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Everything posted by RadioactiveWaste

  1. Irritating as a footballer but never had any kind of notion he was dislikeable personally. But JFC that's a bit much. Probably the best thing for everyone is when we finally get football prison island built Leeds get sent there along with the old firm and Millwall. There's a number of south Atlantic islands which are presently uninhabited and could be made suitably inescapable.
  2. That's interesting, so it's more of a workplace bullying kind of thing then? I'm glad it's not creepy sex stuff, but there are limits to workplace behaviour, and, I wouldn't want any real harm being overshadowed by the way it's being used as politics. We've also got to bare in mind this is a company HR matter, not a criminal one. There were various rumours of power struggles, Marko being sidelined and so on towards the back of last season, so in that context the complaint may be being used as a pawn in their game.
  3. Oh he'll learn soon enough....
  4. I'm just imagining when Colin rocks up at Aberdeen "Right lads, we're going to stop all this pretty nonsense and go back to hacking, whining, playing for set pieces and conning the ref" <watches first training session>
  5. It got to the "I don't care what you do Neil just get yourself out of the house before you drive me completely crackers!" Point of his latest retirement?
  6. Of course, not neccessarily mutually exclusive things. Red Bull Racing is it's own company within the group isn't it? I'm no expert on the set up but I gather the old days, Deiter just gave then lots of money and sent them racing and I can see that not flying in the new business structure.
  7. Concerning and I just hope it's investigated properly. I'm going to be honest, it feels sadly unsurprising when these things come out across all kinds of sports and other industries where powerful men seem to act with little accountability. I'd not be surprised if it turns out Horner is a creep. I'd also not be surprised if it turned out this is also part some internal red bull politics going on as they get used to life after Mateschitz (and unlimited money for two f1 teams isn't a thing anymore).
  8. Worked with Warne before, or got hired by Rotherham after? I'd guess being a good analyist just means condensing the data into something useful for the manager and coaches to learn from. The dark arts of interpretation. Hopefully he's good at it and hopefully it helps move the club forward.
  9. In Derby there's 2 good museums, several good pubs, a couple of nice parks and I'm sure folks will have a few other ideas, but the really touristy part is if you can head up into the peak district - a bit of a trek if you're only up for the match but if you're making a weekend of it there's some nice places to visit that aren't too far as excusions.
  10. Incoming headline: Neil Warnock suffers cardiac arrest after consuming 5 butterys in a twenty minute spell after being introduced to the fatty breadstuff during his club "getting to know you" meeting. https://scottishscran.com/butteries-recipe/ His last words were reported to be "oh i do say those are rather nice, you don't mind if I have another one do you, did I ever tell you about how Derby called off a game for snow when there was not a flake of snow on the pitch hhhhgggggnnnhhhggghaarggh"
  11. I do hope he finds his way somehow. Whilst as fans we might discus wasted talent unfulfilled or just we didn't get much out of him second time, and, with hindsight, how much we all think his recall for liverpool was a mistake for all involved. But just on a human level, he clearly had problems and I hope he's got/getting over them and can just play and live as happy person.
  12. Are they drawing themselves into the relegation picture? Of course not, they've always been in the relegation picture and just need to rediscover that failing touch that they had before Nuno came in.
  13. It's actually Cashin's and it's still got Alfie May in it.
  14. Played well today. Hopefully the corner is turned and he's a dependable part of the defense from now on. He had a terrible start here but it looks like that's over now. If the other defenders believe in him, then so will everyone else. Keep it up lad.
  15. I had to pop out and missed most of the second half, got back in just as it finished. Got one update on the radio and I was worried...
  16. They'll get past it at some point, but I think they're going to longer in doing it than anyone else since that season. But, losses like this are good for moral moving downwards.
  17. Not quite, but Wales in Cardiff rarely go down that easily, even when they've got a bad team.
  18. Walse 0 - 20 Scotland and it's Scotland who have been on top throughout. It'll be nice to get a win in Cardiff but there's still a second half to play and I expect Wales by hook or by crook to get themselves back into the game.
  19. Just thinking back to how many Derby teams in the past we've seen crumbling when the opposition gets a bit nasty. Glad they stood up to it today.
  20. Mostly pretty good after the first 20 minutes. Not really good, but not terrifying like some previous versions. I think Adams in midfield contributed to that.
  21. That's only because he realised he'd already booked Sibley
  22. Vickers tips over a completely free header... Need to get through this spell
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