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Betty Swollocks

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  1. Clap
    Betty Swollocks reacted to kevinhectoring in The Administration Thread   
    Q assumed Gibbo would deal within sensible parameters. They misunderstood his motives, which are total annihilation of Mm’s footballing dream at maximum expense. Maximum expense to MM and to each Derby fan. He is a horrible little man 
  2. Clap
    Betty Swollocks reacted to Bald Eagle's Barmy Army in The Administration Thread   
    Exactly - But you can't change something that was probably already decided months ago. 
    I believe one of our punishments (without public knowledge) was to not let us do any business during this transfer window. 
  3. Clap
    Betty Swollocks reacted to The Scarlet Pimpernel in The Administration Thread   
    It bothers me now that I didn't take more interest in what happened to Bury FC and others. 
    Its easy to see how Bury were flattened by the EFL, they didn't stand a chance. Its only because we are a much larger club with a substantial fan base that we have just about managed to push back and to some extent turn the tide on the bullies. 
  4. Like
    Betty Swollocks got a reaction from GB SPORTS in The Administration Thread   
    He`s 100% a Derby fan
  5. Clap
    Betty Swollocks reacted to WestLondonRam in The Administration Thread   
    We'll if that's the case, I think we all need to get back to battle stations again. 
    No point losing the momentum we put in we have all had a break lets get back to it with the MP'S and Social Media again as all the traction we got will be lost and we will need to start the process again. 
    The delay is so we can't buy anyone until the window shuts Can't re-sign our own players again and the EFL win again. It's all smoke and Mirrors. 
  6. Clap
    Betty Swollocks reacted to Indy in The Administration Thread   
    Also worth noting that Professor Pope’s testimony was criticised as he had no practical experience of preparing accounts, nor experience of the football industry (meaning some of his assumptions about the player market were questionable). He was also told that if ever called again he needed to learn about the role of an expert witness to provide facts and illuminate technical arguments, not present the argument for one of the litigants (if that’s the right term in this case). 
    On that basis his testimony was thrown out - a decision overturned by the IDC without allowing DCFC to present a new witness to counter his newly allowed contribution. 
    I know DCFC we’re criticised for not providing their own witness but this is (yet another) stitch up. The amortisation charge was added last minute and they didn’t have time to sort out a witness. As they were talking about whether accounts that had passed audit over several years were audit-compliant it was self-evident to all the practicing accountants involved that this wasn’t an issue. If they’d been told at the outset that the knowledge of Pearce and panel members would be disregarded, I’m sure they would have requested an adjournment to sort an expert witness. They weren’t told this.  And this wasn’t the position until several steps down the line, and then (again) applied retrospectively as though it was an oversight on our part. 
    Worth noting that Parry’s deal allowing a Gibson to pursue independently only applies if we were found guilty of a charge - any charge. So it makes you think why anomalies like the above witness nonsense, and the multiple appeals until they get a result, happened. 
  7. Clap
    Betty Swollocks reacted to Crewton in The Administration Thread   
    Thanks for not mentioning it. ? 
    I'm sure most of us can't even remember this incident, and I think it's pathetic of you to raise it as some kind of equivalence with QPR overspending by over £40M, but we can remember O'Neill's professional foul that stopped a potential one-on-one and epitomised a cynical display by a club which, at the time, was itself the epitome of arrogance and entitlement. I also have to say that your supporters behaved without a scrap of humility that day, and for a long time afterwards. 
    No-one would argue that QPR haven't been on a long, hard journey since, and appear to be doing it the right way now. But, after some reasonable contributions, you're falling into the same mindset that I see in most QPR fans on Social Media : that you are the only victims of your behaviour.
    You were lucky you got promoted, you were lucky that PDs weren't a punishment then, you were lucky Mel Morris decided not to sue you for compensation, and you were even more lucky that it wasn't Middlesbrough you beat in that final. 
  8. Clap
    Betty Swollocks reacted to Indy in The Administration Thread   
    I agree. For all grief they’ve been getting, I think Quantuma have been pretty good. I think it took them a while to realise/admit that they weren’t on a level playing field, and that the griping Morris had about the EFL’s treatment of Derby had some merit. But since last Friday they’ve played a blinder. Said just enough about the EFL’s stance being possibly “against statute” to set the cat among the pigeons and it has escalated beautifully. Watching all other parties talk too much mainly because their bruised egos didn’t like being seen as the bad guys was great. 
    As Napoleon said: “Never interrupt your enemy when they’re making a mistake.”
    Hopefully some common sense will prevail in the next few days and weeks. 
  9. Clap
    Betty Swollocks reacted to Comrade 86 in The Administration Thread   
    This way the EFL have to publicly admit they have awarded MFC and the tinpot mob 'football creditor' status or at very least that they themselves insisted that they be added to the creditors list. This in turn begs the absolute killer question: how so given this has been done without any form of consultation or arbitration, effectively deeming Derby guilty without trial or oversight? Why would this be significant? Because this exposes their earlier public statements claiming to have had zero input as yet more bare-faced lies and also clearly illustrates the EFL's dictatorial nature and blatant disregard for fair, transparent and even-handed adjudication.
