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Everything posted by maxjam

  1. Ah right, I wasn't really paying much attention to the video tbh - just the increasing size. Casually thought it was a future SpaceX design. Its still difficult to imagine something bigger than the Statue of Liberty weighing 5000 tons being lifted into space. Yeah a lot has happened in the past 20 years after a period of stagnation, hopefully it won't be too much longer before we look up at the Moon and think someone's up there right now. The last time that happened I'd not long been born.
  2. Just watched some videos of the launch, incredible stuff - never gets old. IIRC the Starship weighed approx 5000 tons, is 40 stories tall and the biggest thing ever launched into space. Every success is another step on the path to the Moon/Mars and beyond
  3. Saw this on X last night, sums up his attitude since he's been here. Hell of a player if we could sign him, he seems to quite like it at Derby!
  4. Similar... I've never read the books so went into Dune 1 'blind' and was pleasantly surprise - good story, great cinematics, soundtrack and cast. As you say, Dune 2 does feel drawn out and quite tedious at times. Whilst I still found the cinematics (inc CGI) and soundtrack to be excellent, the first part of the film felt dragged out and the last part of the film rushed. It would have been better split into 2 films but I guess the middle film would have been really boring - too much religious fervor for my liking and the Dave Bautista char just spent his time stomping around incompetently shouting at people. Having said all that... I'll find out next week whether I change my mind as well, taking my lad when he gets back from Uni 😛
  5. Putting a positive spin on things we were better when we were chasing, maybe dropping out of the top 2 will refocus us.
  6. Ah crap, I was just thinking good result for Barnsley, now they can do us a favour by losing their remaining game in hand and we're 2nd on merit - but then Bolton go a score 😛 TBH Bolton, Barnsley and now Peterboro are all strong teams in this division, assuming Portsmouth are up then along with ourselves its pick 2 from 4 for promotion - and the pessimist in me says both Barnsley and Peterboro are too strong for us on their day.
  7. Nah, it was approx 10yrs ago now, surely its time to forgive and forget!? Anyway, I doubt DC would go down the 'celebrity' manager route unlike his predecessor and as has been highlighted, his lack of English would present a huge problem. Regardless, I recall this from a few years ago. Sod manager, sign him up as a player 😛
  8. For better or worse X is attempting to allow community moderation. The alternative is Govt control and whilst you might like the Govt in power atm (I'm talking in the US that have the real power to control Google, X, Meta etc) Govts come and go. Maybe you won't like the next lot in charge and what they deem acceptable speech. Alternatively we could let the mega corps such as Alphabet (Gemini AI haha) or Microsoft/Amazon etc dictate what we're allowed to see and say? In a world a bad solutions, X is currently the best we've got (and for clarity I'm not saying its perfect, far from it). If you really don't think it is, name one thats better. If you can't maybe the continuing obsession with just Musk is a marker that you've been swayed by your political leanings rather than the current state of X. On a related note, did you see the kicking Zuckerberg and Facebook got in the recent US hearings? Probably not because unlike Musk he's not in political opposition to the establishment. In short, basically Meta's own studies show that they are having a detrimental effect on kids mental health and are pushing paedophilic content to those that search for it but are doing nothing about it. But Musk bad man *shakes fist*
  9. Similar for me. Having the commentary etc on RamsTV and the daily podcasts made moving away from Derbyshire a lot easier - I'd be lost without them. It was great to hear Ed Dawes back commentating (although I liked Dom's commentary as well) and I enjoy the different personalities they have on each week. Some are arguably better than others and some more biased than others but when you listen to local coverage you expect a bit of that, its not like you're listening to a generic game on Sky this is our club!
  10. We've got bigger problems than twitter if you've been following the Gemini AI drama.
  11. An update from Tom Lockyer re. his cardiac arrest on the pitch back in December. Seems to be doing okay, hope he gets the chance to play football again.
  12. Stop 'booing him' 😛 Love his attitude, love his determination, love it if we sign him.
  13. Lovely bit if determination considering he's only here on loan. Hopefully there is a chance we can bring him in on a permanent in the summer, I've been impressed with the little bit I've seen of him.
  14. If we find water on the moon it will slash the cost of future missions. We'll no doubt have a manned operation there as well as Mars in the near future.
  15. This had a cult following at school back in the day...
  16. Harry Kane will surely be desperate for a trophy after a season with Bayern Munich 👀
  17. So what you're saying is you're still in the 'on the fence' camp with regards to Paul Warne then.
  18. If you're quick there's a window round the back I've not got to yet...
  19. We've got the ring doorbell and half a dozen of the external cameras as well dotted around our property - we just pay the £8/month which I thought was a pretty decent deal for the amount of coverage we get. We went for the solar powered cameras (mainly because I'm allergic to heights and don't want to be up and down ladders every 3 months changing batteries!) and I've been very impressed. Despite the fact that some of the solar panels aren't in the best locations - facing away from the sun and in the shade most of the day, the lowest I have seen their charge rate go is 96%. Only 2 of the 6 are currently below 100% (99%) which isn't bad considering we're still only in February and I haven't seen any sun for days! Picture quality is good and any footage captured is stored for approx 6 months iirc and the dogs don't generally trigger the motion capture. If you can afford the cost (and I can appreciate the 100% rise in a couple of years is not something you signed up for) I'd recommend them as a good home security option.
  20. FWIW in an age of increasing censorship, despite its flaws I appreciate what X is trying to do. It wasn't so long ago that we had journalists doing journalism, now almost all are mouthpieces of the Govt/Big Tech/Industry.
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