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Posts posted by The_Sheriff

  1. 1 hour ago, Ramos said:

    We should be selling it out and making our voices heard. I get the sentiment people are saying to say by not give money to boro - but I think it’s letting Gibson off the hook by not being there and letting him know what he’s doing.

    Also the team needs us more than ever, every game for the rest of the season. 

    You think gibson gives a flying if away fans sing abusive songs about him as he counts the money the same fans have just effectively put into his pocket?

  2. 4 hours ago, DarkFruitsRam7 said:

    I think it would send quite a poor message to the players who have been fighting so hard in recent months if we were to prioritise depriving a multi-millionaire of a few thousand quid over supporting them when they need it most.

    I see your point they are encouraged by fans making the journey and supporting them. But players are not idiots, they would understand the reasoning of the boycott as its solidarity against someone who is efrectively trying to liquidate us!

  3. 1 hour ago, Foreveram said:


    If you think the away following this season hasn’t affected the results I presume you haven’t been to any of them.

    Very poor presumption been to a few. Infact our away form is not great at all so that alone contradicts your point.

    Middlesbrough away we wont take anything like we did to the likes of Coventry or Sheffield so why not completely boycott it? It’s a good thing to make some sort of noticeable stand to Gibson.

  4. 17 hours ago, Foreveram said:

    Everyone has said how good the away support has been, getting behind the team, and you seriously want none of us to turn up, get real.

    Yes. The way gibsons treating us the only way to get even is to not give him money. Why’s that not make sense? Even if we did bring an ok following (which we rarely do at boro) it isn’t likely to effect the result but it hurts Gibson.

  5. 39 minutes ago, Old Spalding Ram said:

    Moral Maze time.
    My lad asked me this yesterday after the Boxing Day bubble n’ squeak fry up lunch.

    who would you rather sit next to today?

    a) someone not fully vaccinated but has tested negative within the last 48 hours.

    b) someone(me) who has a COVID pass letter dated July 2021

    c) sit on your own in the North Stand

    A. All day long. B more likely to have it then A in that scenario!   

    C is safest options but no thanks!

  6. 2 hours ago, BucksRam said:

    Yeah I hear you - don't want to get into the vaccinated vs not vaccinated other than to say those not vaccinated are more likely to pass it on than those not, and even though vaccinated, you can still catch it (as I have done) and so still pass it on to others.  On a personal level I take the "tested negative" with a little bit of a pinch of salt.  My daughter had covid - we tested daily for 4 days after she'd had her PCR result, all negative. Day 5 we tested positive. Pretty sure in the interim we were carrying the virus. 

    So if it’s really necessary to have vaccine passports to prevent spread would it not be better for ALL to take a negative lateral to get in? Not just the unvaccinated.

  7. Leaning towards clapping him- Worse offenders didn't get same punishment and now one is even captain. He also gave absolutely everything when putting on that shirt and its honestly a huge shame the legacy is tainted by his drunken decision to get in that car.

    However he didn't do a Davies and accept a pay cut and he did sue the club (as well as making that dreadful decision as captain) therefore i will not boo or clap!

  8. 2 minutes ago, MackworthRamIsGod said:

    I didn't think Kirchner was front runner from what I heard, or course it is all about perception.

    I honestly think Hoskings was using Kirchner to tell any interested parties to hurry up, as Kirchner is more than a viable option.

    We will find out in a few weeks, but my money isn't on Kirchner. Although I'm rubbish at gambling.

    Oh Really? Obviously either one of our perceptions could be wrong. When i listened to it he was stressing he covered every blade of grass on training ground and if bids were equal the more passionate bidder would probably win out. He also didn't seem to mind Kirchners Twitter activity and said he had more then enough funds to take over.

    I am not the best gambler either! Maybe it is a play to get a hurry on with the others.

    Time will tell i am just glad we are discussing which option to go with rather than liquidation.

  9. 9 minutes ago, DerbyGeordie said:

    Hi all,

    Newcastle fan here. Been going to Uni of Derby for 2 years now (in my final year) and after hearing and reading what's went on at the club in the last few years I've grown a bit of a soft spot for DCFC. Saw that you were linked with Ashley taking over, now, I am aware that as a club you're probably in the worst state you've ever been in. Ever. In administration, a potential risk of going into liquidation, absolutely criminal that could happen to your club, as to me its still a good sized club with standing in English football. Ashley seems like a ticket out, financial stability. But, and I have to say after reading some of the posts on here which are terribly incorrect, the man is/was an utter parasite.