    There is and always has been a strategy behind Quantuma's PR and that has simply been to give the EFL enough rope to hang themselves. The EFL initially saw Quantuma's silence as weakness and in tandem with the other two mobs piled on, thinking they were winning the war. As it is, they've been hopelessly outthought and outgunned. They will now try to position their change of heart as being down to concessions made by the admins, or a softening in their own stance, whereas it is in fact, nothing less than an ignominious climbdown. The EFL's arrogance led them to overplay their hand and they've now been served up their proverbials on a very cold plate. 
    I said a few weeks ago that the most 'ironic aspect of this whole shabby tale' was that we could now be witnessing the end of the EFL 'at least in its current guise'. This is so much better than that.
  10. Like
    Betty Swollocks reacted to Wistaston Ram in The Administration Thread   
    Power to the people - Robert Lindsey drumming up celebrity support
  11. Like
    Betty Swollocks reacted to Ambitious in The Administration Thread   
    It means, at least to me, the planned meeting with MPs to discuss Derby County isn't required anymore as the administrators have informed us with an update that renders the meeting redundant. At least to me, with optimism-bias. 
    The news that Ashley has increased his interest is very welcome. Honestly, Mike Ashley has cash in abundance and that's what we need at the moment to make the debts of the past a distant memory. If we get someone without that huge cash flow then we run the risk of being in a similar position in the future, especially with these high interest loans that Morris so lovingly put on the club. 
    Ashley has the ability to put us back to square one from the first day he walks into the club. He would go from one of the most hated owners of a football club to being the most adored at another. I'm really pulling for Ashley to take over the club, because I see the liquidity he can bring and ultimately the stability he offers. 
  12. Like
    Betty Swollocks reacted to RadioactiveWaste in The Administration Thread   
    The EFL required an additional 24 hours to think up new and innovative ways in which rescue of Derby county can ge deemed to be not in line with EFL ruels.
  13. Like
    Betty Swollocks reacted to Ramarena in The Administration Thread   
    If the EFL we’re a normal organisation that would be good news.
    But with Gibson and t’other one down south holding Parry’s leash, I’m not so sure!
  14. Like
    Betty Swollocks got a reaction from Ken Tram in Boro forum theory   
    Its covered by a covenant that states it must stay as a football ground
  15. Like
    Betty Swollocks got a reaction from The Key Club King in Boro forum theory   
    Its covered by a covenant that states it must stay as a football ground
  16. Like
    Betty Swollocks got a reaction from RadioactiveWaste in The Administration Thread   
    Yes. They apparently re-entered the bidding process 2 weeks ago.
  17. Like
    Betty Swollocks got a reaction from RadioactiveWaste in The Administration Thread   
    Why would a bloke who no one has ever heard of, with less than 2000 followers get this scoop?
    Hope its true, but most likely someone looking for "Likes" and "Followers"
  18. Like
    Betty Swollocks got a reaction from RadioactiveWaste in Boro forum theory   
    Its covered by a covenant that states it must stay as a football ground
  19. Like
    Betty Swollocks got a reaction from Crewton in Boro forum theory   
    Its covered by a covenant that states it must stay as a football ground
  20. Like
    Betty Swollocks reacted to BramcoteRam84 in The Administration Thread   
    Spot on. Smoke and Mirrors. Gibson’s chats could well have been we need to talk but we don’t agree and then back to the admins to push the EFL. Boro and Wycombe are not backing down and won’t, so this is all about leveraging the EFL, painting the EFL in a bad light and forcing them to get off the pot and show some leadership and accountability as the regulator. Gibson painting Derby as the bad guys and his main goal to leverage some compo out of this and if he can he wants to screw Mel and get Mel to put some more money in to sort this out.
  21. Like
    Betty Swollocks reacted to Kathcairns in The Administration Thread   
    Agree with  you, brilliant piece of writting which all neutrals should read.
  22. Clap
    Betty Swollocks reacted to StaffsRam in The Administration Thread   
    Admin’s plan is pretty clear - maintain radio silence, let the pressure build on the EFL/MFC/WW and hope that they blink first if they can be guilted into doing the right thing.
  23. Like
    Betty Swollocks reacted to maxjam in The Administration Thread   
    And what does seeing out the season achieve if we're still stuck between the EFL and Boro/Wycombe claims?
    We'll never have as much momentum as we'll achieve over the next 12 days or so.  We need to ramp up the fact we might not exist in a couple of weeks time to force a resolution, appoint a PB and move on.  Carrying on in limbo until the end of the season only delays the inevitable and racks up even more debt.
  24. Like
    Betty Swollocks got a reaction from Ken Tram in The Administration Thread   
    I`m pretty sure it would be 1 league down from the conference, so probably Conference North.
    I read somewhere that whilst other Phoenix Clubs have started much lower down the pyramid, none of them are close to the size and fanbase of Derby and any clubs lower than this would simply not be able to cope with the amount of away fans that we would take.
  25. Like
    Betty Swollocks got a reaction from Carnero in The Administration Thread   
    I`m pretty sure it would be 1 league down from the conference, so probably Conference North.
    I read somewhere that whilst other Phoenix Clubs have started much lower down the pyramid, none of them are close to the size and fanbase of Derby and any clubs lower than this would simply not be able to cope with the amount of away fans that we would take.
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