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Everything posted by RadioactiveWaste

  1. I can't help but think "we hired an ex-referee to write angry letters for us" hasn't resulted in referees giving forest soft decisions whilst letting them away with others......
  2. Never seen you look as forest as you look tonight, Bald head smeared with s****, Relegation groovy dance, Will there even be a chance, Gumpette in red, Is dancing with Dawnie, Beard to beard.....
  3. I share a lot of your misgivings. My take is that in the longer view, F1 (or grand prix racing) has had it's pioneering age, and then it's heroic age, and i'm old eough to remember it's sporting age (whilst my dad remembers it's heroic age) but we've moved past it's coprporate age and are well into the "sport-tainment" age. I'll be watching motoGP this afternoon which is a lot more competetive than F1, even if the swarm of Ducatis seem to be too much, at least there is some "which Ducati" question and even then it's not unusual for KTM and Aprilia to sneak a win here and there, although the aero is gradually ruining motoGP in similar ways to F1, particuallly you can't get close to the bike in front without ruining your tyres.... Over the next few years (well, 10-15 at most) motorsports is going to have to change significantly, or become irrelevent, or just a memory. "who can drive the machine the fastest" I think will always be an appealing pretext for a sport and a show that people will want to watch but the machines and races are going to be different, not just the fuel source but i think the whole concept.
  4. He'd have been a very Paul Warne player I think. I liked Shinnie and was always a bit weird he went for only £30k when championship clubs would've taken him and probably for several times that.
  5. The only exciting part was Oli Bearman having enough pace over Lando and Lewis at the end. Haas did well to sneak a point. Albon had a nice couple of moves mugging Yuki and ocon. Stroll driving into the wall kind of ended up killing the race in a lot of ways. Danny Ric got so fed up being behind Logan Sargent all race he spun on his own. p1 max, P2 Checo, P3 Leclerc, p4 piastri (good job), p5 Alonso (good job), P6 Russell, p7 Oli Bearman (good debut in difficult circumstances p8 Lando, p9 Lewis, p10 Hulkenberg (good job), p11 Albon (good job), p12 ocon, p13 Yuki, p14 Sargent, p15 K-mag (after penalty), p16 Danny Ric, p17 Bottas p18 Zhou. Right MotoGP tomorrow to revive my faith in Motorsport.
  6. Neil Lennon apparently taking over at Aberdeen. I can only imagine the whimper of despair from his wife at the prospect of him being around the house all day again. Given the stage of the season she might have to put up with Colin all the way through to October when clubs start getting the sackings in.
  7. Defense v attack for the most part. Keep it up and we'll grind one in in the end. Let up and we're a brain fart away from losing a game we really shouldn't lose based on the first half.
  8. Marko has ruined more careers than he's created but he doesn't care because he got Seb then Max out of it. It's just the needless horridness along the way that marks him out, F1 is ruthless and always has been but Marko goes out of way to throw shade at drivers he's already sacked or throwing them under the bus whilst they're still his driver..... Sainz, Gasly, Albion and arguably Danny Ric (til he went to McLaren) all thrived after leaving the red bull outfit.
  9. It's always had a sprinkling of utterly appalling people (they always called them characters) and piranha club vibes, but it used to balance that out with a lot of classy people around and always had that "nerds and heros working in harmony" thing, now it feels more like "assholes assemble"
  10. Yass yass go on Max, flounce out in a tizzy and sign for Toto (there;s nothing a hundred men or more could ever do.....). Actually, no, I'd love to see Max sign with Aston Martin and the fun experience of being given no2 status regardless of how much better he is than baby stroll, there could be a whole Jos v daddy stroll drama...it'd be hilarious.
  11. I'm puzzled by just how off it Lewis is compared to Russell, apparently he's still not happy with the balance at the rear (although, it could "racing driver's excuses") - If this is how he's approaching the season, it pretty much confirms the Ferrari move was all about the dolla dolla bill y'all. I'm hoping red bull at least combust as a team even if their car is light years ahead if they all fall out with each other and at least have a miserable time doing it, it'll be something. Nice to see AM and McLaren looking good at this track, has the look of yet another "well behind Max t was quite good" race. I still have my issues with the jeddah track (better after the moved, and, yes, I have plenty of issues with Saudi...) but it has provided some good races. Perhaps a disgruntled red bull employee could give Max a gearbox that's actually buggered to deal with. "the downshifts are unacceptable. really bad" accompanied by losing a second a lap, not purple sectors would be manna from heaven.
