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  1. Clap
    maxjam reacted to uttoxram75 in Freedom of Speech   
    Yeah its not the best but its  the first I found. Its always best to find it yourself anyway if you are genuinely interested in who owns what and who controls what. There's a good video out there somewhere that fully explains the power of the big investment funds, Blackrock and Vanguard, and how, ultimately, they own each other!
  2. Clap
    maxjam reacted to Carl Sagan in Freedom of Speech   
    What's the point of growth if it only benefits the owners? We're at a key moment in the future, because artificial intelligence and automation could transform everything. If all the technology is in the hands of a very few, they'll just get richer while the rest of Humanity returns to a time of subsistence wages. But if the technology is decentralized and owned by everyone, then we all benefit and get to participate in a much better future. The original Internet was a tremendous invention and game changer because it is decentralized by design. There is a sense in which no one owns it, but there is also a sense that everyone owns it. The problem is we never expected inefficient centralized businesses to be built on top of it, with their walled gardens instead of being open to all. But that is what has happened. It's why in my first post about PayPal I think I talked about cryptocurrency, as the people's money which we can all own equally and which banks and governments can't devalue to our detriment by printing more for themselves.
  3. Like
    maxjam got a reaction from AndyinLiverpool in Finance thread 2022.   
    Watch the video, certainly the 2nd half and if you're not inspired to join the cause then I guess the upcoming crisis doesn't really effect you or anyone you know - but it will effect millions. 
    Without delving too much into the old thread that must not be mentioned, angst around the world was increasing pre-covid.  The pandemic led to the biggest wealth transfer in history and the growing realization of an elite/media class vs everyone else divide. 
    The looming energy crisis will lead to death and poverty on a massive scale unless we all stand together whilst energy companies and elites continue to make massive profits and earn huge sums.  The Poll Tax was defeated through mass revolt, imho its time to stand together and spread the word.  Lets get the campaign to 1m subscribers.  Then 2m.  Then 10m.
    According to the Chancellor, anyone earning less than £45k will need help with their energy bills.  As the average salary in the UK is around £32k, thats an awful lot of people.  How can a modern country in 2022 force people to choose between heating and eating - and thats just for a basic standard of living... Get up, go to work, go home, eat, shiver, repeat.
    I've never been into politics and I'm tired of all the identity crap but this is a cause that should unite us all.  The runaway Govt/Corporate greed needs taking down a peg or two and some balance has to be restored.  Increasing authoritarianism and disdain for the common man will imho lead to a lot of violence over the coming months.  I've subscribed as part of a peaceful protest and hope the Govt do something about it before its too late. 
  4. Like
    maxjam got a reaction from Carl Sagan in Freedom of Speech   
    Why is that awkward? 
    The overwhelming victims of censorship are on the right of the political spectrum and the degree of tolerance between what the two factions are allowed to say is significant.  That doesn't mean that some on the left don't suffer the same consequences.
    Its just another indicator that we should all be taking the issue of free speech more seriously and asking Govts to regulate our online space.  At the very least Big Tech should provide rules and guidelines as to what is acceptable and what isn't.  Most people Including Toby Young recently are never told what guidelines that have fallen foul off as he states in the video below (relevant bit at 2:12 - 3:05)
  5. Like
    maxjam got a reaction from Carl Sagan in Freedom of Speech   
    Never heard of half of those and most of the rest will probably share the same ideology as PayPal - would you trust them to look after your financial affairs after you have been burned once?
    Thats right, they do stand up for everyone that has their free speech suppressed.
    Unfortunately, it seems that the concept of 'free speech' is now against the ideology of Big Tech, the current guardians of the internet.
  6. Like
    maxjam reacted to Ram-Alf in Freedom of Speech   
    Then those same people who move to a platform where their beliefs are more in line with that platform we then have a divided community, Left and right.
    Freedom of speech has then died and you can only speak if your ideas match theirs, Ideology then becomes inbreed in some to take action against those who disagree.
  7. Clap
    maxjam got a reaction from Carl Sagan in Freedom of Speech   
    You just send/receive money through PayPal, why are they restricting people on one side of the political spectrum from being able to do that?  Hosting someones bank account doesn't mean you endorse their opinions.
    I could understand it if you were sending money to a terrorist organisation or something else that is illegal, fair enough suspend their account its against the law, but to ban right wing commentators for their lawful and legitimate opinions is just wrong and authoritarian. 
