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  1. Clap
    jono reacted to On the Ram Page in Paul Warne   
    I’ve no problem with critics provided they have some evidence/justification to back up their arguments. It the speculative ones who say things like “Warne won’t be able to manage in the Championship” I cannot really tolerate. 
  2. Like
    jono reacted to Crewton in Paul Warne   
    I remember someone starting a chant of "Paul Warne, your football is sh*t" at Blackpool at 0-0, which got some purchase, before we took the lead.
    The most ridiculous criticism of Warne I heard was from a youth sat a couple of rows behind me when we were losing at home to Charlton telling anyone within earshot that Warne "is obnoxious". I wouldn't mind betting he was on the pitch on Saturday proclaiming his love for Warne 😂 
    You only had to listen to the moan-in after a defeat, draw or scrappy win to realise that the critics were persistent and numerous. I've little doubt that they'll be back the minute we sign an ex-Rotherham player.
  3. Like
    jono reacted to Returning ram in Paul Warne   
    Just come back on to congratulate PW, records broken and another promotion on his already impressive CV. 

    I will be disappearing again, although will keep an eye on transfer forum and don't worry @LeedsCityRam, our bet still stands and I will happily pay up if I lose.
    It may have been a minority, however the constant sniping at everything PW did, took the enjoyment out of the forum for me, from hampering the academy, not having the ability to get players in, PW football etc...he only had to lose one game and they were endless and imo unsubstantiated. I do appreciate though, it's all about opinions, so fair enough.
    I will come back though when he leads us to the PL 🥳
  4. Haha
    jono got a reaction from Animal is a Ram in Summer transfer suggestion thread   
    Wel they’re both regular church goers so it’s an easy mistake to make especially as we’ve got Vicars already. 
  5. Cheers
    jono reacted to Caerphilly Ram in Retained List   
    Percy’s latest article has a couple of interesting points in, one of which is that allegedly a recruitment meeting is taking place tomorrow and Warne will meet out of contract players next week, so probably won’t get confirmation of the retained list until later next week. 
  6. Clap
    jono reacted to goodgollymickbrolly in Retained List   
    As much as it’s been easy to bash Bradley after his calamitous start, he’s been excellent for the past few months in both boxes (bar the silly sending off)
  7. Cheers
    jono reacted to Ambitious in Summer transfer suggestion thread   
    I've just been told by a Huddersfield fan that there was talk of Sorba Thomas joining us and agreeing to terms last week. Not one I believe and haven't seen a single person mention it elsewhere, but thought I'd note it here in case it happens and I get ITK credibility. 
  8. Clap
    jono reacted to S6 boy in Summer transfer suggestion thread   
    I was really hoping he'd have a decent season then sign for us on a free in the summer. If we sign him now it could only really be with a financial arrangement that is heavily linked to appearances/goals. 
  9. Like
    jono reacted to silverback in Paul Warne   
    I was a manager with some success during most of my working life
    I learned early that the way to the objective was team work, any or all part of that team was heralded at some point, each person playing their part, large or small, but all of it orchestrated by the manager.
    The eventual goal being reached by the group, was the indicator of a good manager, so I will say we have a good manager. 
    We have much further to go to reach the promised land of milk and honey, and I would expect that most would give a grudging acceptance that Mr Warne should have the opportunity to take us to the next level.
    He may choose not to accept the challenges ahead and decide to step down.
    He may feel the challenge too much, and decide that he can maintain his kudos at a lower level and should that be the case, I would heartily thank him for his hard work in getting us out of the millpond of Division 1. 
    I personally think he will have much still to offer in a higher setting, and should he decide that the timing is right and wishes to uptake the stark challenges ahead, I for one would whole heartedly support that initiative.
    I like his whole club mentality and generally as a person he comes over as genuine,  and that will always be a key issue for this old fan, he cares.
    So to close, Mr Warne because of you leadership and moral code, I will accept your decision either way, but if you stay you will definitely have the support of this old RAM.
  10. Cheers
    jono reacted to Archied in Paul Warne   
    Spot on 
  11. Like
    jono reacted to Archied in Paul Warne   
    Yet your not prepared to clarify what you hint at , ie if someone says they feel bullied then they are being bullied , you may well deal with it in your job , doesn’t mean you understand it any better than anybody else , your above post sets you out as knowing more about it as you deal with it in your job,
    you’ve thrown out the accusation of bullying of forum posters , now I feel that’s bullying by you to get your own way, by your metric that make s you a bully , doesn’t matter if you are or not , me feeling it is enough to make it so ? 🤷🏻‍♂️
  12. Clap
    jono got a reaction from Archied in Paul Warne   
    I am happy to be proved wrong but I think it was something like Stockport Ram under a thread cheerio ?  -  can’t find it. It upset me at the time, hate to see anyone stressed like that,  but rather than bullying I think (don’t know if I am right ? ) he talked about toxic, negative, argumentative debate. Anyway, he/she had a point. Sometimes we all get riled and exchanges between posters get a bit spicy. Regardless, I would suggest that bullying (and I have been there ) is when you feel cowed, frightened and unable to voice your feelings because of some over bearing presence or physical threat. The contention that this has happened here is, to me at least, fallacious . There has been scorn, derision, petty name calling on many fronts but no individual poster has been singled out, isolated or threatened. The only possible “victim” of near universal opprobrium is Bris .. but he/she courts it and I suspect loves the attention caused by his inflammatory and condescending statements of “fact” - as he/she sees it. Everyone else has their allies. I haven’t seen anyone in a corner alone or picked on. I think you need to understand what bullying really is.
