fresh comments and frustrations on one of those threads rather than starting another, which leads to the same patterns and almost echo chamber of views. 
  2. Clap
    maxjam reacted to Caerphilly Ram in Can anyone actually name a single improvement Warne has done since arriving?   
    He’s not single handed, he has a staff who work with him and a squad of footballers who are somewhat accountable for their performances, or at least should be. And we’re not in the relegation places so no need to panic about that just yet.
    The expression of constructive concerns based on observed points around style of play are understandable and usually based on reason/opinion. The repeated melodramatic threads, pile ons, criticisms linked to his values and motivations, comments bordering on personal attacks are tiresome. 
    Those amongst the fan base who feel so strongly about Warne, get together and stage a protest. Make some banners. Do a walkout during the match. Drop some flyers around pride park. Arrange a plane with a banner to fly over Pride Park. Do something with your frustrations that amounts to more than the same threads popping up over and over that won’t actually change anything. 
  3. Clap
    maxjam reacted to Chester40 in Can anyone actually name a single improvement Warne has done since arriving?   
    I will pretend this is not just a thread that is yet another pile on...
    It's hard to quantify 'better' when points are the only real barometer everyone agrees on. Two wins and suddenly we are in the top 6 and it all looks different in that regard.
    As for the rest, personally the football isn't as bad as everyone is harping on about. Today's match thread really painted a reality I wasnt seeing, it wasnt the worst football I've ever seen that's for sure and IF we were winning it would be ok for me.
    We are able to win away from home.
    The harmony in the team/club MAY be better with the players he's brought in (and definitely wouid be if we were winning).
    They MAY be fitter (they looked fitter today IMO).
    He didn't splash out on £1-2m players as some fans were calling for, so I'm guessing he's helping to improve the finances.
    He's got some calls right (Waghorn, Forsyth) and some signings are starting to look decent.
    All irrelevant though. If we start winning and are top 6 he will be doing 'ok' ....and if we aren't or we do 'ok' but then fail miserably in the play offs he will be gone anyway.
  4. Like
    maxjam got a reaction from Carl Sagan in Who wants to live forever?   
    I think thats all down to an individuals personality.  I'm already thinking I'll need several lifetimes to experience everything I want to on Earth at the moment!  
    Assuming technology advances with life expectancy and we open up the universe to explore, what we can do and where we can go will become limitless.  Why wouldn't you want to live as long as possible to experience and learn everything you can?  
    Nothing chronically narcissistic about wanting to experience life to the fullest. 
    Perhaps currently as everything feels so grim and oppressive at the moment, but the caveat I have is we evolve into a kinda Star Trek culture - free energy, food, accommodation and travel etc and more emphasis is put on personal development, education and exploration.  We're generations away from that at present - but we're also generations away from (meaningful) space travel and any chance of eternal life.  Unless we blow ourselves up in the meantime perhaps the two will evolve at a similar time. 
    Not necessarily, if we crack the genetics of eternal life then we become 'God'.  The alternative is you have your three scores years and 10 then become dust/go to your religions afterlife - delete as appropriate!
    Personally, I believe we came from stardust and we'll return to stardust, there is nothing else to follow. This helps me do something I enjoy everyday.  If my current good health continues I'm hoping for at least 30+ active years.  There are literally hundreds of places I want to go and see and activities I want to experience.  If you gave me an even longer life and a ship I can travel the galaxy in, I could fill as much time as life gave me no problem.
  5. Clap
    maxjam reacted to Caerphilly Ram in Derby v Portsmouth Match Thread   
    Barkhuizen with some neat footwork and curls a shot over from just inside the area is our last chance.
    Finishes 1-1. Deflating to concede late on. Wasn’t a “good” performance by a long stretch but also don’t feel it was as bad as some others do. A draw seems a fair result in reality and one I’d take against a side that have been on a good run and have a great defence. 
    Positives seeing Sibley, Wilson, Barkhuizen back on the pitch. Embleton did ok. Something to build on for the next games now. 
  6. Haha
    maxjam got a reaction from rynny in Fan Forum (not this one)   
    Its just a shame he's gonna get subbed after 30 mins for the next 6 weeks as the other players mess with his kit each week 😛
  7. Haha
    maxjam got a reaction from angieram in Fan Forum (not this one)   
    Its just a shame he's gonna get subbed after 30 mins for the next 6 weeks as the other players mess with his kit each week 😛
  8. Like
    maxjam reacted to Caerphilly Ram in Fan Forum (not this one)   
    Have you watched it? I would recommend doing so if not. I think how an individual processes the forum still appears to coloured by their own personal opinions, as my take on it was a more positive and optimistic one.