    Where we were as a club before Ashley was probably where Spurs, West Ham are now. Promoted to the Premier League in 1993, finished 3rd, 6th, 2nd, 2nd, 4th, 3rd, 5th and 7th in the period before Ashley took over, regulars in Europe, played 3 seasons of Champions League football. Won nothing obviously, but we had genuine hope. Ashley takes over in 2007, within 2 years we're relegated. We bounce back due to the quality of the squad we had at the time, stay in the Premier League for another 6 seasons (3 of which were relegation battles) and get relegated again. The second relegation, we had a wage bill the size of a midtable PL club in the Championship and had Rafa Benitez in charge so we bounce straight back again. Since then we've been fighting relegation again, Rafa leaves due to no ambition at the club beyond staying up; his replacement summing up that ambition which even he is making an arse of.

    Now I know it's rich to come on here and complain about doing nowt more than staying in the PL given your situation, but this is all relative. Our two promotions Ashley lucked out at the squad and managers present there at the time and we only had to get promoted because of beyond tragic management from Ashley in the first place.

    The whole 'he's a good business man' and 'got Newcastle financially sound' is a myth. Part of £300m fee paid for the club from the consortium on Thursday will have partly been made up my interest free loans Ashley took out from the club; taking money out so to speak. Our commerical revenue was greater than Spurs, Everton and West Ham before Ashley took over, now clubs like Brighton & Hove Albion are millions ahead. Across his 14 years his net spend is +£10m which in the PL scheme of things is peanuts.

    I see why you may want him, you'd probably take almost anyone and I don't blame yous for that. But he is not a good football club owner and the perception that he was good for us is so far wide of the mark is untrue. He has set us back years and this golden ticket we've been given will see that, as it'll be years until we're on a level footing with Spurs, Everton, West Ham and Villa.

    Thanks for this appreciated.

    However still failing to see why hes a bad owner to have in comparison to what we just had.  He didnt put the club into administration and he hasnt drawn up a huge debt that makes the club nearly unsellable?

    He has kept you in the top tier and now made a profit in selling you to billionaires who have the financial power to put you at the top.

    If he buys us hes buying us to make profit so to make profit in this broken football pyramid you need to get to the premier league. 

    I dont usually comment on mirror speculation because thats all it is and its a garbage newspaper but since you kindly took your time to tell us his downfalls i felt a reply of how i see it was warranted.

  10. 16 minutes ago, San Fran Van Rams said:

    I completely disagree. Their response only strengthens my view that EFL is completely incompetent.

    Firstly  - multiple occasions they've dodged questions and fall back on an argument that the current and potential future punishments seek to maintain the 'integrity' of the league. bullpoo. How is the integrity of the league being maintained when we're being forced to play a makeshift team full of academy rookies and retired pros? Its a minor miracle Rooney is doing the job he's doing. 

    They completely disregard that the club has already been penalized to the point of extinction, and are still pushing for further sanctions which will only to serve to damage the supporters, the local community, and if we're lucky, new owners. The club is on its knees and all they can talk about is maintaining league integrity because 'its what the rules say' - they don't seem to grasp the issue that the rules are not fit for purpose in the first place. They also completely miss the point that our suspended 3 point penalty (for paying players 22 days late) was completely out of whack with what they agreed for Sheff Weds (and other clubs have got off scott free for the same offense in the past).

    Also, this whole 'its the benefactor model which is wrong' cr@p needs to end. the EFL and its member clubs are in this financial predicament because the EFL are incompetent commercially, cannot negotiate a proper broadcasting deal, and have bent over and presented themselves to the EPL to take full advantage of. More regulations, such as the cost controls they're talking about, will only serve to broaden the gap between the EPL and EFL. Football either needs to stop being run as a business, or you let those who understand business run the football. You can't go either way.

    Standing Ovation Applause GIF by RTL

  11. 43 minutes ago, Unlucky Alf said:

    Yes, Sell 2 players then we can bring in 2 players in...maximum of 23 players of proffesional standing

    Does the carabao cup not count as professional standing? Just wondering if we used up another space with that young striker coming on?

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