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    jono reacted to bigbadbob in Random stuff that people do that annoy me   
    Can you give me their address and phone number please?
  2. Like
    jono reacted to rynny in Random stuff that people do that annoy me   
    Other companies that are in the same line of work ?
  3. Like
    jono got a reaction from Zag zig in Random stuff that cheers me up thread   
    Just been to the de da dance centre and seen a burlesque show. Totally and utterly silly but full of cheer and good natured fun. ( and quite a lot of girly curves bits, but obviously I was only interested in the artistry really ) 
  4. Like
    jono got a reaction from Carnero in Depression, anxiety, stress and other related issues   
    I am a bit like SillyBilly although not as extreme I suspect. .. Do all the sums .. Look at the end of the road .. You can see with perfect clarity where it's all going even with a fair wind. What's the point, hell in a hand cart 
    Then I remember that Dalai Lama quote .. The purpose of our lives is to be happy, and the one from I can't remember which Rock Star .. Our purpose in life is to mess about and have fun, don't listen to anyone that tells you any different. 
    I am getting towards the back end of my working life, still a bit to go. Relatively stable but going to do something a bit out of left field ( for me ) .. I used to be worried about change, status, what might be, what I "should" be doing or what I could have done. Now I am looking forward to it and gunning at the prospect .. Not a lot of money but a contribution 
    i am in awe of you guys that have shared your tribulations .. Keep doing it .. It's healthy. None of us is immune. Mates, even cyber mates are a huge help and want to help. I feel humble moaning about my occasional black dog days and grim pragmatic fatalism. 
    Pete you are right .. The delightful daftness of excessive footy passion is a perfect example of what we should be doing. Worrying too much about Trump, Putin, pension deficits the knackered boiler and Brexit won't make us happy or enrich the one way journey that is our life. Ball, back of the net, jumping for joy most certainly does. The guy who founded Honda said "The value of your life can be determined by how many times your soul has been strired." .. So for me I want to try ( and I fail often ) to find things that stir my soul. 
  5. Like
    jono reacted to Rev in Depression, anxiety, stress and other related issues   
    Glad you are feeling healthier mentally, it's a great thread you started and very helpful, thought provoking and obviously necessary.
    I'd imagine after you'd spent half an hour on the bog, the rest of the office gave it an hour, at least, before venturing in?
  6. Like
    jono reacted to Mostyn6 in Depression, anxiety, stress and other related issues   
    It's been a year since I posted the original post in this thread.
    Cannot truly remember my mind at that time, but I was certainly looking for answers to understand my feelings. 
    This thread has done me wonders and I can only thank every person who's posted in the thread and private messaged me. 
    A year on, I'm certainly in a better place mentally.
    I am however, very emotional at the moment. I've recently became an uncle. A good friend is lying in a hospital bed dying. My gran had a brain tumour removed and is recovering and I've managed to build a bridge with my mother having not really spoken to her in 4 years. 
    Today, I was reading twitter whilst having a poo at work and spotted the story in the Bournemouth paper about the letter attached to the balloon by a little boy who lost his dad and then went into foster care cos his mum was poorly. I'm not exaggerating, it took me about 25 minutes to get myself back together before I could go back into the office. It totally slayed me emotionally reading it.
  7. Like
    jono got a reaction from Highgate in Depression, anxiety, stress and other related issues   
    always for me it something natural .. A beautiful view or an animal, a sunset or sunrise. There are other things of course. 
    Remembering the things that inspired a sense of wonder long ago. That sense is still there in all of us but we don't tap into it because life becomes so routine and survival based rather than experience based as it was when you were younger .. Bit random as an answer but going to bed now. ... Night all sweet dreams 
  8. Like
    jono got a reaction from Rev in Depression, anxiety, stress and other related issues   
    always for me it something natural .. A beautiful view or an animal, a sunset or sunrise. There are other things of course. 
    Remembering the things that inspired a sense of wonder long ago. That sense is still there in all of us but we don't tap into it because life becomes so routine and survival based rather than experience based as it was when you were younger .. Bit random as an answer but going to bed now. ... Night all sweet dreams 
  9. Like
    jono got a reaction from Mostyn6 in Depression, anxiety, stress and other related issues   
    always for me it something natural .. A beautiful view or an animal, a sunset or sunrise. There are other things of course. 
    Remembering the things that inspired a sense of wonder long ago. That sense is still there in all of us but we don't tap into it because life becomes so routine and survival based rather than experience based as it was when you were younger .. Bit random as an answer but going to bed now. ... Night all sweet dreams 
  10. Like
    jono got a reaction from ketteringram in Depression, anxiety, stress and other related issues   
    always for me it something natural .. A beautiful view or an animal, a sunset or sunrise. There are other things of course. 