    There was discussion around the academy pathways being open to the first team, with Warne saying he discusses the academy prospects regularly with Buxton. Commentary about how decimated the academy was and that they’re focused on replenishing it (which costs) and will take time to get back to the levels it was at. Discussion about recruitment, the potential to look at lower leagues and abroad for value if restrictions (Brexit changes) allow. Insight into the methodology at the leadership of the club with their being a “football executive” consisting of Pearce, Warne, Recruitment, Medical etc to try and make sure it’s ran less as a dictatorship (my word not theirs) than perhaps went before.
    Warne as always (in my view) talked a good game and made mostly the right noises, but as others will be quick to point out, it’s whether or not he can deliver on what he says that matters.
    In summary I felt optimistic about what was discussed, some of it was honest and open, other aspects were more evasive, and the bit with Waghorn and Hourihane was funny and insightful. 
    EDIT - there’s a mixed message of sorts in there that from a first team perspective Warne wants top 6 or promotion asap but the bigger picture of the club appears to me that it’s a longer term project to rebuild within and externally in terms of relationships and perception.
  9. Like
    maxjam got a reaction from Miggins in Fan Forum (not this one)   
    If David Clowes starts firing all and sundry, battling the FA, cheekily admitting to trying to find financial loopholes, spending millions on players with inflated wages then yes I'll agree - but he has been very measured in his first year at the helm and the club has made great strides.
    I also don't think handing Paul Warne a 4yr contract was a bad thing as others have highlighted.  It shows a pragmatic and long term approach to rebuilding both the first team and the academy.  The alternative would have seen us sack PW for finishing 7th last year and me starting to look nervously at my first paragraph.
    Whilst I understand the caution and distrust, lets not mention MM in the same breath as David Clowes.  One courted the limelight, famous ex-pro's and gave grand press conferences talking about 'The Derby Way'.  The other has quietly put the club on an even keel financially and is rebuilding our reputation with the EFL and other clubs.  He has also been working with Stephen Pearce for well over a year now so I assume he knows more about him than any of us do.
  10. Clap
    maxjam got a reaction from FlyBritishMidland in Fan Forum (not this one)   
    Because in this day and age apologising equals guilt and nothing will appease some people other than his sacking and subsequent ostracization.
    He made an effort to come to the Fans Forum (he didn't have to) and asked us to judge him on his actions going forwards.  What he may or may not have done in the past, David Clowes probably knows a lot more than us and he's happy for him to remain.  Anything else is just fans with nothing else better to do arguing amongst themselves. 
  11. Like
    maxjam got a reaction from Carnero in Fan Forum (not this one)   
    Because in this day and age apologising equals guilt and nothing will appease some people other than his sacking and subsequent ostracization.
    He made an effort to come to the Fans Forum (he didn't have to) and asked us to judge him on his actions going forwards.  What he may or may not have done in the past, David Clowes probably knows a lot more than us and he's happy for him to remain.  Anything else is just fans with nothing else better to do arguing amongst themselves. 
  12. Clap
    maxjam got a reaction from Tyler Durden in Fan Forum (not this one)   
    Because in this day and age apologising equals guilt and nothing will appease some people other than his sacking and subsequent ostracization.
    He made an effort to come to the Fans Forum (he didn't have to) and asked us to judge him on his actions going forwards.  What he may or may not have done in the past, David Clowes probably knows a lot more than us and he's happy for him to remain.  Anything else is just fans with nothing else better to do arguing amongst themselves. 
  13. Clap
    maxjam got a reaction from rynny in Fan Forum (not this one)   
    Because in this day and age apologising equals guilt and nothing will appease some people other than his sacking and subsequent ostracization.
    He made an effort to come to the Fans Forum (he didn't have to) and asked us to judge him on his actions going forwards.  What he may or may not have done in the past, David Clowes probably knows a lot more than us and he's happy for him to remain.  Anything else is just fans with nothing else better to do arguing amongst themselves. 
  14. Like
    maxjam got a reaction from Kathcairns in Fan Forum (not this one)   
    If David Clowes starts firing all and sundry, battling the FA, cheekily admitting to trying to find financial loopholes, spending millions on players with inflated wages then yes I'll agree - but he has been very measured in his first year at the helm and the club has made great strides.
    I also don't think handing Paul Warne a 4yr contract was a bad thing as others have highlighted.  It shows a pragmatic and long term approach to rebuilding both the first team and the academy.  The alternative would have seen us sack PW for finishing 7th last year and me starting to look nervously at my first paragraph.
    Whilst I understand the caution and distrust, lets not mention MM in the same breath as David Clowes.  One courted the limelight, famous ex-pro's and gave grand press conferences talking about 'The Derby Way'.  The other has quietly put the club on an even keel financially and is rebuilding our reputation with the EFL and other clubs.  He has also been working with Stephen Pearce for well over a year now so I assume he knows more about him than any of us do.