    The more people you ban, the narrower the allowed conversation becomes.  Ultimately, you end up banning increasingly moderate people because they are now on the 'extreme' of what is allowed.  What started out as the banning of hate speech is increasingly becoming the banning of opinions or differing viewpoints. 
    Canada freezing the accounts of protestors was a nefarious escalation of authoritarianism and has now set a new standard of what is allowed in a so-called modern, progressive country.  If we don't raise concerns about it now, it will only get worse. 
    Furthermore, life tends to be cyclical.  Whilst you may agree with those with their hands on the wheels of power at the moment, it might not always be that way.  The attempted Elon Musk/Twitter takeover highlighted the left-wing meltdown over a potential return to free speech being governed by the law rather than corporate ideology.
  8. Clap
    maxjam got a reaction from Carl Sagan in Freedom of Speech   
    This has been happening for a while, but of course its not political and the obvious bias isn't there ?
    Its starts with Tommy Robinson and everyone's, 'good its about time scum like that were removed'.  After you remove the extreme fringes however those that weren't quite so bad are next in line for the cancel culture mob and other various conservative commentators are removed - but its still good, cos they were a bit mean after all... 
    The new 'extreme' is continually chipped away until we reach the point that Trudeau feels emboldened to freeze the bank accounts of protestors and PayPal ban relatively centre right people such as Toby Young who are targetted for wanting to discuss legitimate concerns over lockdowns and vaccine mandates etc.  But still its funny because he's all over the media complaining about his free speech.
    IMHO, at best this is just another small step along the path to two separate societies.  Twitter, paypal etc for the left.  Parler, GETTR, etc for the right - both pushing the more extreme ideologies of their faction. 
    At worst, the right will realise that they too can deploy the same tactics.  The Tories have already clamped down on some protesting, maybe they will follow Trudeau next time and financially cripple protestors.  Its not that big of a leap to see that this ends up with a western version of the Chinese social credit score and being punished for displaying wrong think or voting the wrong way.
    Maybe we should all care a bit more when social media companies promote obvious bias or payment companies ban people not for financial irregularities, but opinions.  Nah... its too funny.
  9. Clap
    maxjam got a reaction from cstand in Freedom of Speech   
    This has been happening for a while, but of course its not political and the obvious bias isn't there ?
    Its starts with Tommy Robinson and everyone's, 'good its about time scum like that were removed'.  After you remove the extreme fringes however those that weren't quite so bad are next in line for the cancel culture mob and other various conservative commentators are removed - but its still good, cos they were a bit mean after all... 
    The new 'extreme' is continually chipped away until we reach the point that Trudeau feels emboldened to freeze the bank accounts of protestors and PayPal ban relatively centre right people such as Toby Young who are targetted for wanting to discuss legitimate concerns over lockdowns and vaccine mandates etc.  But still its funny because he's all over the media complaining about his free speech.
    IMHO, at best this is just another small step along the path to two separate societies.  Twitter, paypal etc for the left.  Parler, GETTR, etc for the right - both pushing the more extreme ideologies of their faction. 
    At worst, the right will realise that they too can deploy the same tactics.  The Tories have already clamped down on some protesting, maybe they will follow Trudeau next time and financially cripple protestors.  Its not that big of a leap to see that this ends up with a western version of the Chinese social credit score and being punished for displaying wrong think or voting the wrong way.
    Maybe we should all care a bit more when social media companies promote obvious bias or payment companies ban people not for financial irregularities, but opinions.  Nah... its too funny.
  10. Haha
    maxjam got a reaction from Stive Pesley in Freedom of Speech   
    This has been happening for a while, but of course its not political and the obvious bias isn't there ?
    Its starts with Tommy Robinson and everyone's, 'good its about time scum like that were removed'.  After you remove the extreme fringes however those that weren't quite so bad are next in line for the cancel culture mob and other various conservative commentators are removed - but its still good, cos they were a bit mean after all... 
    The new 'extreme' is continually chipped away until we reach the point that Trudeau feels emboldened to freeze the bank accounts of protestors and PayPal ban relatively centre right people such as Toby Young who are targetted for wanting to discuss legitimate concerns over lockdowns and vaccine mandates etc.  But still its funny because he's all over the media complaining about his free speech.