    Remembering the things that inspired a sense of wonder long ago. That sense is still there in all of us but we don't tap into it because life becomes so routine and survival based rather than experience based as it was when you were younger .. Bit random as an answer but going to bed now. ... Night all sweet dreams 
  11. Like
    jono got a reaction from froggg in Depression, anxiety, stress and other related issues   
    I am a bit like SillyBilly although not as extreme I suspect. .. Do all the sums .. Look at the end of the road .. You can see with perfect clarity where it's all going even with a fair wind. What's the point, hell in a hand cart 
    Then I remember that Dalai Lama quote .. The purpose of our lives is to be happy, and the one from I can't remember which Rock Star .. Our purpose in life is to mess about and have fun, don't listen to anyone that tells you any different. 
    I am getting towards the back end of my working life, still a bit to go. Relatively stable but going to do something a bit out of left field ( for me ) .. I used to be worried about change, status, what might be, what I "should" be doing or what I could have done. Now I am looking forward to it and gunning at the prospect .. Not a lot of money but a contribution 
    i am in awe of you guys that have shared your tribulations .. Keep doing it .. It's healthy. None of us is immune. Mates, even cyber mates are a huge help and want to help. I feel humble moaning about my occasional black dog days and grim pragmatic fatalism. 
    Pete you are right .. The delightful daftness of excessive footy passion is a perfect example of what we should be doing. Worrying too much about Trump, Putin, pension deficits the knackered boiler and Brexit won't make us happy or enrich the one way journey that is our life. Ball, back of the net, jumping for joy most certainly does. The guy who founded Honda said "The value of your life can be determined by how many times your soul has been strired." .. So for me I want to try ( and I fail often ) to find things that stir my soul. 
  12. Like
    jono got a reaction from Tony Le Mesmer in Depression, anxiety, stress and other related issues   
    always for me it something natural .. A beautiful view or an animal, a sunset or sunrise. There are other things of course. 
    Remembering the things that inspired a sense of wonder long ago. That sense is still there in all of us but we don't tap into it because life becomes so routine and survival based rather than experience based as it was when you were younger .. Bit random as an answer but going to bed now. ... Night all sweet dreams 
  13. Like
    jono reacted to ketteringram in Depression, anxiety, stress and other related issues   
    Me too . Any ideas ? 
  14. Like
    jono reacted to uttoxram75 in Depression, anxiety, stress and other related issues   
    This forum never ceases to amaze me. I'm going through some ***** atm that I never thought would ever bother me. I'm old school, never admit I can't cope type of bloke, even now, typing this, I reckon i'm strong enough to battle through the stuff that' s going on around me yet I feel humbled by the people who've shared  their innermost fears on here.
    Is it braver to battle on or admit you need help?
    fooked if I know?
  15. Like
    jono reacted to Hugh Jorgen in Depression, anxiety, stress and other related issues   
    As you can tell I'm fairly new to this forum but i've read through this post with great interest, I think its wonderful on a football based forum that this type of subject is discussed.
    I was always lead to believe that as a man I should be the strong silent type, stiff upper lip, take everything in my stride, not let anything bother me. I went through life pretty happily with that outlook, no real emotional highs or lows just plodding along as most folk do.
    I was then involved in a head on car crash, which was no fault of my own, nothing I could do to avoid it, one second driving along listening to Ken Bruce, next second bang.
    This has changed me forever, mentally and physically. I sustained life changing physical injuries. I've adapted to them pretty well and hopefully after a couple more operations this year I'll have no more pain or the need for constant pain killers.
    But mentally, wow what a difference. Mrs, kids, mortgage, no income. I was self employed so entitled to bugger all. Savings soon disappear, help from family and friends soon disappears (although I'm incredibly grateful to them). Thats when the rot sets in, i was in pain that I couldn't describe and wouldn't wish on anybody, unable to sleep so just lay awake worrying about things, the stiff upper lip soon disappears and I was a quivering, anxious, worried, in agony shell of the man I used to be. Thought about ending it all, couldn't do it to my family. But was I better alive or a burden. I couldn't even wipe my own arse, shower or brush my teeth, She was cutting my food up and feeding me! I'm sure my Mrs never signed up for that 20+ years ago!
    I was diagnosed with post traumatic stress and as most types of treatment for this numb the nerves it was supposed to be the best thing for me to relieve some pain. Non of em worked, still in agony, still a nervous wreck, worried about everything. Strange side effects, some sexual ones as have been mentioned by others. No fun having a boner 24/7 and being able to go like a stallion when your falling to bits, wish i'd took em when i was 18 though.