  13. Clap
    jono got a reaction from Premier ram in Can anyone actually name a single improvement Warne has done since arriving?   
    I don’t want to start a squabble at such a happy time but “crap and going nowhere” illustrates this misplaced demand for instant success. It’s something that rarely happens. I’d say, that at that time we looked lacklustre, disjointed, not working in harmony or being better than the sum of our parts (which is what a team game needs) Warne was new at the time, had inherited players and little room to buy. He needed time to build that group in to team. He needed to Instill his culture and methods. That took time.  He succeeded.
    That is why I get so narky when the knives come out after a couple of bad results. I am going to say the same next season when we are 15th in the table  just had a bore draw at home against a lower ranked side. Patience. 
  14. Like
    jono reacted to TuffLuff in Paul Warne   
    To be honest though mate I think we’ve all felt like that over one topic on this forum, the unfortunate truth is we’ve all been the person rounding up on someone else too. Although I think it’s got a little worse since the admin year because everyone was more active and living through every twist, I just think it’s part of forum life. You’ll  write a throwaway post and it’ll be analysed within an inch of its life, you’ll write five long paragraphs explaining your view in a balanced way and no one will engage except one poster who still hasn’t got the point of what you’ve said. Again, it’s what it is.
    We are all over precious about what we say, I really try nowerdays to make my point on something and let it go. It might not help debate but it helps not having to explain something over and over. Also I think we sometimes just have to admit we were wrong sometimes. I’ve criticised Warne, Bird, Wilson and a whole load more things at different times this season but I’ve also had to admit on here they’ve all proved me wrong at some point too. We all have a right to an opinion but we also have to put our arms up sometimes too. 
  15. Clap
    jono reacted to Eddie in Paul Warne   
    Knee-jerk reactions are just that. I was pointing out just how stupid they can be, and how much egg can be left on faces. You would think that people would learn not to jump in with both feet when a more measured response would be more apposite, but it seems to be a common trait amongst some. It's also worth pointing out that the thread in question rumbled on for several more months, with the egg getting more and more smelly with each passing week.
  16. Clap
    jono reacted to YorkshireRam in Paul Warne   
    It's the perfect lexical choice for what I meant?

    I politely disagree with the notion that all opinions are valid or equal, also. Plenty of critics this season resorted to calling Warne a ''clown'' or a ''PE teacher'' etc; these individual's opinions mean far, far less than those who actually know what they're talking about and can discuss without turning to throwaway insults. You kind of invalidate yourself when you stoop to that level...
  17. Like
    jono reacted to Anag Ram in Paul Warne   
    We are all expressing our own opinions on here. They are often opinions without background knowledge.
    We have no idea how players have performed in training, what’s going on in their personal lives, who’s a good influence and who isn’t.
    So there is every possibility that we are wrong. That doesn’t mean that we shouldn’t have our say, or indeed that other ’experts’ should tell us we are wrong, or even stupid.
    I am quite happy to admit that I was a complete arse in doubting Collins’ ability to score goals this season. 
    I have been a strong critic of Sonny Bradley, and whilst some of that was justified, I’m delighted at the way he has played at the end of the season.
    We’re all fallible but please let’s be more respectful of other opinions. Just as we don’t know much about the players’ private lives, you never know what posters on here are going through and how a casual slur can affect them.
  18. Clap
    jono reacted to Caerphilly Ram in Paul Warne   
    Let’s open up that conversation again, you and those others with valid concerns that you’re undoubtedly able to articulate should put them forward now (not saying you shouldn’t have before either by the way). The season is done, the radio Derby review and preview last night included some deserved praise for what has been delivered and some fair observations on what could be better, so let’s discuss it openly as adults as you say 🍻
    Any inappropriate comments or behaviour can be reported should there be any. 
  19. Haha
    jono reacted to RadioactiveWaste in Paul Warne   
    Open views and discussion are essential to the forum, but on the other hand we must take firm measures to ensure the purity of the faith and heathen unbelievers must be purged.
    No one expects the Paul Warne inquisition!
    *Tis a joke
  20. Haha
    jono reacted to Grumpy Git in Paul Warne   
    It's Tuesday, is it too early to start a new 'Warne Out' thread?
  21. Clap
    jono reacted to YorkshireRam in Paul Warne   
  22. Clap
    jono reacted to DerbyPride12 in South Stand...surely its time for proper stand names!   
    Didn't Clowes used to sit in the corner of North Stand?
    If so - Clowes Corner has a ring to it.
  23. Clap
    jono reacted to MansfieldRam in South Stand...surely its time for proper stand names!   
    Igor Stand - North stand
    Clowes End- south stand
    Clough and Taylors- east
    The Mac stand( after Dave Mackay) with Bald Eagle suite or the friends and family area named the bald eagle viewing area 
    Love the railway end mooted earlier in the thread. 
  24. Haha
    jono reacted to strawhillram in South Stand...surely its time for proper stand names!   
    That’s unfair to toilets 
  25. Haha
    jono reacted to RadioactiveWaste in South Stand...surely its time for proper stand names!   
    Avon Tyres stand, Ron Brooks Toyota Stand, Just Eat End, I-Pro corner, f*** the EFL until the End.
    But seriously, I like the Railway End for the north stand and Popside for the East stand.
    and the newly renamed mel morris toilet faclities, complete with image of his face in the bowl.
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