    IMHO, at best this is just another small step along the path to two separate societies.  Twitter, paypal etc for the left.  Parler, GETTR, etc for the right - both pushing the more extreme ideologies of their faction. 
    At worst, the right will realise that they too can deploy the same tactics.  The Tories have already clamped down on some protesting, maybe they will follow Trudeau next time and financially cripple protestors.  Its not that big of a leap to see that this ends up with a western version of the Chinese social credit score and being punished for displaying wrong think or voting the wrong way.
    Maybe we should all care a bit more when social media companies promote obvious bias or payment companies ban people not for financial irregularities, but opinions.  Nah... its too funny.
  11. Clap
    maxjam reacted to Crewton in Freedom of Speech   
    I carry no torch for the FSU, but that's not an example of a company exercising "free speech" : more like a major player in a restricted market deciding who can use their services in an attempt to restrict their activities. The very opposite of the principles of free speech in fact, though many will applaud PayPal. 
  12. Clap
    maxjam reacted to Carl Sagan in Freedom of Speech   
    On freedom of speech, PayPal has closed the account for Free Speech Union, which is a perfectly reasonable (but anti-woke) campaign organization. Ditto a parents' group called Us for Them who apparently campaigned to keep schools open during lockdown, probably in hindsight the majority position. Making it more difficult for people to donate money. 
    This is the danger of digital money, that you can have your ability to use, access or receive taken away from you at the flick of a switch if someone else, either a government or a financial institution, deem you have the wrong views. This is why cryptocurrency matters so much, because it is impossible for governments or banks to control it. 
  13. Haha
    maxjam got a reaction from Frogram in I’m Hiding in Here Tonight | 22/23 Edition   
    *cough cough*
    Hmm, its a bit dusty in here, better give it a bit of a clean before the season starts to go pear shaped and they all start traipsing back in...  Oooh whats that?
    *picks up half bottle of vodka*
    I'll have that!
    *takes slug*
    Eurgh, that wasn't vodka
    And whats that...?
    *picks up crumpled paper*
    WTF, who photoshopped a picture of a topless Wayne Rooney riding a horse?  And who wrote 'I ? WR' on the back?  Thats just not right.  Maybe I should wipe the sofas down as well.
    Anyway, how d'ya switch this damn thing on...

  14. Haha
    maxjam reacted to Foreveram in I’m Hiding in Here Tonight | 22/23 Edition   
    Check the fuel gauge.
  15. Clap
    maxjam reacted to Alph in Our Queen   
    Think it's a shame that some didn't watch this historic event in the UK. 
    I think, even if I wasn't pro Royal family, that I'd still watch some. I can't imagine not being interested in significant world events. 
  16. Like
    maxjam reacted to Alph in Our Queen   
    I'm not digging anyone out. I mean I think it's a shame that people don't enjoy historical grand events and watching British pomp in full flow. 
    I think you've taken it as a dig that I think people who didn't watch are disrespectful or something. 
    I mean i think this event can fill you with patriotic pride and thrill the historians and for some people it doesn't. Their interests lie elsewhere. Nothing wrong with it. Just a shame it doesn't bring everyone together. 
    I'd say the same about The Olympics or world cups where some people don't give a toss. They're missing out. It's not shame on them. 
  17. Clap
    maxjam reacted to Alph in Our Queen   
    Relax man, jeez. 
    How have people managed to make out I've had a dig at them. 
    It is a significant event. It's a shame some people don't consider it so. I've not got a problem with them for it ffs. 
    I also think it's a shame I'm not a millionaire, that people don't enjoy things like that. Or that not everyone gives a toss Palestine (war), famine (Afghanistan) etc etc. 
    Keep you knickers on. No wonder there's no politics thread. Got your boxing gloves on and I only meant I like to see people brought together. 
  18. Clap
    maxjam reacted to Alph in Our Queen   
    Sorry I can't respond because this conversation wouldn't be as important as a flood (Pakistan) war (Ukraine) or earthquake (Mexico) and therefore is insignificant. Like a funeral. 
  19. Like
    maxjam reacted to Alph in Our Queen   
    It's important to history.
    I think the death of a King or Queen is something to be marked by British people. It's the story of our history. The story of our past. And also many of the commonwealth nations may feel the same. 