  15. Clap
    maxjam reacted to rynny in Fan Forum (not this one)   
    That assumes that what Sam Rush was allegedly doing was straight forward and easy to pick up on. Maybe it was quite intricate and difficult to unravel and Pearce was the one who uncovered the alleged offences?
    Playing devil's advocate, what if Pearce reigned Mel in? What if things would have been a lot worse if Pearce wasn't here and Mel had plans to spend even more money and try to exploit even more perceived loop holes and Pearce stopped him? 
    Pearce may have signed an NDA and can't mention anything at all. Another reason is that Mel may still be a friend and he doesn't want to throw his friend under the bus, anymore than has already happened. Or it could simply be that he wants to draw a line under what could be the worst period in his life and move forward, and not have to defend himself constantly? There is more than your 2 perceived reasonings.
  16. Like
    maxjam reacted to Loughborough Ram in Fan Forum (not this one)   
    You mean, scrutiny by the fans.
    I prefer c) if David Clowes is happy for him to continue, having scrutinised his role in the Mel Morris era, then I'm more than happy.
    Are we so unhappy at this club that we have find problems with everything. Warnes rubbish, the players are rubbish, the recruitment team are rubbish, the CEO is rubbish and on we go, when is this disharmony ever going to stop?
  17. Clap
    maxjam got a reaction from Caerphilly Ram in Fan Forum (not this one)   
    Well this conversation has just taken a turn for the worse 🫤
    How do we know that Stephen Pearce wasn't waking up every morning scratching his head figuring out how to deal with the latest MM mad decision?  Do we know if Pearce had any forewarning re. administration or did MM make that decision himself and surprise everyone, Pearce included?  Did David Clowes see enough in Pearce working tirelessly to save the club during the administration period?  And has Clowes, an accomplished businessman himself seen enough of Pearce during his 1yr+ time at the club to view Pearce an asset?  I have no idea tbh, but the truth as is typically the case, probably lies somewhere in the middle. 
    I trust David Clowes and the people now running the club however, we're back on an even financial keel and our reputation with the EFL has improved, if they think Stephen Pearce is doing a good job, I'll trust their judgement over some internet forum noise.
    Roll on Saturday, its been a long 2 weeks on here.
  18. Clap
    maxjam reacted to i-Ram in Fan Forum (not this one)   
    Noted. Pearce would also have been in a similar position to the auditors of the club, that they were no doubt relying on the assurances of Mel Morris that he was prepared to personally fund the losses of the club, and to keep funding it so that it could operate as a going concern (notwithstanding it was insolvent). Morris was, and I guess still is a, very wealthy man. He turned his back on the club  not because he didn’t have money, but because he changed his mind on keep funding it. Not a great deal Pearce, the auditors, indeed anyone can do about that. There is only one person you can blame as far as I am concerned.
  19. Clap
    maxjam got a reaction from TF Ram in Fan Forum (not this one)   
    Well this conversation has just taken a turn for the worse 🫤
    How do we know that Stephen Pearce wasn't waking up every morning scratching his head figuring out how to deal with the latest MM mad decision?  Do we know if Pearce had any forewarning re. administration or did MM make that decision himself and surprise everyone, Pearce included?  Did David Clowes see enough in Pearce working tirelessly to save the club during the administration period?  And has Clowes, an accomplished businessman himself seen enough of Pearce during his 1yr+ time at the club to view Pearce an asset?  I have no idea tbh, but the truth as is typically the case, probably lies somewhere in the middle. 
    I trust David Clowes and the people now running the club however, we're back on an even financial keel and our reputation with the EFL has improved, if they think Stephen Pearce is doing a good job, I'll trust their judgement over some internet forum noise.
    Roll on Saturday, its been a long 2 weeks on here.
  20. Like
    maxjam got a reaction from archram in Fan Forum (not this one)   
    If David Clowes starts firing all and sundry, battling the FA, cheekily admitting to trying to find financial loopholes, spending millions on players with inflated wages then yes I'll agree - but he has been very measured in his first year at the helm and the club has made great strides.
    I also don't think handing Paul Warne a 4yr contract was a bad thing as others have highlighted.  It shows a pragmatic and long term approach to rebuilding both the first team and the academy.  The alternative would have seen us sack PW for finishing 7th last year and me starting to look nervously at my first paragraph.
    Whilst I understand the caution and distrust, lets not mention MM in the same breath as David Clowes.  One courted the limelight, famous ex-pro's and gave grand press conferences talking about 'The Derby Way'.  The other has quietly put the club on an even keel financially and is rebuilding our reputation with the EFL and other clubs.  He has also been working with Stephen Pearce for well over a year now so I assume he knows more about him than any of us do.