  12. Qualifying: Well done Oli Bearman, P11 and knows the car had more in it, but did not disgrace himself ay all given circumstances. You know who 3 tenths clear. Then Leclerc, Perez, Alonso, Piastri, Lando, George, Lewis, Tsunoda, Stroll. Albon P12 is my lower order shoutout. Race is 5PM tomorrow.
  13. Pitch for "Paul Warne - the video game" Side scrolling beat em up where Paul warne does keepy uppy whilst he kicks baddies. Power ups are bobble hats. Done in a 16 bit sprite style Audio features crowd chants that get more or less positive depending on his health. The baddies are in the kits of each levels club, final boss is an EFL suit. When he dies the game gives a round of "your football is poo"
  14. Get well soon Carlos. Very exciting to see young Oil Bearman get a shot, I a good car as well.
  15. Bristol rovers 1-3 Derby Gayle frgs "We did well today and I'm proud of the lads. We have some big games coming up and it's great to see the group approach things in the right way."
  16. No I don't think so - we just didn't earn anything from a shirt sponsor last season,I doubt that counts as a donation in tax terms. I think I've I remember we did that because we only got taking the piss offers to sponsor the shirt and the commercial decision was taken that it'd be better to have a big charity on there for nothing than accepting very lowball offers, making the sponsorship more valuable in future seasons.
  17. Much as we hate on Quantuma (rightly so on many issues) they did take the job on and did ultimately manage to get Clowes in (I credit Clowes not Quantuma on that though) - Derby County is still a club and that was far from certain for a long time. It's not that I don't think others couldn't have done better so much as I think the better options didn't want this job because of the state of it, both the amounts owing and the tangled web of Mel Morris "arrangements".
  18. I think Warne has struggled a bit with the demanding nature of some of our fans, I honestly could see him walking because he gives off something of a "needs to be loved" vibe and I don't think we're ever going to love him, even if we do go up. I also think of we do go up with Warne, being underdogs in the champions (which we likely will be when we first go up) would be actually good for Warne's strengths but again probably unsatisfactory to some parts of our fanbase. As a club and as fans I think in general we value certain things in our side more than others, technical ability and attractive play over efficiency and work ethic (sweeping generalisation), but, I also think we get bad cases of the grass is greener whoever the management are.
  19. I think Toto is a tightly whites guy, Fred a silk boxers guy and Horny Horner is a revealing slip kind of guy.
  20. Smells like yet another episode of "dare to report the boss and he'll ruin you" HR managment, which tops off "took my complaint to HR and next thing it's over the newspapers and being used for business politics" and "now i'm expected to pass examination by a top barraster to have my complaint taken seriously" It's the *probably* genuine complaint being taken to play politics and being leaked aspect that angers me about this. I don't think anyone is remotly convinced and the entire episode has been handled appalingly. There'll also no doubt be the toxic-masculinity crowd crowing about "she made up things to ruin his life because evil wimmuns" which is not really the best way for motorsport to get over it's "toxic car guy" lingering perception.
  21. Bernie famously sold something that wasn't even his to sell (when he more or less invented licensing F1 broadcast rights) and as much as there is to dislike about him,he understood what he was selling (he probably failed to really understand the internet media age) but it seems liberty media are hell bent on making F1 be what they want to sell. I'd swap sprint races and a cluttered calendar of nothing tracks for open entry to teams and a 16-18 round calendar. The schedule is ridiculous now compared to even 10 years ago and I don't really think more is automatically better. F1 was always able to finish off teams that didn't belong without the need for spurious gatekeeping.
  22. Does the pope s*** in the woods? Is a bear a Catholic?
  23. It's another Saturday race this weekend, so free practice tomorrow, qualifying at 5PM on Friday and Race 5PM on Saturday.
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