    Wow I've just read back through this and didn't realise I'd rambled on so much, i do apologise. This brings me to my point though. Talk to people, for Gods (deity of ones choosing) sake, talk to someone, anyone. I saw a therapist, very sceptical at first, but it's great to get it of your chest. I've been lucky my Mrs, kids and close family have been amazing, I wouldn't have got through it without them, I'm a different person now, I cry watching supervet on the TV, I would never have done that before my accident as it wasn't the thing to do. And the thing that got me through it all was talking to people and expressing how I felt, not bottling things up and screaming out loud when I had to!
    It might not work for everyone, I can only give input from my experience, but it got me through the darkest days of my life. I'm still not fully recovered but I can see a bright light at the end of a very long dark tunnel.
  16. Like
    jono got a reaction from Stive Pesley in Random stuff that people do that annoy me   
    I'm with you Stive
    they are either warm PJ's or tracksuit bottoms that you wear over shorts before taking part in sport. They are not day wear ! 
    Good grief what is the world coming to. ! I think it's worse than white socks and a business suit  
  17. Like
    jono reacted to Stive Pesley in Random stuff that people do that annoy me   
    Blokes who go out and about wearing soft cotton jogging trousers. In the house? Fine. Nipping to the corner shop? Just about acceptable. Any further? Unacceptable (unless it's to go and appear on Jeremy Kyle)
    I was on a training course last week and it was "casual dress". A lad on there spent the whole week in the same pair of jogging bottoms. Have some self respect mate.
  18. Like
    jono reacted to ramsbottom in Random stuff that people do that annoy me   
    Stupid f**kin click-bait as on the DET saying that Harrison Foard/Michael Jordan/Mel Gibson has given up on his so,n or you wouldn't believe what Richard Hammond/Macauley Culkin/Paris Hilton's net worth is!!!  Surely they don't pay the DET to have their spam filled/virus ridden sites advertised on there so why ar they thee?!?!?!?!?
  19. Like
    jono reacted to angieram in Random stuff that cheers me up thread   
    EE customer helpline. Helping me to sort a problem with my email - offered to ring me back so I could speak to the same person rather than having to start my explanation again. Never had that before.
    And they solved the problem too! 
  20. Like
    jono got a reaction from MuespachRam in Random stuff that people do that annoy me   
    Well said Tony 
    All too true ... Them and us should be restricted to the field of play and opposing fans ! 
    In life we should all try a bit harder to rub along together (sensible head on today and it is the season of goodwill )
  21. Like
    jono got a reaction from Stive Pesley in Random stuff that people do that annoy me   
    Cyclist are like the left wing of politics. A lot of them are decent people with a method of getting from A to B and would like everyone to share it. It might not be all that practical but the intent is good and sound. Then there are the militants who hate everyone who isn't like them and give no quarter regardless of circumstances. 
  22. Like
    jono reacted to Tony Le Mesmer in Random stuff that people do that annoy me   
    All great points MR. Cyclists are active people and benefitting the environment.
    I had little knowledge of the actual 'laws of the road, when it comes to cyclists and what they are legally entitled to do and not do so it's good you pointed a few things out. Perhaps most motorists don't know either and better education and understanding between the two would help matters.
    I am very patient and courteous when it comes to cyclists. I in fact was knocked off my bike by a lorry in my younger days and the driver left me and a mangled bike in a crumpled heap at the side of the road so I'm in no way pro motorist.
    I think like most things with me I just expect to be afforded a little bit of consideration as I do to others , regardless of 'entitlement' and to be spoken to properly and in a non threatening manner if I have a perfectly well delivered and polite question to ask.
    Maybe it's not a case of cyclist v motorist after all but just another example of how nasty we've all become in society. Just that incidents involving these two parties inexplicably bring out the worst in folk when really we should be giving and taking and getting together to improve relations.
    There clearly is a 'them and us' attitude on the roads and it's from both sides.
  23. Like
    jono reacted to uttoxram75 in Random stuff that people do that annoy me   
    There's quite a few female lycra clad arses around nowadays.
    Takes me ages to overtake even if its safe to do so. The wife thinks i'm being very sensible....
  24. Like
    jono reacted to Rev in Random stuff that people do that annoy me   
    Cyclists are ok, they're entitled to the same amount of space as a car, according to my CBT examiner many moons ago.
    Only when they're using a newly widened, 3 lane highway with a no cycling sign on it, because of the adjoining cycle path, are you permitted to mow them down.
    So far this week I've hit 3, which ain't bad going for a Monday.
  25. Like
    jono got a reaction from DarkFruitsRam7 in Random stuff that people do that annoy me   
    Cyclist are like the left wing of politics. A lot of them are decent people with a method of getting from A to B and would like everyone to share it. It might not be all that practical but the intent is good and sound. Then there are the militants who hate everyone who isn't like them and give no quarter regardless of circumstances. 
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