  21. Clap
    maxjam got a reaction from angieram in Fan Forum (not this one)   
    Well this conversation has just taken a turn for the worse 🫤
    How do we know that Stephen Pearce wasn't waking up every morning scratching his head figuring out how to deal with the latest MM mad decision?  Do we know if Pearce had any forewarning re. administration or did MM make that decision himself and surprise everyone, Pearce included?  Did David Clowes see enough in Pearce working tirelessly to save the club during the administration period?  And has Clowes, an accomplished businessman himself seen enough of Pearce during his 1yr+ time at the club to view Pearce an asset?  I have no idea tbh, but the truth as is typically the case, probably lies somewhere in the middle. 
    I trust David Clowes and the people now running the club however, we're back on an even financial keel and our reputation with the EFL has improved, if they think Stephen Pearce is doing a good job, I'll trust their judgement over some internet forum noise.
    Roll on Saturday, its been a long 2 weeks on here.
  22. Clap
    maxjam got a reaction from FlyBritishMidland in Fan Forum (not this one)   
    If David Clowes starts firing all and sundry, battling the FA, cheekily admitting to trying to find financial loopholes, spending millions on players with inflated wages then yes I'll agree - but he has been very measured in his first year at the helm and the club has made great strides.
    I also don't think handing Paul Warne a 4yr contract was a bad thing as others have highlighted.  It shows a pragmatic and long term approach to rebuilding both the first team and the academy.  The alternative would have seen us sack PW for finishing 7th last year and me starting to look nervously at my first paragraph.
    Whilst I understand the caution and distrust, lets not mention MM in the same breath as David Clowes.  One courted the limelight, famous ex-pro's and gave grand press conferences talking about 'The Derby Way'.  The other has quietly put the club on an even keel financially and is rebuilding our reputation with the EFL and other clubs.  He has also been working with Stephen Pearce for well over a year now so I assume he knows more about him than any of us do.
  23. Like
    maxjam got a reaction from Foreveram in Fan Forum (not this one)   
    If David Clowes starts firing all and sundry, battling the FA, cheekily admitting to trying to find financial loopholes, spending millions on players with inflated wages then yes I'll agree - but he has been very measured in his first year at the helm and the club has made great strides.
    I also don't think handing Paul Warne a 4yr contract was a bad thing as others have highlighted.  It shows a pragmatic and long term approach to rebuilding both the first team and the academy.  The alternative would have seen us sack PW for finishing 7th last year and me starting to look nervously at my first paragraph.
    Whilst I understand the caution and distrust, lets not mention MM in the same breath as David Clowes.  One courted the limelight, famous ex-pro's and gave grand press conferences talking about 'The Derby Way'.  The other has quietly put the club on an even keel financially and is rebuilding our reputation with the EFL and other clubs.  He has also been working with Stephen Pearce for well over a year now so I assume he knows more about him than any of us do.
  24. Like
    maxjam got a reaction from Animal is a Ram in Fan Forum (not this one)   
    If David Clowes starts firing all and sundry, battling the FA, cheekily admitting to trying to find financial loopholes, spending millions on players with inflated wages then yes I'll agree - but he has been very measured in his first year at the helm and the club has made great strides.
    I also don't think handing Paul Warne a 4yr contract was a bad thing as others have highlighted.  It shows a pragmatic and long term approach to rebuilding both the first team and the academy.  The alternative would have seen us sack PW for finishing 7th last year and me starting to look nervously at my first paragraph.
    Whilst I understand the caution and distrust, lets not mention MM in the same breath as David Clowes.  One courted the limelight, famous ex-pro's and gave grand press conferences talking about 'The Derby Way'.  The other has quietly put the club on an even keel financially and is rebuilding our reputation with the EFL and other clubs.  He has also been working with Stephen Pearce for well over a year now so I assume he knows more about him than any of us do.
  25. Like
    maxjam got a reaction from ImARam2 in Fan Forum (not this one)   
    If David Clowes starts firing all and sundry, battling the FA, cheekily admitting to trying to find financial loopholes, spending millions on players with inflated wages then yes I'll agree - but he has been very measured in his first year at the helm and the club has made great strides.
    I also don't think handing Paul Warne a 4yr contract was a bad thing as others have highlighted.  It shows a pragmatic and long term approach to rebuilding both the first team and the academy.  The alternative would have seen us sack PW for finishing 7th last year and me starting to look nervously at my first paragraph.
    Whilst I understand the caution and distrust, lets not mention MM in the same breath as David Clowes.  One courted the limelight, famous ex-pro's and gave grand press conferences talking about 'The Derby Way'.  The other has quietly put the club on an even keel financially and is rebuilding our reputation with the EFL and other clubs.  He has also been working with Stephen Pearce for well over a year now so I assume he knows more about him than any of us do.
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