    I don't think I'd say the whole world has to be flipped on its head for an event to be of significant interest. 
    It's an event that has rippled across the world. It's gained huge attention. It brings the end of an era. It turns a new page in the history books and there's a new chapter. 
    I don't expect everyone to cry over it. I don't expect everyone who doesn't care to shout from the roof tops that they don't care (they obviously care), I don't expect it to cure cancer. 
    And what will surprise some people is that you can care about this AND other things too. Or you can care about nothing. 
    I don't think there's been an outcry of "why don't you care!!?". I've seen more of people asking "why should I care". Well, don't. That's fine. 
    I just thought it was a shame we can't all be brought together in one of the few events that brings about an excuse to celebrate our land, our people, our heritage, our history. 
    Just as it's a shame, to me, that my Mrs gets bored in Slovenian museums and vanishes off leaving me to look for her! I just love history and think it plays an important role in giving us all identity. A belonging. Which is something we all seek. 
    Plenty of people have died that are of significant interest to millions and millions. Life will go on. But I don't feel the need to jump in and say I don't care. Or call it irrelevant. If that person has impacted millions of lives in any way I say that's significant. Worthy of a page in history. 
    I think it's a shame that France no longer has a monarchy. French Kings, Emperor's even, it all links modern France to it's deep history. Its influence on the world. It's fascinating characters. It's the foundations of modern day France and I think it would be nice to see that still living today. 
    You're right, the Queen was a face on a stamp etc. But that's the breadcrumbs for future generations. Her death is a significant day in history. 
  20. Clap
    maxjam reacted to Crewton in Freedom of Speech   
    Invented pronouns aren't valid pronouns to me. Also, if 'gender-fluid' people want to change their preferred pronouns on a regular basis, that's fine, but I ain't playing - nothing strikes me as attention-seeking as much as that does.
    There must be a concern about why gender identity has become a major issue with the young in particular, but that's such a deep rabbit-hole I don't want to go there on here. Suffice to say, I know two families with teenage/young adult kids who are transitioning and I know it's been a big struggle for both families to come to terms with, so I keep my opinions firmly to myself with regard to their situations.
  21. Haha
    maxjam reacted to Archied in Freedom of Speech   
    Always makes me smile when you see the mask slip?
  22. Clap
    maxjam reacted to Archied in Freedom of Speech   
    Ahhhh I see , not only do as your told but be happy to do as your told?,
    as with everything else this pronoun thing has been hijacked by the extremists and ideologist s who under the banner of defenders of the rights (easy street hero’s ) make things worse rather than better ,divide rather than bring people together , I say easy street hero’s because they have a vision of themselves as the kind of hero s of yesterday who fought for rights at great cost to themselves , brave people not the plastics we have today,
    I would never call a trans woman him , or visa versa as that’s just downright hurtful and I don’t need anybody to tell me that , as for the other how many pronouns I don’t even pretend to understand where that’s all going but I do know for sure we are confusing the hell out of our children and storing up a whole heap of problems for the future
    now you judge away on me until your hearts content , it matters not as I don’t need to force anybody to see me as I see myself 
  23. Clap
    maxjam reacted to Crewton in Freedom of Speech   
    Trouble is, there are people out there who's mantra is more like "think as I do, do as I say, say what I tell you to". They're the ones who's tolerance only goes one way.
  24. Clap
    maxjam reacted to Gee SCREAMER !! in Freedom of Speech   
    Generally I tend to get on with people if I don't consider them cnuts, the rest is irrelevant.  Nowadays, I seem to be surrounded by a lot more cnuts with a sense of humour bypass and too much irrelevant wisdom to shove my way having watched some crap on twitter.  Most of them seem to be half illiterate dumb asses to boot.
    The Human resources dept at my work has changed it's name 3 times in a year to avoid upsetting anyone.  Now no one can get through to them as they have no idea who they are. Pretty soon, the mental health rate issues in this world will be hugely compounded by the vocal minority bullying the quiet more sensible live and let live majority into submission.  
    Love Gee Screamer him/her/she/vogon/dalek/ weekend werewolf not just at the full moon -don't stereotype me
  25. Like
    maxjam reacted to RadioactiveWaste in Federer retires   
    True gentleman as well.
    Sad day for tennis but he's had a career to be very proud of and he's been one of those whose recognition goes far beyond the sport of tennis.
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